
chapter 9


I’m left panting in the shadows as I watch her runoff. What the fuck just happened? Everything I just learned is messing with my head. First, she killed Levi, now she was sent to kill me! But she didn’t, she had plenty of opportunities to but she chose not to, and she told me about Lucy. Fuck whatever happens to me, I can’t just lay low from the cops when I know they have Lucy and they plan to turn her into a killing machine. And what would happen to Scarlet now that she didn’t kill me? I need more answers and to find out where they are keeping her.

I race around the corner and hop on my bike, my dick straining against my pants with the hard-on Scarlet left me with. There is something about her, something different from any other woman that does something to me. I catch up to the van weaving between traffic. I keep a solid distance away so I’m not spotted until the car reaches just beyond the city limits. Slowing down and turning down a long drive, I shut my bike’s headlights off and watch them enter through heavily secured gates before the lights dim around the place and it sinks into the darkness.

I park my bike along the side and walk up to get a better view. I’m not even sure how big this place is as only two small dim green lights now illuminate the gateway entrance. I was fucking lucky I didn’t run into the fence after the van went in. Throwing a piece of debris from the ground, the wire spark and I know it’s electric and be careful not to touch it. The place looks like a prison securely enclosed behind the high barbed wire.

I watch as three men in suits get out of the van, one dragging Scarlet by the arm and aggressively pushing her to keep walking in the building. I can tell already they treat her like shit. Kept in cells she told me, like a fucking prisoner, it makes my blood boil just thinking of what they do to them, the torture they have to endure. Not to mention Lucy is in there!

If it is a government base it will be locked tight and secure, I have to think of a way to get in. My poor innocent Lulu is in there, who I’ve tried so hard to protect. I’m kicking myself for sheltering her so much now; she doesn’t stand a chance in there for what they are capable of doing to her. I have to get in somehow.

Starting up my bike, I’m hoping, I’m far enough away that they don’t hear my engine. I ride with my lights off until I hit the main road again and head to the only place I know I’m safe at this moment.

I park my bike around the back and head into the drug house. The place is pretty quiet after my ass kicked them all out last night.

I go find Ben who is sitting watching some stupid reality tv show, guzzling back a can of beer. At least it’s just beer and not more drugs. He still has the sweats and shakes from coming off them again. I wonder how I can tell him, will he think it’s all a fucking joke?

“Ben,” I nudge him as I sit down. Good I only see two cans that means he isn’t drunk.

“I need your help man.”

“What’s up?”

“I know where Lucy is,” I start to say and he shuffles in his seat, wiping the sweat from his forehead, turning off the tube to pay closer attention.


“The government has a secret operation and they are keeping her with a bunch of others in a securely guarded building,” I just blurted it out.

“Fuck.” He blows out a breath of air, I’m not sure if he understood what I’ve just said?

“Ben!” I shout seeing his head Bob back as he starts to fall asleep.

“Fuck, what are you going to do?” He leans forwards, I’m sure he is about to puke up.

“I don’t know, but I have to get her out! I can’t go crashing the place with all the armed guards from what I saw. I run my hands over my face thinking. Scarlet...her face pops into my mind, I have to get her out of there too! Maybe she can help me get in somehow.

“There is this woman...” I start to say and just thinking about her makes me smile. I see Ben’s head perk up.

“What woman? She hot? You fuck her?”

“Fuck you, it’s not like that! Well...maybe, I don’t know.” I can’t hide my reaction thinking about her again.

“She is after me, apparently I’m on a hit list or something.”

“You got a hot chick chasing you?” Ben chuckled as he took a swig of his beer.

“She might be a way in, but I don’t know how I can get to her.”

“Have you spoken to Mikey? He had some affiliation to the force in the past didn’t he?”

“Yea, that’s the only reason he isn’t in the clink now, lucky bastard.”

“Talk to him, see if he knows anyone?” Ben falls back onto the sofa and turns on the tv, most likely passing out in a second.

I punch in Mikey’s number. “Hey man, I need your help, I know where Lucy is but...” I trail off what I was going to say as I suddenly had a thought; could they be listening to me?

“Can you come here? We can’t talk over the phone.”

“It’s fucking god knows what time Kade, get some rest!” he yawns on the other end. “I’ll come in the morning.”

“Fine, keep your eyes open, watch out for anyone tailing you.”

“Yea I know the drill, see you tomorrow.”

I switched off my phone as now I can’t trust anything. Scarlet had said she was tracked, which means I could be. I pace over the floor with thoughts mixed up in my head; I’m worried what will be happening to Lucy, what will happen to Scarlet.

“Man you need to stop wearing the carpet down, go get some rest.” Ben swigs on his beer again.

“Maybe you are right.” I head to one of the rooms in the house, hit the bed and pass out.

I make another coffee, I’m sure my veins are flooded with caffeine by now, I wish Mikey would hurry up. The sound of the front door has me jumping off the stool and checking to see who it was.

“About fucking time.”

“Shit man, the place is flooded with cops, I had to be careful.”

“Yea alright. Come on in,” I let him through and get right to it.

“I know where Lucy is.”

“That’s great.” He pauses and looks at me. “So I’m guessing it’s not good if I’m here?”

“She’s locked up in some cell in a huge secret government complex just outside of the city.”

“And how the fuck did you find that out?” Both his eyebrows raised up giving me an inquisitive look.

“Some chick who is after him.” Ben had woken up on the couch from last night and came through to the kitchen. He looked rough as shit.

I make them both a coffee and refill mine while I tell them everything I know.

“I need you to see if you can get your pal to do some checks for me?”

Mikey sighs. “I’m not involved with her anymore, not for a long time.” He shoves his hands into his pockets.

I rest my elbows on the kitchen counter, drop my face in my hands and rub my temples. Mikey rests his hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze.

“Look man, maybe I can contact her, see if she knows anything about the place. I’m interested to know where the fuck this base is you are talking about.”

“Let’s grab something to eat and take a ride out there, I want to know how big this place is, I couldn’t tell in the dark last night.”

“We might have to wait a while, the city was teaming with cops when I was coming over.”

Agreeing with Mikey we sit and talk, I run over what happened in detail from last night and the feelings that I had when Scarlet kissed me. Just remembering her now has my dick throbbing and growing in my jeans. Fuck, how can a woman have this kind of effect on me? At this rate I’m going to have to pump one out to keep me satisfied.

After a couple of hours I grab my keys for my bike and Mikey hops on his and we head out. It is further out than I remember, I’m sure it was here, I passed a track which leads off the main road and swung my bike around. I pointed over to Mikey to tell him this was the place. We make our way down the dusty road, there are several bushes dotted about. I notice in the horizon a shimmer so pull up the bike and swing it off the track and behind the bushes. Mikey follows me and hops off his bike, pulling out a pair of small binoculars.

“Well fuck me.” Mikey passes me the binoculars.

“Shit that place is huge, and the fence seems to surround it.”

I pull Mikey down as the noise of some vehicle hums down the track. We watch it go past us and head to the complex, a small logo on the side of the truck catches my eye; I was sure I had seen those same vehicles somewhere in the city before but I just couldn’t think straight right now. Mikey and I watched it disappear inside while we stayed ducked behind the bush; passing the binoculars between us watching the place for a while.

“You’re not going to get in there very easily.” Mikey hums.

“How am I going to get Lucy out?” I want to punch the bastards who took her. I look through the binoculars again. “Shit, there’s movement, another vehicle is coming this way.”

“You don’t think we were spotted?” Mikey goes to get on his bike.

I haul him off it. “Too late, we’re fucked if we leave now, just keep your head down.” We crouch down behind the bushes and hope for the best.

The van went flying past us. I noticed it was the same as the one from last night. My heart rockets and starts hammering in my chest at the thought of Scarlet, was she in there? Is she coming back to find me?

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