Vengeance of a Queen: The Resurrection of Queens, Book 2

Vengeance of a Queen: Chapter 20

I bat my eyes as I turn to face Malcolm. If this is how he wants to play the mate game, then game on. I unlink our arms so I can slide an arm up his chest, plastering myself against him as we walk.

“I think instead of you licking me, I should be the one licking you.” I keep my voice low and husky. “I’d run my tongue along the tip as I cup your balls with one hand and the base of your cock with the other.” I slide my hand down his chest to rub his hardening cock. “You know how much I love to tease you, so I won’t take you in my mouth. I’ll lightly run my tongue up and down your length.”

Malcolm’s hand connects with my ass, causing me to jump with a slight yelp. “That’s enough of that, kitten.”

“You’re the one who started this, so if you can’t take the heat…” I trail off with a grin. His gaze whips to connect with mine. With narrowed eyes, he stops and pulls me flush against his chest. As his lips crash against mine, I hear a low growl come from him, which prompts my panther to purr in response.

Our mouths battle for dominance, each of us nipping and licking at the other. My fingers thread into his hair. One of his hands tangles in my braid while the other grasps my ass to grind me against his erection. I fist my hands in his hair, trying to drag him closer.

A loud cough sounds from behind us, and for a moment, we don’t process that we’re holding up the group. We continue to maul each other, but another loud cough has us slowly breaking apart, and Malcolm gently takes my lower lip between his teeth as he goes.

“As much as we’d all enjoy the show,” Dante comments with a chuckle, “we need to keep going if we’re going to get to our destination by tomorrow.”

I let out a dramatic groan as I pull myself away from my mate. This whole saving the world bullshit is such a cockblock. Clam jam?

“I’ll make sure to soundproof all of our tents tonight,” Kelly adds helpfully. I shoot her a broad grin and some finger guns. Wing woman of the year right there. The others groan loudly, and then they groan again when Ayla holds both her hands up to insert her forefinger into the hole made by the fingers of her other hand. Crude. I laugh.

We all start moving again, and Malcolm and I catch up to the group. He’s got a look on his face that tells me he’s plotting something, and I’m not entirely sure I want to know what it is. A girl likes surprises, especially of the sexual variety.

We make it to the halfway point before stopping for the night. Thankfully with Ayla, Kelly, and Malcolm, we’re able to make sure the tents stay toasty all night, and they are all now soundproof. Malcolm walks me through the spell, and I get our tent all settled on my own, which is fairly exciting.

Instead of staring blankly at the fire, Ayla and I move away from the main camp. She’s going to continue my flying lessons. Caleb watches from a distance, ready to shout instructions as needed. We both strip out of our clothes and shift. I allow my panther to take a moment to bask in being free. She stretches in that way only a purely satisfied cat can and expands her wings.

I feel like I’m going to need to have a running leap.

Ayla laughs through our bond. Watch how I move. I can’t go too slow or I won’t get off the ground, but I’m going to show you all the parts and then take off.

I nod, staring intently at the dragon in front of me.

In exaggerated movements that would normally have me laughing, Ayla stretches her wings out. Her body coils, and tension ripples through every muscle from holding the position for me to study. She launches herself into the air, her wings tucking close to her body as she shoots up before snapping out to begin flapping.

“The magic helps with flying,” Caleb remarks. “For regular dragons, it’s the innate magic of our shifter genes. For queens, there’s also that hint of magic that should help you. Just…don’t think too hard about it.”

I turn to shoot him my best cat glare. I can do this. My back legs knead a bit in anticipation. I got this.

Copying all of the motions Ayla showed me, I launch myself into the air with every ounce of power I possess. My wings start beating when I hit the pinnacle of my leap. The feeling of weightlessness is amazing, and the air rushing through my fur is similar to what I feel when I’m running through the forest.

I land with a jarring thud that vibrates my entire spine before I fly onto my back with my wings spread. My legs claw helplessly at the air as I try to roll myself over, looking very much like a turtle stuck on its back. The wings are the main issue. They are not moving in a way that will be of any use in getting me upright again. My panther panics the longer we’re on our back and exposing our very vulnerable, soft belly.

Caleb’s loud burst of laughter and the sensation of Ayla’s amusement has me shifting back to my human form quickly before once again changing into my panther. I will have my revenge.

I realize your panther has never flown before, but I suggest you trust her to take over for a bit. Thinking too much is detrimental to learning how to fly. Ayla’s laughing tone has me flinging a glare at her.

I gently nudge my panther, allowing her to shift to the forefront of our mind. She feels far more confident about all of this than I do. I’m not sure if that’s reassuring or alarming, but it’s time to nut up or shut up.

She takes a few moments to pace a bit, getting a better feel for her wings before she launches herself into the air. She keeps going, her wings pumping hard to shoot us higher than Ayla. A loud whoop of excitement comes from our mate on the ground, and a sense of pleased pride fills us. The others are all cheering me on as I level out and start zooming around.

Ayla comes to fly beside me, her dragon taunting my panther into a game of tag. We play for a bit before landing. My back is sore, the muscles not quite used to the strain of keeping the wings moving and our body in the air. We shift back and quickly dress.

I high-five a grinning Caleb as we all make our way toward the glowing campfire. I’m still going to need to practice, but at least I know I can get off the ground if I need to.

Malcolm wraps his arms around my shoulders as I settle in next to him. I feel his pride through our bond, and I give him a bright smile. Someone is getting lucky tonight. With that thought in mind, I stand and pull him up and over to our tent. I can hear a few knowing chuckles from the men in our group, but I ignore them.

“Give it to her good, witch!” Ayla shouts. Both of us groan, not bothering to respond as we zip up the tent and shut the rest of the world out.

Thankfully, because of magic, the tent is actually bigger on the inside. I will admit that I love me a TARDIS tent. We’re able to stand comfortably, and we even have a large air mattress. There’s a soft glow that’s coming from seemingly nowhere, and with the snap of my fingers, it’ll go out. Magic is boss.

Malcolm looks me over with something shining in his eyes that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. He’s proud of me and he loves me. It’s all there, written across his face. I can also feel it thrumming down the bond, hot and steady, anchoring me in place. I do my best to shove my love in his direction, keeping my face open so he can see it written there too.

Slowly, as though he has all the time in the world, Malcolm brings his face close to mine. I’m not quite so leisurely, so I push up on my tiptoes to wrap my arms around his neck and firmly plant my lips against his. He smiles against my lips as he returns the kiss.

Malcolm’s lips are firm with a silky texture I want to get lost in for days. I’m pretty sure I could spend the rest of our lives kissing him and be happy. Our tongues play, swirling and licking, and we nibble on each other’s lips. I release a happy sigh. He grips my waist and holds me against him.

He pulls back a bit and rests his forehead against mine. “No matter what happens tomorrow, you’ve come so damn far, and I couldn’t be more proud to have you as my mate.”

My chocolate brown eyes gaze into his and a smile curves my lips. “Are you getting sentimental on me?”

His expression is serious as he responds, “We have no idea what’s going to happen when we make it to the weapon. I want to make sure there’s no doubt in your mind when it comes to how I feel about you.”

I lift my hands to gently cup his face, my eyes searching his. “Don’t make this seem like goodbye. I’ve claimed you, there are no take backs. There’s no way we won’t get out of this together.”

Malcolm nods before kissing me again. This time the kiss is filled with hunger. This isn’t a sweet kiss meant to convey love or affection. No. This kiss is meant to claim, dominate, and mark. He wants to make sure that not only do I know the softer feelings he has for me, but the primal ones too. I’m more than happy to reciprocate.

He starts to slowly peel my clothes off instead of magicking them away. This is nice. It builds the anticipation. Not to mention, I get to feel his hands all over me.

Not to be outdone, I start to drag his clothes off him. Our lips only part to remove our shirts. Once that’s out of the way, we fuse them together again. There’s a different kind of edge to us tonight. It’s not overtly urgent, but it certainly isn’t slow either.

Regardless of what it is, I know I just want his hands on me and to feel his cock slide within me to the hilt over and over again. I want to tangle my hands in his hair and blur the lines of where I end and he begins. I want everything he has to give me. Everything.

Malcolm lifts me, walks me over to our bed, and then gently places me down. He stands there looking at me for a moment, his face etched with hunger and his eyes shining with love. I’m not sure I’ll ever really get used to seeing that look on his face. It takes my breath away and leaves me tingling and aching to be touched.

The soft glide of his fingertips up my leg has me releasing a shudder of anticipation. I don’t want to rush this, but I also don’t want him to take forever either, so I decide to take matters into my own hands.

Gripping his shoulders, I use my shifter strength and speed to switch us so he’s on his back and I’m straddling him. A deep rumble starts in his chest, and his lips stretch into a roguish grin.

“Are you planning on sliding that wet, hot little pussy down on my cock, kitten?” His hands grip my hips, and he grinds my clit against his cock. I have to bite back a moan. “Are you going to impale yourself and then use me for your own pleasure?”

“Damn straight. That’s exactly what I’m going to do.” I wink at him then grind down against him again.

“Don’t get too cocky, kitten. You’re going to beg me to fill that pussy up with my come. It’s going to overflow your channel and slide down those deliciously juicy thighs. Then you’re going to ask me for more.”

“You know what?” I lean down so our lips brush when I speak. “That’s exactly what I want.”

I reach down and line his cock up with my entrance. I lower my hips as my pussy slides along his dick. I don’t need any foreplay tonight, just looking at him is enough to leave me painfully aroused. When my hips are flush with his, I press a gentle kiss to his lips before sitting upright. I lean back and plant my hands on his thighs.

“I want you to watch my pussy as it eats your cock, witch.” I clench down around him, and he lets out a soft grunt. “Then you can watch your come drip from me and down your cock to your balls. Are you ready?”

“I love it when you talk dirty, kitten.” I blush.

He nods. My hips rise only slightly before I’m moving back down. One of his hands helps keep me steady while the other one quickly works my nipples until they are aching peaks. He then allows his magic to take over teasing them so his hand can gently, softly, flick my clit. Malcolm does it as I glide up and sink down.

I let my head fall back and my eyes close as waves of pleasure crash within me, focusing on the feeling. We keep a steady, even pace, both of us moaning ever so often. I love hearing him when he’s inside me. I love knowing I’m the one who makes him feel like this.

“I need to feel your pussy flutter around my cock, kitten. I want it gripping me tight and demanding I fill it up.”

I compress around him, making sure to keep clenching as I pick up my pace.

A quietly muttered, “Fuck,” brings me closer to the edge. My chest is heaving, and all I can focus on is the feel of him inside me, hitting me in every delicious spot, even the ones I didn’t know I had before him. His finger presses more firmly against my clit, causing me to cry out.

“Come all over my cock, kitten. Do it now.” At his firm command, I shatter, screaming his name as I drown in an ocean of pleasure.

He groans as he meets his own end, but it appears that this isn’t enough to satisfy my witch. He sits up, wrapping his arms tightly around me. Gently removing himself from my body, Malcolm then moves to stand at the edge of the bed. With sure actions, he adjusts me on my hands and knees in front of him.

“Fuck.” He runs his finger along my slit before he presses against me from behind, bringing his finger up in front of my face. “Look at that, kitten.”

His finger is glistening with not only his come but mine as well. Malcolm presses his finger against my mouth, and I eagerly open for him, flicking my tongue out to clean the digit.


I moan around his finger at the sting of his palm connecting with my flesh.


Malcolm’s finger slides out of my mouth as I turn my head to look back at him. He’s grinning from ear to ear. I shiver. It’s not a friendly grin. This is the grin of a predator, and I’m most definitely his prey.

He smooths his hand over the curve of my ass, easing the sting of his slaps. My eyes widen when I see he’s already hard again. I knew my witch was insatiable and had impressive stamina, but this is a new record for him. My tongue darts out, and I drag it suggestively along my lower lip. His eyes track the movement before lifting to meet my gaze.

“Remember, kitten. You said you wanted to be so full of my come that it would drip down your thighs. That means you’re not going to be getting a lot of sleep tonight.” His voice is a dark, delicious promise.

“Don’t tease me, witch.”

He chuckles, lining his cock up with my entrance. I keep my head in a position that allows me to gaze directly into his eyes. They never once wander as he slowly, so fucking slowly, sinks into me. My eyelids flutter, and I release a low moan.

“I love how wet you get for me, kitten.” Malcolm’s grin is wicked. He bends down to press a kiss to my spine before slowly dragging his cock back in a way that hits every damn nerve ending.

I can’t keep my head at this angle, so I rest it against the bed and let my hands tangle in the sheets above me. When he slides in again, he does it with such force that I need to press down to keep myself from slipping forward. I widen my legs a bit more and purr as he slides back out. This angle is perfect. So wonderfully perfect. I can feel everything.

“Slam your thick cock into me, mate. Make me scream.” The purr in my words has his hands gripping my hips tighter.

“Challenge accepted, kitten.” With that, he starts an even rhythm. Each time he thrusts in, he goes as deep as possible, making sure to add enough force at the end to have me clinging onto the sheets to stay in place.

My gasp fills the space around us when I feel one of his fingers nudge against my ass. It slips in just a bit, and it adds to my pleasure. We haven’t exactly had the anal talk, but I’m not opposed.

My thoughts scatter as his magic starts a rough, unrelenting thrum against my clit. I can hear my cries echo around us. I’m begging him for more, to go harder, faster. I want it all.

“Make me come, Malcolm,” I whimper. “I want to come around your cock again.”

“Good girl, kitten,” he grinds out. He’s just as close as I am.

His finger slides deeper into me at the same time he thrusts firmly inside me and his magic sharply pinches my clit. It’s a stimulation overload that throws me off the damn cliff and has me free falling.

I’m not sure how long I come. I’m pretty sure this is the longest, most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. Can an orgasm kill you? Because if this keeps going, I’m certain my heart is going to give out. I collapse onto the bed, my pussy still fluttering from the aftershocks, my legs shaking slightly.

I almost don’t feel Malcolm cleaning me with a damp cloth. I also miss the feeling of his lips as they drag along my body as he cleans me.

“I’ll give you five minutes, kitten. Then I’m going to fuck you until you can’t see straight.”

I’m really okay with that. Sounds like a good plan.

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