
Chapter 27



The pain which throbbed on the back of my head was different this time. Every ache shot through me as it pounded against the insides of my head. I reached around and touched where a small lump had formed.

"Owch,” wincing from the pain as I shuffled, managing to sit myself up. As I opened my eyes Kade came into view.

Lucy's eyes were wide, red with fury and hate, she didn't know who Kade was and my heart ached for him. Her mouth widened as she was about to sink her teeth into his neck. I had just lost Dax and I couldn't take losing Kade too. Pushing up with all my strength, I lunged at Lucy, swinging my hand under her chin knocking her head upwards and her teeth away from the side of Kade's neck. Hearing her teeth clatter against each other, and a loud hiss came from her as venom spat everywhere. Lucy turned on me once again, coming faster this time, she leaped towards me, her hands wrapping around my throat as I tried to hold her back. We went flying back knocking into the computers set around the room's edge. I grabbed her hair pulling it back as her teeth came deadly close to my face. I felt the warm spit and venom spray across my skin.

"LUCY!" Kade hollered at her hoping to get her attention away from me. He held up the gun in his hands again and pointed it at Lucy. Tears already flooding his eyes and his bottom lip trembled. "Lucy, please come back to me," he said as he swallowed hard.

I seized this opportunity and took her legs out from underneath her, sending her falling to the ground. Kade moved and pointed the gun directly at her pressing it against her head.

"Don't move Lucy. Please don't make me do this."

Jenkins caught my eye as he was tied to a chair and trying to push it out of the door; maybe he thought that someone would come to his rescue? Not if I got to him first.

"Kade, you got her covered?" I glanced at him.

I shot to the door where Jenkins had escaped out of. The slimy bastard thought he would get away with it. He was still pushing himself along the corridor further away and towards the exit. I grabbed the chair and spun him around.

"Going somewhere?" I let out a cackle.

"Please we have to get out of here." He was begging, pleading with his eyes.

"You should have thought about that before you destroyed the switch." I started to wheel him back towards the computer office when an idea popped into my head. "You wanna go for a ride?" The corner of my mouth curls upwards into an evil grin.

I spun him around again before taking a peek down the stairs to make sure no one was around. I spotted Conway down at the bottom slumped against the wall. Now I know how Lucy got out of her cell, the poor bastard had been played.

"So you want to die with one of your other unlucky buddies?"

"Please Scarlet, I'm begging you!"

"You should have thought about that before you put us all through hell, I've lost Dax because of you, Kade could lose his sister and you think you get to live..." I'm fuming at this point as he continues to plead with me. "The only place you are going is your own personal hell, Enjoy the ride, fucker."

I stood back, my heart beating wildly as I used my foot to push the chair backwards and watched the terror in his eyes as he disappeared. The screams were left echoing through the corridor along with the clatter as the chair and his body tumbled down the flight of stairs. I watched his body hit the bottom, the chair had broken to pieces and his body now lay deformed and twitching. Taking a deep breath I noticed Ben's face appear from below. He was obviously coming to find out what the noise was.

"We're coming up, we have most of them I think."

"Get them out of here, we don't have much time left," I shouted down just as the voice echoed again on the system reminding us we only have five minutes remaining.

I ran back into the room to see Kade still pressing the gun against Lucy's head. He was battling so many different emotions, he turned his head to face me, his eyes watery. I wanted to hold him tight and my heart broke for him; I didn't know what else we could do for Lucy. The antidote didn't have any effect on her and we were out of time.

I saw Lucy smirk seeing the opportunity of Kade lost focus.

"KADE!" I shouted at him as Lucy pounced on him, her teeth baring at his neck and she gripped the back of his head and sank her fangs in.

"NOOO!" I screamed as she released his limp body and he fell to the floor. All my anger surged through me like an explosion and I launched my body towards her, knocking her down hard. I tried with all my might to clench my hands around her head and twist until her neck snapped but she fought against me and was now much stronger than my normal human self. She wrapped her legs around my body like a python and was able to spin our bodies to have hers pinning me down. She showed her teeth again, this time covered with Kade's blood, and took the time to play my fears as she glided her tongue across her sharp fangs licking her own brother's blood from her teeth.

Just as she was ready to sink her teeth into my neck I heard the sound of a gun going off and Lucy flinched as I watched a bullet pierce through her chest from her back. Her blood splattered across my face and Lucy's body slumped on top of mine.

I got a glimpse of Kade laying on the floor holding the smoking gun that killed his own sister before it dropped it at his side and his head hit the floor again.

"KADE!" I cried pushing her limp body off me and crawled to his side.

"Baby! Baby! No! Hang in there!" I lifted his head onto my lap and remembered he had extra vials in his pocket. I quickly fumbled through his jeans pulling all of them out. Unscrewed the top, I lifted his head for him to swallow the liquid from all the vials he had with him. Hoping the extra dosage would kick in his system as fast as an injection to the vein.

"I k-killed her. I-I had to. She-she wasn't Lucy anymore," he mumbled as he choked on the liquid coating his throat.

"I know. I'm so sorry, Kade." I stroked his hair from his face as the tears fell from my cheek soaking our linked hands.

"I couldn't let her hurt you. It's better off me than you." It's as if he was saying his goodbye and the tears and cries suddenly worsened.

"Baby! Don't say that! Please, you can't leave me! Just hang on a little longer and the antidote will kick in!"

"MIKEY! BEN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs for their help. I soon heard their pitter-patter running down the hallway, their steps screeching against the tile floor.

"I NEED ANOTHER ANTIDOTE! NOW!" They took one look at the scene and Ben booked it back down the corridor.

"Is everyone else out?" Kade faintly asked Mikey and he nodded solemnly staring at Kade's limp body in my lap.

"You guys go! Get out of here."

"I'm not leaving you, Kade!"

His eyes drifted to the back of his head and the white foam began to pour from his mouth.

"Kade! Noo! Please!!" I started to shake him and wipe his mouth not accepting he was dying in my arms.

"BEEEN!" I screamed wondering what was taking him so fucking long and Mikey ran to go check.

"KADE! STAY WITH ME! I LOVE YOU! I DON'T WANT TO LIVE IF IT'S NOT WITH YOU!" I rested my head against his as my tears drenched his cheeks. I heard Mikey and Ben scrambling beside me injecting the antidote in his arm.

"You guys get the hell out of here!" I order them but they sadly look at each other.

"Kade wouldn't want us to leave you here."

"I SAID GET OUT! I'M NOT LEAVING HIM! IF HE DIES, I DIE TOO! NOW GOO!" I watch as they reluctantly scurry out the door together leaving me alone with Kade. I wipe the residue of foam from his mouth and plant a kiss on his lips.

Resting my head against his chest, ready to die and meet him again in whatever afterlife awaits us. I close my eyes and try to slow my etched breathing from crying so much but my head was still faintly bobbing up and down. I lifted my head to look at him again and he let out a quiet murmur. He was alive! I pressed my finger to his neck and felt a light pulse. I exhaled a gasp of relief knowing he's alive and my body kicked in knowing I had to get us out. We had nearly a minute left before the gas was released. I jumped to my feet and grabbed his arms. Hoisting him up I let out a piercing scream at the weight I carried across my shoulders as I dragged his limp feet against the tile slowly making our way down the hall.

"Hang on baby, we're almost there," I cried gritting my teeth feeling the sweat beating from my head as I continued down the corridor. I heard the piercing silence as the alarm finally stopped blaring after the agonizingly long fifteen minutes but my heart dropped knowing that wasn't a good thing. The clink of the chambers hidden in the ceiling vents opened and a foggy white cloud began to fill the air.

"Don't breathe it in, Kade!" I shouted as I took one last gulp of air and tried to move my legs faster and faster down the hall until we reached the door. My mind felt dizzy and my vision began to duplicate.

"We're.....almost...there...Kade!" I felt his heavyweight against me until it got lighter and lighter and I couldn't feel my feet and everything went black.

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