Vengeance of a Queen: The Resurrection of Queens, Book 2

Vengeance of a Queen: Chapter 13

We’re back on New England pack soil, and it feels great to be home. After visiting my family, we grabbed Fayden from Ireland and came back here. It feels important that we’re all together for the next steps of this journey.

Especially after the bomb we dropped on Kelly a few days ago.

I glance up at the knock on my office door. Reading security reports from when we were gone isn’t most people’s idea of fun, but I love it. Xin is standing in the doorway with a young witch I’ve seen around town but haven’t really had the chance to get to know. She isn’t quite as tall as Kelly, but she has a similar willowy build. Her shoulder-length hair is done in a half up, half down style, and her bright green eyes shine with intelligence. I have a feeling I’m going to like her.

“Olivia,” Xin begins, his smooth tenor floating over to me, “I have a small request, if you have time.”

“Of course!” I gesture for them to take a seat in the two chairs stationed in front of my desk. “What can I help you with?”

“Ripley and I have been discussing better feeding arrangements for the vampires. We want to ensure all of our fighters are as well fed as possible considering the potential for multiple battles in the future.” Xin and the witch, Ripley, take a seat.

I nod. It makes sense. While most vampires feed from human blood banks, it will make them more powerful if they feed off those in the community. We’d never really had a need for a blood bank before, but with a nest of vampires living with us now, it would be beneficial.

“I’m one of the healers,” Ripley informs me. “I can easily organize a blood bank in the infirmary.”

“Perfect. I’ll clear my schedule so we can work out the details. Why don’t the three of us tackle this together?”

“Thank you, Beta.” Xin bows his head. Ripley has a small, pleased smile on her face.

Security isn’t the only aspect of my job as beta. It’s also important that I see to things like this too. I’m glad individuals in the community feel comfortable forming a plan and bringing it to me, especially newer members like Xin.

“I can’t take anything off my plate today,” I amend, “but starting tomorrow, I’m all yours. I’ll let Ayla know what the plan is so we can make an announcement for donations tomorrow morning. Are the vampires all set for blood in the meantime?” I’m ashamed I even have to ask. I should know this.

Xin nods. “Yes. We brought quite a bit of human blood with us. We’ll be fine until we have a solid supply of supernatural blood.”

I quickly relay this information to Ayla through our bond, letting her know that we’ll need to discuss logistics on blood donation tonight at dinner.

“And we have adequate storage for all new blood?” I’m not a healer by any means, and I’m not completely sure of our capacity to hold the amount of blood I’m sure we’ll need to harvest, but I know this is a detail we can’t overlook.

“I can create what we need without too much effort,” Ripley responds. “We have the space for a facility next to the infirmary. I can get another witch or two to help me speed up the building process. We can have it ready by tomorrow afternoon.”

“You work fast.” That’s good. She may look young, but she’s clearly got her shit together.

“Stopping whatever is coming is extremely important,” she states simply.

She’s right. Stopping the Härja is the most important thing we may ever do. With that, they stand and leave. My thoughts start to race once they are gone. Is there anything else we’re missing? Any other detail we’ve missed?

We’re going to have more to talk about at dinner than just the blood bank. We can’t let details like this go unattended. While a supernatural blood bank for our vampires may seem like a small detail since they are pretty damn strong without it, it could very well mean the difference between victory or death.

Goddess knows we need all the power we can possibly pack if we’re going to have even the smallest shot at kicking ass. I tug on the end of my braid as I start to make a list of topics to cover.

Later that day, after I’ve finished my paperwork and met with all of my team, I run through everything else I should get done before I tackle the blood bank tomorrow with Xin and Ripley. Thankfully there isn’t much. The vampires are transitioning seamlessly into our society, we’ve got plenty of space for the Council, and our patrols haven’t spotted any demon activity in the area.

I’m not sure if I should be relieved or worried about that last bit. We were attacked in Ireland, but not here. Will there be an attack now that we’re back? I tug on my braid as I think about all the possibilities.

Malcolm said the group in Ireland had been a scouting party. It’s possible they won’t send another here.

How the hell did they know we were in Ireland?

I feel Malcolm brush against the bond. I must have leaked some of what I’m feeling. I brush back to let him know I’m fine. There’s just too much to think about. I need to make a damn list or something.

 I also think we need to switch tracks a bit. While finding Ayla’s sisters is important, I think we need more information on just what the hell is going on first. That prophecy seems to suggest that Ayla and her sisters need to fall in some capacity. Her sisters can’t do that if they are asleep, and we have no idea how to wake them up yet.

Malick and his allies don’t want to kill Ayla or her sisters. They need them to open the gates to Hell, so it stands to reason that given my mother’s vision, they are safe wherever they are for the time being.

I’m jittery with anxious energy, desperately wanting to physically do something. Strategy is part of my job for the pack, but I feel much better when I’m able to actually do something instead of just talking about it.

I make my way out of my office and into the kitchen of the packhouse. A snack and some coffee will help. As I rummage through the cabinets and pantry for what I want, I smell my mate as he walks into the room.

“I was just getting a snack and coffee. Want some?” I don’t bother turning to look at him as I continue my search.

I feel the heat of his body as he appears behind me. His arms wrap around me, pulling me flush against him. Grinding his into mine, Malcolm leans down to nibble on my ear. I shiver.

“I had a different sort of snack in mind.” His husky voice goes right to my clit, and I arch back against him. He’s rock hard against my ass, and I have to bite back a moan.

“What do you say, kitten?” He trails kisses down my neck. My head falls to the side to give him more room.

“What exactly did you have in mind?” My question is breathy with desire.

He cups me through my pants, his deft fingers rubbing my clit. I grip the shelf in front of me as I thrust back against him while also trying to arch into his hand. My body can’t seem to make up its mind about where it wants to go.

All I know is that I just need to touch him.

“You should know by now, kitten, you’re my favorite snack.” Malcolm flicks my earlobe with his tongue before gently tugging on it with his teeth. “And I’m starving.”

All of my hormones have taken up cheerleading. There isn’t a part of me that has a problem with letting him make a feast of me, and after what happened back in my mother’s village, I have no issue with him eating me out in the pantry here in the packhouse. At least it has a door.

“Yes,” I moan.

Malcolm spins me around, dropping to his knees before me. His gaze travels the length of my body before locking on mine. His brown eyes, alight with heat, clash with my own, and a wicked smirk breaks out on Malcolm’s face as he slowly unbuttons and unzips my pants.

I’m panting, but each breath doesn’t provide nearly enough oxygen to my body as I watch him drag my jeans down my legs. He makes quick work of my shoes, and I lift each leg to allow him to remove my pants entirely. My panties are still on, and his gaze zeros in on the navy blue silk.

“I’m not sure if I want to leave these on or not,” he rumbles against my thigh. His finger traces the seam, causing my hips to jerk in response.

In a blink, they are ripped from my body. My panther lets out a hungry rumble as Malcolm’s face closes in on my pussy. She has no issue being this witch’s snack. In fact, if it was up to her, he’d make a meal out of us at least three times a day.

Malcolm lifts my legs so they rest on his shoulders, and I bury my hands in his hair. He inhales deeply and groans. “I love the taste of you, kitten. Now be a good girl and come on my tongue.”

I mean…okay.

He leans in and lashes my clit with his tongue. My breath leaves me in a rush, and my hips arch into his face. His chuckle vibrates against my clit as he continues to lick me like I’m the best damn snack he’s ever had. Two fingers slowly slide into my pussy, and my head falls back against the shelves.

It’s clear by the leisurely stroke of both his tongue and fingers that he wants to take his time and savor me, which seems at odds with his early demand that I come on his tongue, but I’m not about to complain. Especially not when his fingers curl against my G-spot at the same moment he starts to suck on my clit.

My legs start to shake as pleasure floods my body. All I can think about is the feel of him against me. His free hand slaps against my ass cheek. Once. Twice. Three times. I moan with each strike. I’m so close to hurtling over the edge.

Come for me, kitten, Malcolm demands. His teeth scrape against my clit at the same time he rubs my G-spot and slaps my ass again.

My grip on his hair tautens, and I’m sure it’s painful as my pussy clenches tightly around his fingers. The orgasm that washes through me is so intense, I feel like I’m going to combust. I don’t know if I make a sound as I come, too lost in the sensations coursing through my body.

Malcolm laps up every drop, never once stopping his fingers or his tongue as we ride out my orgasm. He lets my legs slide from his shoulders then lifts me as he slams his lips onto mine.

Again, kitten. This time he lays me on a flat surface. We’re still in the kitchen, but he’s moved us to the large island that rests in the middle of the space.

With a snap of his fingers, our clothes are gone. He once again drops to his knees, and his mouth returns to the task of making me scream.

Two fingers make their way back into my dripping pussy. He doesn’t brush against my G-spot this time. Torture it is then. I prop myself on my elbows so I can watch as he eats me out. His chocolate brown eyes glitter in the light of the kitchen, and the heat I see in them has my pussy fluttering and my back arching enticingly.

I want him to get down to business. Unfortunately, he seems content to take his time. And we’re in the middle of the damn kitchen where anyone can see us—I’m both mortified and extremely turned on by the thought.

Malcom’s magic starts to play with my nipples with the same leisurely pace that’s been driving me insane. The buildup is slow but powerful. I just want him to let me fall, damn it!

Just when I’m about to topple over the edge, finally, Malcolm stops. I’m too shocked to threaten him properly, only emitting a low growl. He ignores the threat and kisses his way up my body, wrapping my legs around his hips as he goes.

I whimper at the feel of his cock brushing against my clit and try to angle my hips so he’ll slip inside me. Thwarting my efforts, Malcolm pulls his hips back ever so slightly.

“Did you want something, kitten?”

I’m going to murder him. “I want your cock, you asshole.”

He tsks. “That’s no way to ask nicely.”

I growl again.

A squeak leaves my lips when Malcolm pulls away from me and takes me off the island, spinning me so my torso is bent over the cool marble there. The sharp sting of his hand on my ass has me gasping and my hips jerking back against him.

“I told you that wasn’t any way to ask for my cock, kitten,” he says in a low growl. Another slap, this time on the other cheek, has me biting back a moan. “Now, do you want my cock?”

I whimper and nod, unable to form the necessary words to answer him properly. Two more slaps on each cheek have me releasing a low moan.

“Ask nicely, kitten.”

“Please.” My voice is breathy and low. “I need your cock.”

“Where do you need it?”

I balk at the question. He’s always been the one to talk to me during sex. I’ve never been a dirty talker…or much of a talker at all during sex.

Two more slaps.

“Where do you need my cock, kitten.”

“My pussy,” I whisper.

He kneads the globes of my ass as he spreads my legs a little wider, allowing him to slide his cock against my pussy more easily. My hips have a mind of their own and move back toward him, begging for him to fill me.

“I’ll let you get away with that today, but you’re going to have to ask me louder next time, kitten.” His tone is dark and dangerous, filled with so much heat that my desire skyrockets.

“Please,” I murmur. I need him to fill me just as badly as I need my next breath.

“I’ve got you, kitten.” With that, he slowly, painstakingly, slides into my aching core.

I want to sob at the feeling of him filling me, stretching me in the most delicious way possible. He hits every nerve ending. A soft thud fills the silence when my head falls to the counter. Malcom’s hands tangle in my hair, pulling my head up, while his other hand circles my waist so his fingers can play with my clit.

“You don’t get to come until I say so, kitten,” he whispers against my ear. His chest is now flush with my back, and he’s moving out of me with that same, slow, agonizing pace.

I try to nod, but his grip on my hair prevents me from moving too much. He gets my message though. “Good girl.”

He slams into me, causing me to cry out in surprise. His fingers start to work my clit as he sets a brutal pace. My hips hit the island with each thrust, my nipples skimming the cool counter.

I feel my orgasm building rapidly, and my pussy starts to flutter wildly around Malcolm’s cock. He grunts, picking up his pace.

“Not until I say so,” he grits out.

I whimper, desperately trying to hold off my orgasm for as long as possible. I think it may kill me. The pleasure is blinding, and it rings through every cell in my body.

“Malcolm!” My tone is a plea for salvation.

“Not yet.”

He continues to pound into me. I’m nearly mindless, calling out his name like a prayer. I can’t hold my orgasm back. I start to come with such amazing force—

Malcolm stops moving. His teeth dig into my shoulder, and he removes his hand from my clit to slap my ass several times.

“What did I say, kitten?”

I try to focus on what he asked, but I’m still so close to coming that I have a hard time processing his words.

“I said you couldn’t come until I told you to.” He punctuates that statement with a sharp thrust of his hips. I cry out because it only serves to bring me that much closer. “Did I say you could come yet?”

I’m trying to move my hips against his, trying to get any sort of friction to reach that last step. I need to come so badly.

“Did I?” he snarls.

I shake my head, allowing my body to go limp.

He starts to slowly, gently thrust against me again. It keeps the buildup going, but it isn’t nearly enough to push me over the edge.

Malcolm pulls my hair, guiding me up so my back is flush against his chest as he settles upright. His hot breath wafts against my ear, and it causes me to shiver. He’s returning to that brutal pace, the one I need to come.

His fingers find their way back to my clit. “Okay, kitten. You can come.”

With only a few more thrusts, I’m screaming his name to the heavens as my pussy grips his cock in a stranglehold. I literally see fireworks. Dios Mío. Am I dead? 

Malcolm groans as he comes moments later, telling me I’m still alive. We collapse against the top of the island, his weight comforting instead of crushing.

“Why the fuck do I always walk in on people fucking?” The male voice startles me, and my head whips around to see Connor leaning against the wall near the door. He’s got a broad grin on his face. “First, Caleb and Ayla in the hallway, and now you two.” He shakes his head. “It’s not fair, if you ask me. And we all make food on that!”

Malcolm doesn’t seem surprised by his friend’s presence. He knew Connor was there. I sort of want to die. How long has he been there? I’m not sure I want to know.

“I walked in on Caleb and Ayla once too,” Malcolm states with a chuckle. “And your time will come, brother.”

Connor chuckles and walks out the door.

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