Veiled Infant of Alpha Hunter

Chapter 14 The Warlock's Riddle


“Where are we going, my queen?” He asked.

“We are going for a long hunt.” I grinned.

Adamone Levi P.O.V

“Most of these elements could be found in a simple supermarket. It should be easy to find.” Evelyn says from beside me.

“Not really. The serum that has been injected inside of you cannot be reversed from meek vegetables of the marketplace, we need to go to an ancient forest where magical properties are invested in them.” I responded.

“Magical properties? You believe in them?” She enquired raising an eyebrow at me.

“Doesn’t matter, as of right now, I have to.” I stated.

“So, where are we going?” She questioned.

“The Garden of Eden.” I simply replied.

“How far is that?” She inquired.

I raised an eyebrow at her for asking too many questions before sighing.

“A couple of hours away.” I answered.

Once we reached the edge of the road where the place is supposed to be, Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows.

“Where’s the garden?” She asked confused.

“Carry your suitcases.” I instructed.

We both walked at our car trunk before heaving out our suitcases. With one of my hand holding onto a suitcase and another gripping her wrist, I pulled her into the dark forest.

I could hear her heartbeat raising from dread.

“I don’t want to go; I hate the dark.” She trembled.

I ignored her as I pulled her deeper into the forest reaching the gates of the secret garden.

It was freezing, as the gates were covered with mist spreading through the perimeter.

Evelyn shuddered beside me from the bitter cold, not being fond of the sudden drop in temperature that took place.

“I don’t like this.” Evelyn confessed with her lips quivering as she wrapped her hands around herself and started rubbing her arms in order to create some warmth.

“This does not look welcoming.” She added.

I walked towards the massive gates. Before I could take a couple more steps, I felt a hand pull me back.

“What are you doing?” She questioned frightfully.

I sighed before gently taking her hand off me.

I placed both of my hands on her shoulders in order to calm her down before placing a finger on my lips motioning her to be quiet.

She nodded her head slowly.

I slowly pushed open the gates as it creaked stridently. More mist enclosed the other end of the gate.

Carrying the suitcases once more, I motioned Evelyn to follow behind me which gratefully she obliged with no further objections.

The gates automatically closed once we were inside resulting Evelyn to jump from the unexpected movement.

While we strode further into the garden, the mist gradually started to diminish.

“Halt!” We heard a voice, resulting me make an abrupt stop and Evelyn to crash into me from the back.

“Whose there?” Evelyn asked.

“That’s for me to ask, little one.” A man came into view, wearing a hooded black coat and sauntered near us.

“Stop.” I stated as I shielded Evelyn from his view, my wolf wanting nothing more than to protect her at all cost.

“Who are you?” I questioned.

The man took his hood down showing his face. He had a mop of black hair and ocean blue eyes, looking around to be in his late twenties.

“I’m known by many names. However, I prefer the name, Merlin.” He simply stated.

“What’s the purpose of you coming to the Garden of Eden?” He queried.

“That’s none of your concern.” I answered.

He smirked.

His eyes blazed orange and the next thing I knew, Evelyn was beside him floating in the air unconscious.

My heart rate accelerated instantaneously.

“Warlock.” I whispered.

He nodded.

“Let her go.” I advised, my eyes flashing blue.

“I’m the gatekeeper of this Garden, no one dare enters unless I say so. Now, what is the purpose of your arrival?” He repeated.

“She’s sick.” I started.

Merlin looked over at the girl before facing me once more.

“The ingredients from the garden is the only thing which could help save her.” I confronted.

He chuckled.

“No ingredient can save her my child.” He says.

“Yes, it can, I can make the antidote to cure her.” I told.

“I have walked this Earth for twelve centuries. There is only one thing that can save her.” He tells.

“Tell me.” I begged.

“Answer this riddle and the cure be held in you. Listen wisely.” Merlin began.


“I can’t be bought, but I can be stolen. I hurt the most when lost, yet also when not had at all. I’m sometimes the hardest to express, but the easiest to ignore. I can cause the greatest happiness or the deepest sorrow. Yet one still comes back tomorrow.” Merlin finished.

“I don’t understand. Please, just tell me the answer.” I said.

He shook his head.

His eyes glazed orange once more and Evelyn floated towards me as she was placed on my arms still unconscious.

“Time is limited. Heed my words. When you find the answer, words need not be said.” He exclaimed before vanishing into thin air.

The moment he disappeared; Evelyn awoke in my arms.

“What happened?” She asked looking around.

“Why am I in your arms?” She questioned confused.

I placed her down gently before proceeding towards the garden.

“Where’s the man we just saw?” She continued.

“He left.” I said.

My mind could not stop thinking about what he said. Concern filled my insides and hope started to fade.

I did not know what to do.




- Valentine Winters

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