Vengeance of a Queen: The Resurrection of Queens, Book 2

Vengeance of a Queen: Chapter 7

We’re all settled around the onyx table when Fayden asks me to place my hand on a circular crystal that appears in front of me. “It’ll take your memories of the events leading up to and during the battle, which will help the A.I. extrapolate potential futures.”

Ayla looks at Fayden like she’s some sort of unicorn. “And you’re only fifteen?” When Fayden grins, Ayla groans softly. “I’ve been alive for almost five hundred years, but you’ve done so much more with your life than I have. I’m mildly jealous.”

“Don’t be,” I chirp. “Her brother is Malcolm. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”

Ayla giggles, and Malcolm glowers at me.

“I’ll have you know I am an excellent older brother,” Malcolm scoffs.

Fayden snorts and covers her mouth behind her hand.

“I am!”

“It’s going to take a while before we’ll get anything from the system,” Fayden informs us with a small smile. “I can let you all know when it’s ready.”

Malcolm pops out of his seat surprisingly quickly. “Great.” He grabs hold of my hand, dragging me out of my chair. “I have something I need to talk to Olivia about.”

I quirk my eyebrow at him but allow myself to be led away. I hear Ayla chuckling behind us. I don’t bother to say anything until we’re standing in front of the door to my room.

“What is going on?”

“We have unfinished business,” is all he says as he opens the door, ushers me inside, and then closes it, warding it with a wave of his hand.

“Do we now?” I can’t contain my smirk. “What business is that?”

He doesn’t answer, just backs me into the wall near the door. His eyes darken as he places his hands on either side of my head, effectively boxing me in. I lift a brow at him, waiting to see what he does instead of taking the lead myself.

“You said you didn’t need time when it came to the bond,” he growls as he lowers his head to nip my neck, causing me to shiver.

“I did,” I confirm in a breathy voice, which is mildly embarrassing. My panther stills inside me, and I can feel my eyes shift into cat eyes.

His mouth descends on mine, fierce, hot, and so full of passion that it steals my breath. I arch into him, threading my fingers in his hair. He groans when my tongue touches his. His hands move from the wall, one fisting in my hair to move my head into a better angle, the other sliding down my body to grasp my ass. Malcolm kneads the flesh in an almost desperate manner, then nips my lip before licking away the sting.

He pulls me firmly against his body, and I feel the evidence of his arousal pressed against my lower stomach. The hand that was tangled in my hair vanishes for a moment, then the sharp snap of his fingers jolts me out of my lust fueled haze. I start to move my head back, but Malcolm’s hand tangles in my hair again, keeping our lips fused.

We’re both naked. 

The thought registers a moment before Malcolm’s hand squeezes my ass again. Not needing any further encouragement, I hop up, wrap my legs around him, and tighten my arms around his shoulders at the same time, my hands still buried in his hair.

I’m going to mark you, kitten. I’ll be balls deep inside you, and you’ll be screaming my name when I do it.

I moan into his mouth. I’m so ready.

Malcolm keeps me pressed against the wall, our bodies practically fused together, and shifts his hand from my ass to my thigh. We’re too close for his hand to slide the precious few inches to my clit. Which, while mildly disappointing, isn’t necessary. I’m already wet enough to drown a damn mermaid.

Play later. Get that dick in me. Now.

A soft chuckle is his response. He lifts his head slightly, and I open my eyes, both of us panting for breath. “I want to see your face when I fill your sweet pussy.”

Mierda, this man is a dirty talker, and I am here for it.

My lips part on a groan as his cock bumps my clit before easing into me. The man has girth. It stings a bit as he thrusts home, burying himself to the hilt, but damn if that sting doesn’t feel amazing.

Malcolm’s head falls to my shoulder as he remains still inside me. How sweet, he’s giving me time to adjust—time I don’t need nor want. I start rolling my hips, angling to take him deeper. A soft grunt meets my ear before he withdraws, pausing for a moment before slamming home again.

Yes. This. I don’t want soft and sweet for our first time. I’ve been craving him for far too long. I need it fast and hard. I try to tell him that through our bond, but all I manage is a moan as he continues his assault.

He moves slightly, allowing his fingers to access my clit, and my head thumps back against the wall, my breath hitching as he starts caressing it. I can feel my orgasm barreling toward me, my pussy clenching tightly around Malcolm’s cock.

“That’s right, kitten,” Malcolm growls into my neck. “Milk my cock.”

My panther roars to the forefront of my mind, and I feel my teeth shift in anticipation of marking him as our mate. Malcolm starts to nibble my neck, his own orgasm rapidly approaching as well. The feeling of his teeth against my flesh is all I need to detonate like a nuclear bomb.

I scream out my release as my teeth sink into the junction of Malcolm’s neck and shoulder. His teeth pierce my neck a moment later, a low groan rumbling in his throat from his own release. The mate bond that had been so thin snaps into place, allowing our emotions to flood into each other.

Malcolm is damn pleased to finally make this official. While witches don’t bite their mates like shifters normally do, he did it purely on instinct. Witches typically exchange their magic with their mate, though the exact details are unknown to me. When he bit me, Malcolm made sure some of his magic flooded into me through the wound, sealing us together not just in the traditional shifter way, but in the witch way as well.

The thought made my heart melt. He wanted us bound in every way possible.

Settling both his hands on my ass, Malcolm moved me over to my bed, putting me down carefully before going into the bathroom.

I hear the water in the tub running when Malcolm comes back out. He grins at me before scooping me up off the bed and carrying me into the bathroom where I see a bubble bath has been started.

“Is that for me?” I blink up at him happily.

“It’s for us.” He leans down to peck my lips before sliding us both into the tub. It’s not completely full, so the water is still running, but it feels amazing anyway.

We sit in silence until the tub fills and Malcolm stops the water with a flick of his wrist. I slide against him, feeling him harden as I do. He leans down to nibble on my ear, but he doesn’t make a move to do more while we soak.

“Not that I’m complaining,” I start, “but why now?”

“You almost died.” Malcolm’s voice is quiet. He leans his head back against the edge of the tub and closes his eyes, as if reliving the moment he and Caleb arrived at the battle. “There was so much blood. I wasn’t sure we’d gotten to you in time. The bond was so damn quiet.”

I can feel his anguish through the bond, so I cuddle closer to him, sliding my arms around him to hold him close. I know if I found him in a similar position I’d be devastated. Hell, I can’t even think about him like that without feeling my heart rate pick up.

“I didn’t want to regret not bonding with you, so I promised myself that if you made it out alright, I would complete the mate bond.” His eyes open and he presses a soft kiss to my temple.

“Well, now you’re stuck with me.” My attempt at lightening the mood is forced, but thankfully, Malcolm smiles.

“I hope you’re rested, kitten,” he says huskily.

“Oh?” My heart skips a beat as I look into his eyes, which have darkened with desire.

“You’re not going to get much rest for the remainder of the day, Liv.” He grins. “In fact, you’re going to need to rest up tomorrow if I have any say.”

“Oh, you adorable witch.” I grin. “You’re the one who is going to need rest tomorrow.”

It’s the middle of the night when something jars me awake. A dream? A memory? I rub my temples as I try to concentrate. Malcolm is dead to the world, curled up behind me with one arm wrapped tightly around my middle and one leg over both of mine. His warmth lulls me back into a relaxed sleepy state, but the nagging that something’s not quite right doesn’t go away, and I can’t seem to close my eyes for long.

It feels as though I’ve forgotten something. But what?

My eyelids are heavy and I’m trying to drift back off to sleep, but my heart starts racing again and I can’t seem to slow it down.

“Liv?” Malcolm’s sleep roughened voice sends shivers down my spine. “What’s wrong? I can feel your anxiety through the bond.” He hugs me closer.

“I’m…not sure,” I murmur. “Something woke me up, and now I feel like I’ve forgotten something. Something important.”

Malcolm shifts so he’s leaning over me, scanning my face. “Were you dreaming?”

“I don’t think so.” His brows draw down in confusion. “It’s just such a weird feeling. It won’t go away.”

He leans down to press a kiss to my throat and my eyes slide shut. I can feel him searching the bond to see if he can uncover whatever is just out of my reach. One of his hands starts to draw little circles on my chest, stirring my hunger for him and shoving whatever discontent I was feeling to the side.

“Malcolm.” My tone is husky with desire.

“Hmm?” His eyes are hooded, and his fingers start to wander toward my nipple. “I can’t tell what’s wrong, so I figured I’d try to take your mind off it to help you get to sleep.”

I bite my lip, both to prevent myself from smiling and to keep myself from groaning. My body shifts of its own accord, leaning into his chest. Malcolm’s finger circles my nipple, not ready to give me what I want.

“We can think about what could be bothering you in the morning. Caleb told me the system is ready to show us some of the outcomes it was able to predict, so maybe that will help jog your memory.” His finger just brushes my nipple and my breath whooshes out of me.

“That will work,” I murmur breathlessly, and my back arches in an attempt to get him to actually touch me.

He pulls back, his eyes dark with desire. “How many orgasms do you think you’ll need before you can relax?” A smirk spreads across his face.

“Good question.” I tap my chin in thought. “At least three, possibly more.”

“Your wish is my command.” His whispered words cause me to shiver with anticipation.

Malcolm gently nibbles on my ear before starting his journey south, worshipping my body as he goes. He bites down gently on my collarbone, which incites my panther to release a rumbling purr. Chuckling softly, he finally makes it to my breasts.

My breath hitches when he blows softly on my nipples, and I bite down on my lip to prevent me from whimpering in need. He’s not touching me anywhere else, and it’s driving me insane. I begin to tug his mouth to me, but his magic flares and my hands slam onto the bed.

“I’m sorry, kitten” —Malcolm’s eyes flick up to mine— “but I’m in charge here.”


“Now let me get back to work.”

“Sir, yes, sir!”

His eyes narrow before he once again focuses on my chest. I may be in trouble. Malcolm kisses between my breasts, running his nose along the tender flesh there. He’s going to tease me. Rude. His lips brush just beyond my nipple, causing me to groan. I feel the smirk he’s wearing, and I want to smack it off him.

A gentle caress works its way from my sides to my thighs, and my legs part as if they have a mind of their own. He’s touching me, but it’s so light that it only serves to frustrate me instead of sate me.

“Malcolm,” I snarl. He only chuckles in response.

Karma is a bitch, pendejo.

Malcolm’s tongue flicks out against my nipple, too fast to really count for anything. They are hard and aching, and I just need some form of pressure there to relieve the ache. He leans over to the other hardened tip, flicking it a few times with just the tip of his tongue. My back arches in an attempt to get closer to his mouth.

Just as I’m trying to figure out how to break the magic holding my hands to the bed so I can smother the insufferable witch on top of me, he finally, finally, takes me into his mouth. His fingers slip down to circle my clit at the exact same moment.

“It’s about damn time!” He pauses. “If you want to live to see tomorrow, you won’t stop.”

His body shakes as he laughs, but instead of stopping, he continues with gusto and I’m soon panting his name. Malcolm’s fingers curl gently, rubbing against my G-spot. My back bows off the mattress, and my eyes slide closed as waves of pleasure rack my body.

“That’s it, kitten.” Malcolm’s voice causes my eyes to crack open. “Come on my fingers like the good girl you are.”

Well, hell. When he puts it that way…

I shatter. My moan is breathy, and Malcolm tsks softly in my ear.

“I think we can do better than that, don’t you?” His tongue snakes out to lave my ear, causing me to shiver with the aftershocks of my orgasm. “We aren’t finished here until you’re screaming my name.”

Sounds like a plan to me!

Malcolm’s mouth starts to move its way down my body, gently nipping and licking a path right to my core. I can practically feel my ovaries sit up and cheer when his face is finally between my legs.

I kind of want a picture of him down there. It’s a damn good look for him.

Pussy tamer. I can’t fight the twitch of my lips at the thought.

Malcolm isn’t paying attention to my face. Instead, his gaze is fixed on my pussy, his eyes dark with desire. He blows out a breath that has my legs shaking. I had no idea I could be this sensitive.

I’d always enjoyed sex in the past, most shifters did, but having sex with your mate is out of this world. I chalked it up to the stupid expressions mates got whenever they so much as thought about one another, but now, having experienced it for myself, I can see what all the fuss is really about.

The brush of Malcolm’s tongue against my clit breaks me out of my mate musings and slams me back to the present. The pussy tamer is about to get to work, and I don’t want to miss even an instant of it.

“Do you know what you taste like?” His lips are so close to my clit that they brush against it as he speaks.

Did he ask me a question?

A long, slow lick along my slit has my breath leaving me in a huff, but it’s nothing compared to the feeling of his tongue sliding into my pussy and lapping me up like a damn kitten with milk.

My legs start to shake, and Malcolm pulls back, slowly licking his lips as he does. “You taste like the smoothest, sweetest honey with just a tiny kick that makes me crave more.” He leans in to lick me again. “And I’ll never get enough.”

My brain can’t seem to form words as I watch him dive back between my legs. He’s not eating me out. That’s too nice of a phrase. He is attacking my pussy with his mouth. His magic lashes against my nipples, and I feel my eyes roll into the back of my head.

Are you going to come all over my tongue? Once you have, I’ll have you coming all over my dick. His dark rumblings have my pussy clenching as I draw closer to the edge of oblivion. That’s it, kitten. Come for me again.

Oh fuck. Stars burst behind my eyelids as I come, chanting Malcolm’s name to the heavens.

My body is still shaking from my second orgasm when Malcolm lifts me. In a blink, we’re no longer in my room, and he’s bending me over the war room table.

“Lift your leg onto the table kitten.” His gruff order has me shivering and panting as I comply.

His hands caress my hips, his teeth nipping at the mate mark on my neck. My head drops forward, and I arch my ass against his hips as I moan his name. I need him to fill me. Right. Now.

“How badly do you want my cock buried in your pretty little pussy, kitten?”

Who the hell knew Malcolm was such a dirty talker? I’m kind of living for it.

I whimper, but I know from the bond that he won’t give me what I want until I answer him. “I want it more than I want my next breath.”

“Will you clean it off once I’m finished with you?”

At this point he could ask anything of me and I’d give it to him if he would just put his damn dick inside me. I can feel him chuckle down the bond as he picks up on my thoughts. My mental walls are completely down right now, and I don’t care if he’s reading my mind.

“Soon, I’m going to have you choking on my cock.” Holy. Fuck.

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