Veronica CEO's Underworld Queen

Chapter 2

Since the only seat available is beside Martha which is the same seat that is across the man, Veronica reluctantly took a seat. The confident Veronica Wang unbelievably couldn't even raise her head because she is afraid she would catch herself once again staring back at the magnificently handsome man before her.

"Friends," Ric paused, "This is my older brother, Rawlf Sy."

"Rawlf Sy?!" They all screamed in unison. Rose who was usually aloof and silent even joined the "screaming choir". Even Veronica herself who was watching the tiled floor like she could see an interesting world of visible germs and bacteria raised her head and unintentionally looked at the man in front. Her eyes filled with astonishment and her lips parted in awe.

Ric, who was only aware that he "dropped a bomb" just like that, scratched the back of his head. "Well yeah, that Rawlf Sy."

'Rawlf Sy, the Rawlf Sy, the CEO of Sy International. The wealthiest and most powerful man in the whole country?!' Was each thought silently. But after seeing the man himself, the man who even the government and media was afraid, they are left with no courage to ask Ric loudly and instead, through the power of their so-called friendship glances. Seeing Ric nodding as if understanding their wild questions, they unknowingly straightened their back.

Veronica and her friends were definitely awestruck to have learned that the man who invited them over was no other than Rawlf Sy! The man beyond their league's ferocious, ruthless, and extremely wealthy and powerful Chief Executive of Sy International has happened to be Ric's older half brother.

Although they knew the fact that Ric was a son of a powerful business magnate, they were not intimidated by this because first thing, Ric was a very humble and friendly person and after all, having a Sy last name does not always means being related to Rawlf Sy or, even being his younger brother right? Right. Or they were just trying to justify their own stupidity.

Each one of them belonged to affluent families, but in front of a Rawlf Sy, they were nothing combined.

Veronica or any of her friends, excluding Ric, never knew what someone like Rawlf Sy looks like. In fact, there were never pictures of him on the internet or in any media. The man was aloof to the media and there was never any controversy linked to him. That's how powerful a man like Rawlf Sy is! In fact, they all thought that Rawlf is a middle age man considering his achievements.

He could control the media of Country P. The only instances where media were allowed to report about him were things related to Sy International and its yearly magnificent growth making Sy International as the giant among the ants of business companies in Country P!

But aside from that, no personal interview or even pictures of him were allowed to be published unless the said media companies wanted their own destruction! There were some courageous souls who challenged that 'urban myth' and their companies ended up not seeing another daylight!

Veronica and her friends were especially intimidated by the imposing aura Rawlf Sy exudes but she couldn't help herself from stealing glances on him there and then.

Sometimes she would also catch him staring at her and she would look right away and if he would catch her looking at him, her heart would beat faster and then she would feel something in her core as her body trembled.

Veronica couldn't help but to subtly bite her lower lip every time Rawlf would give her that predatory look.

Is this an attraction?! For the first time in her years of existence, she finally experienced what it's like to be attracted to someone! The thing is, it is for someone like Rawlf Sy.

Someone too........ unreachable. Someone too.......... powerful.

"Are you okay?" Martha whispered to Veronica.

"Of..., of course! Why?"

"Nothing, it's just that you were very silent." Martha giggled, "well it's hard to act normal much when we're in front of the most powerful figure in the whole Country P." "That's true." Veronica giggled back. "I wanna go to the comfort room. Want to come with me?"

"Sure, wait. I'll have to ask Ric first because I'm not familiar with this place. It's my first time in this place as well, haha." Martha stood and walked over to Ric who was seated beside his older brother, Rawlf. Their seat was across her so her checking him out was easy breezy and goes likewise for the man in question.

Veronica saw in her peripheral view that after Martha whispered the obvious to Ric, Ric said something to his brother and was about to stand up when Rawlf said something. Yvette, Rose, Floyd and Gedmaire were still into the card game and were already comfortable despite the presence of a Rawlf Sy. The atmosphere lightened up when Rawlf briefly told them earlier that he wouldn't take long and would leave first and since he rented the VIP room for the night, they were free to use it all for themselves since they were with his brother.

Everyone turned toward the door as it suddenly opened, Secretary Ryan strode inside and came towards Veronica.

"Miss Wang, I will assist you with the private CR of this club."

"Oh, you don't have to. Just point it out for us." Veronica, confused, looked over Martha who was still talking to Ric.

She was about to call for Martha when Rawlf suddenly stood up.

"I will leave first. Enjoy yourselves." Rawlf then looked over at Ric and walked his way towards the door. Veronica couldn't help but feel a slight disappointment deep inside.

"Secretary Ryan, assist Miss Wang first. I'll wait for you in the car."

After that, he left with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Miss Wang, let me lead the way," Secretary Ryan insisted.

"Martha, let's go." Veronica tried to cover the disappointment in her voice as she called out for Martha.

"Will you be okay alone or you need me to go with you?" Martha seems to be enjoying her conversation with Ric.

"Don't worry Miss Lu, I will assist Miss Wang to the comfort room." Secretary Ryan replied hurriedly.

Veronica was annoyed by how insistent the Secretary is. 'Does this Secretary like me?' She wondered. If Secretary Ryan was able to hear her thoughts, he would right away kowtow to his devil boss for he won't dare covet the women his boss was interested with, at the moment.

Seeing as Martha was enjoying Ric's company, Veronica resigned and accepted the Secretary's kind offer.

Veronica sighed an "Alright."

After Veronica answered the call of nature, she went out of the cubicle and washed her hands in the faucet. While gently washing her hands, she stared at her reflection back in the mirror. Almond eyes, decent nose to which she was always insecure about, and her pouty, luscious lips she painted red. Instead of Asian flush, whenever she's tipsy or drunk, her cheek would rather look pale. That's also the reason why she made sure to put an extra amount of blush tint on her cheeks. After all, she's a mix of Asian from Country P by her father and Western from Country R by her mother. Her hair colour was naturally red but her mom would dye it black ever since she was a child until now because she kept on telling her that her natural red hair might make her the center of bullying or worse, endangered her.

Her features were quite unique for the people of Country P. She has her own kind of beauty and she knows it well.

Still watching her sultry reflection, a pair of eyes flashed across her mind. She couldn't deny the fact that she's beyond attracted to Rawlf Sy. Dangerous, dark and deep seated eyes that glimmer in the dark. Beautiful nose. Thin sexy lips and a sharp jaw, unconsciously, she bit her lower lip.


Suddenly, the comfort room's door opened and in came the man who she was just fantasizing about. Her alluring expression still clothed her face as they both looked into each other's eyes. Veronica's whole body trembled as she saw that pair of predatory eyes gazing back at her. She felt a warm pool on her lower core.

Rawlf Sy first locked the door behind him and slowly, he approached the young woman running through his mind a while ago. Rawlf himself is already aware of the strong attraction between them much when they were just a few steps away earlier inside the VIP room.

This girl is an enchantress unaware of the pheromones she exudes and is capable of driving men crazy. And she deserves to be ravish in his embrace.

Looking at her alluring reflection in the mirror, an unexplainable and uncontrolled beast broke free. He suddenly grabbed her by the waist turning her to face him and, as if chased by a legion of demons, hurriedly dipped his lips in her slightly parted mouth.

Veronica was scared to wit after seeing who the intruder was. She thought at first that her fantasies might have upgraded to another level but the realness of the moment was confirmed by the click of the door. 'He locked it!!!' She panicked yet, as possibilities of what his intention might be, she was scared but at the same excites her.

She couldn't peel her eyes off him as he slowly walked towards her. She gasped when he suddenly pulled her by the waist and with much urgency, dipped his lips on hers. His sharp and slick tongue invaded the insides of her mouth occupying it like it's his. She was in a moment of daze and when things registered in her brain, she was already kissing him back, her tongue clumsily defending her own territory but to no avail, the invader landed victorious.

She was at loss for breath when he stopped and there she breathed a mouthful before Rawlf once again aggressively peered her mouth open and engaged her to another battle. He stopped suddenly. A predatory glint in his eyes as he whispered sexily. "I want you."

Veronica once again trembled, confused by the sudden passion.. Undeniably, her sexual attraction over the man has reached another level. 'What the hell is going on?!'

However, the problem is, she, the alluring Veronica Wang, was still a virgin!

But that doesn't mean that she's not in any less ignorant. She's aware of her own sexuality and is even open with exploring and satisfying her own sexual needs. She's not the conservative type but at the same time, not too liberated type to just let herself get fuck by anyone all for the satisfaction of her sexual needs.

Or maybe before, she has not yet met the kind of man who could make both her panties and rational sense to drop. Not until she met someone like Rawlf Sy.

She's turning twenty and there were boys in her university who were attracted to her but because of the aura she exudes plus her resting, bitch face that intimidated them, they backed out before even trying to know her. Aside from the fact that Veronica kept her circle of friends small despite her coming from another wealthy, political family.

Quality over quantity. The belief she would be grateful about in the future.

Veronica has her own fair share of popularity, much because she's a student government officer in her university and at the same time, a dean's lister. Seeing her distracted, to his annoyance, Rawlf slightly pinched her left butt cheek.

"Hey, what the-" Veronica was caught off guard and Rawlf once again connected their lips together. He lightly bit her lower lip and soothed it through sucking it gently. His kisses this time was gentler as he was coaxing her to give in. What Rawlf Sy wants must Rawlf Sy get. And he definitely wants this woman.

"I want you?" Rawlf asked her once again. She managed to get his attention earlier in the club and had been running through his mind earlier in the VIP private room. Now all that he wanted to do was lay her on his bed and taste her.

Fully and raw.

He saw the hesitation in her eyes and cunning as he had always been, smirked and once again dived down inside her mouth giving her a mind blowing kissed while his hands caressed around her body from pinching her behind to fondling her bosom, 'Cute melons' he thought, making her want for more. Then he suddenly stopped. Seeing her confused and disappointed look, Rawlf smirked in victory.00000000☐☐☐☐☐☐

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