
Chapter 16


The last thing I remember was feeling weird before I blacked out. A voice kept repeating in my head and images flashing before my closed eyelids. The taste of copper still lingers in my mouth from my first bite, Conway’s face invades my mind and I smirk knowing what I did to him and how much I enjoyed it. Noises in the background bring me back from my thoughts. A soft voice speaks to me, I recognize it, I’ve heard it before. She repeated my name and I glanced over at her. I’m trying to put my finger on what it is about her that I know.

“Are you okay?” She scrunched her face puzzled as she spoke to me. “We are going to get out of here, Lucy. I saw Kade, he’s coming for us.

“Who is Kade?” I question her, I don’t remember.

“He’s your brother, Lucy.” She leans her face against the bar and reaches her hand out at me.

“I know you from somewhere?” I chew my thumb trying to rattle my brain. This wasn’t making sense to me, I’m here to kill those who have done wrong, that’s what we are trained to do. “Are you the same as me?” I ask her as she is in a cell also.

“Yes, but I’ve changed, Lucy! I was sent out to kill your brother, remember? I couldn’t do it!”

“You couldn’t kill? It’s your purpose to kill those who have done wrong!” I said.

“Lucy? Don’t say that? They have brainwashed you to think that way! He is your brother, remember? Lulu is Coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs! Kade! Your brother!”

The unlocking of the door brought my attention back to the front and wondered who was coming. I can’t help the grin on my face as I see him, I stand up and lean against the front bars.

“So sexy, do you want to try round two?” I smirk at Conway who now has a gauze bandage around his neck covering the bite I gave him earlier.

“You can keep your hands and mouth to yourself this time,” he gritted his teeth.

“Oh, but I’m so hot for you now.” I bite my bottom lip seductively at him followed by licking my lips. “Please, I need to feel you,” my voice was full of want for him. I did want him, I wanted to bite him again, to feel the euphoria I felt before.

“Go on, I’m sure she won’t bite you again.” Simpson next to him chuckled and gave Conway a nudge forwards towards me.

The person next to me was laughing her head off at Conway, then she was silent and her eyes went wide. I watched Simpson and Conway look at each other and gave each other a nod. The metal baton rattles against our bars.

“Lucy, you are up for more tests. Scarlet, you will be next.” Conway gives us both a smirk.

“Scarlet,” I repeat her name as something is coming back to me now. She glances over at me as if she wants to say something but can’t.

“Turn around and put your hands behind your back, Lucy.” Simpson steps forward and places metal cuffs on me; I guess they think they wouldn’t be able to handle me now. The door opens and I am taken out down the corridor. I glance back at Scarlet, an image flashes in my head, I remember her taking care of me.

“Where are you taking me? Am I going to go out for my first assignment?”

“Not quite yet, we want to do some checks on you first, see how your skills have improved since the last time.” An older man spoke as he tapped on what looked like a mini laptop.

“Conway, do you think you can keep an eye on her while Simpson fetches my other subject and I organize some things?”

“She has cuffs on, I’m sure I can manage her.” Conway grabs the cuffs which have my hands secured behind my back. “Behave, little girl,” he hissed in my ear, I can feel the droplets from his spit on the side of my face.

“But I thought you liked me being naughty, Conway?”

I turn my head to see his eyes, his pupils have dilated, I can tell he is thinking things through. “I’m all tied up here, Conway.” I lick my lips at him. “Touch me, I want you.” I just want my fucking high.

He swallowed hard, his grip on my hands loosened and I spun around to face him. I push my body up against his, he holds my arms trying to keep me at a distance but it’s not working.

“Undo my zipper and touch me, I know you want to.”

His eyes roam over my body as he debates whether he should or not. Finally, he wets his lips as his fingers come up to the zip, slowly peeling it down as he holds his breath until my skin is revealed. I watch the pulsing veins in his neck on the side I hadn’t bitten before. My heart rockets as his mouth covers one of my exposed nipples, sucking it and moaning as he does.

“I knew you would want me as much as I want you.” I let out a cry of pleasure as he bites my nipple pulling it until he lets it go. He spins me around so he is standing behind me and slides his hand down into my jumpsuit.

“Fuck, you don’t know how much I have been wanting you,” he groans as he pushes down into my underwear sinking his fingers into me.

I tip my head back into him and let him fuck me with his fingers. One of his hands cups my breasts and plays with my nipples.

“Yes, keep doing that to me,” I grind my hips and my ass into his erection. Every nerve ending in my body sets on fire and a wave of euphoria ignites in my core, my legs shake and Conway holds me closer to him as he grinds himself up against me fast.

I can’t even speak as my orgasm shakes my body and I cum all over his fingers. He grabs the back of my head and spins me so he can kiss me. I let his mouth smother me, all the time I watch his throbbing vein bulge out from his neck.

He will never learn, I am trained to bite, to kill. I move my mouth quickly and sink my teeth into the other side of his neck. His cries of pain and anger filled the room, he tried to pull me off him but a second wave of another orgasm hit me. My eyes roll back in my head as my body tenses. His fingers may no longer be buried inside me but my throbbing core explodes again. I let him go as I come down from my high and lick my lips as I am left panting.

Conway is gripping the other side of his neck, cursing at me as I stand there grinning at him.

“So what are you going to tell them this time then? It is a nice love bite I’ve given you.”

He goes over to a small sink and starts splashing water on it to calm the pain down.

“Someone is coming,” I whisper to Conway as I hear footsteps and talking.

Conway looks like he is about to panic as he dries himself off and quickly comes back over to me, zipping my jumpsuit up just in time.

The door opened and a couple of younger scientists came in pushing a cart of machines and monitors. Moore comes in with another subject and the old man along with him.

“These monitors are to keep track of your heart rates as we continue with the next stage. Hook them up would you fellas,” Kirkland says, and they give him a small nod.

Conway sits off to the side in the corner while the room busies itself, probably hoping the irritation on his neck calms down before people see. The gentle beeping of the monitors filled the room indicating our heart rates and breaking the dreaded silence.

“I’m going to prepare the teeth, I need to get some things in the supply closet. Moore can do the injections? Lucy gets the one on the left-hand side and Troy gets the substance on the right.” Kirkland passes him the tray with the needles and leaves the room.

“Conway, get over here and make yourself useful,” Moore says. “Hold their head down for me, would ya.”

Conway stands and quietly walks over to the subject called Troy and holds his head.

“Well, no shit!” Moore looks distracted putting the tray down and grabbing the first needle.

“You owe me five fucking bucks!” He chuckled and injected Troy who didn’t even flinch.

“Who says it’s from her!” Conway tries to deny the bite marks but Moore raises his eyebrows and looks at me and then back to Conway.

“Fuck off!” Conway shrugs but Moore continues to laugh.

“Damn it, Conway, at least you’re still alive!” he laughed as he sticks a needle into me and I feel the cold liquid explode into my system. Next, my heart monitor starts beeping faster as my heart feels like it had an electrical shock and goes into overdrive; my body starts to shake uncontrollably.

“Lucy?” Conway’s voice shouts letting go of my head.

“What the fuck did you do to her!” Conway shouts and Moore nervously looks down at the tray of empty vials.

“Oh fuck! I mixed the vials up!”

“Well, what did you give her?”

“A dose of the serum to start phase one.”

“So she has a double dose of the serum to turn her!” Conway looks back at me as my eyes feel like they could pop out of my skull. I feel liquid gushing out of my eyes, nose, and ears like tears but thick like honey.

“Fuck! We need to call Jenkins. We might have created something too strong to handle.” Panic is heard throughout Moore’s voice as he knows he is going to get into shit for fucking something so simple up. I feel myself sliding into the darkness, everything around me becomes muffled and I continue to fall into the abyss.

I wake up in my cell with my head pounding and my vision blurry to the sound of muffled voices. My hands aren’t in restraints anymore and I touch the almost dried liquid that was streaming down my face, seeing its blood. I look up with double vision and see Conway, Simpson, and another man watching me and talking amongst themselves.

“What do you think, Dr. Jenkins?” Simpson asks and the man responds after scratching his chin, having pondered his answer.

“Given her results from the previous phases and the fighting ring, I don’t think she was very strong to begin with. Perhaps the second dose of serum has only brought her to the level of the other advanced new subjects.” He moved closer analyzing me like a circus character.

“I’d say we proceed as scheduled and carefully monitor her. Conway, if you value your life I suggest you wise up and don’t go anywhere near her again. You’ve been around these subjects enough to know what they are capable of. This is your last warning or you will be terminated. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes sir,” he bowed his head in shame and it made me smirk.

“Good. I don’t think your wife and children would appreciate your explanation as to why you’ve lost your job!”

“No sir, they wouldn’t.” he cleared his throat, keeping his head down.

“Very well, how are the others doing? Have you noticed anything that I should be aware of?”

“Actually sir, we got some alarming information about one of our oldest subjects,” Simpson added, perking Jenkin’s interest.

“The first generation of the trials?”

“Yes sir. I think it’s something to investigate further.” Conway continued to talk as my mind focused on something else that was new to me. A lingering pain throbbed in my gums. I slid my tongue over the sensitive area of my mouth and felt where my canine teeth had been removed, I knew I was in the last stages before my transformation, I was ready to kill.

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