
Chapter 60

Onyx POV

Walking into my old pack house, the others push, fight, or shove the blood pack members into the house after me.

The grand seat of the alpha dining chair is dragged out and brought to a room.

Amos sets it in front of the unused fireplace and makes a grand show of bowing for me to seat in it.

I chuckle and lean back into it as Amos and Nathan stood to my right while Sonja and Esmeralda stand to my left.

We only had to wait for two minutes before everyone in the land was brought to me.

The far corner of the room I see a few sex slaves that looked to be drugged and the same man that helped me leave this very place, hovering over the defenseless women.

“Esmeralda, one last thing before you can relax. I need you to check on those sex slaves in the back and if they are really drugged then have someone take them to the hospital. Along with the doctor and some of his staff, let him pick which ones. He will be our pack doctor from now on. Sonja help her and then both of you rest for a hour or two then come back to me.”

“Yes Chieftain”

Nathan walks behind the chair as Sonja and Esmeralda grab the group and takes them outside as the Luna and the beta are set in front of everyone. The doors close once more after the other five psychos walk into the room with glints in their eyes.

Zaff grunts, “Sisk is still eating but this everyone”

I grin at him clapping my hands together, “Good. Now everyone listens up. You all will die today but how you die will be up to your Luna and Beta. So how would you like them to die today. Just so you know you will see the after math of your results so choose carefully.”

The beta, John, spits at me, “Fuck you Rose. I will make sure to kill you slowly.”

I feel my eyes narrow as the smile on my face grows, “Fuck to death it is then.”

The woman next to him shivers and turns pale as a ghost the second we locked eyes.

I wave towards his mate, “Fuck her until someone gets bored and then kill her or you can fuck her until she dies whichever one. And there will be no limitations as to what you do to her, just bring what is left of her body.”

Zaff and his twin Zell grab her ignoring her screams and out the doors.

John tries to stand up but Nathan punches his face knocking him back on his ass.

Nathan keeps his eyes on John, “Chieftain can I have this one to myself when it is time for him to die?”

“Yes, Nat you can have that one.”

That renders John silent before he sits quietly and his head down in a submissive position.

Looking at Luna Ashley and seeing the disgust and despair in her eyes, “Choose your next words wisely because that is how the next ten will die.”

Silence took over the room and she stare at me being defiant as if that would protect her or her people.

“Viktor you and some others can take ten of them and torture them all until they die a slow death. If you wish to eat them Viktor, then you can.”

Ashely screams, “NO”

They ignore her pleas as the ten are selected and taken out the room with tears and the smell of piss in the air.

“WHY are you doing this?” Ashley croaks with tears streaming down her pathetic face, “I understand that the men gave you hell, but the women and children didn’t do anything to you.”

I raise an eyebrow and resting my head into my hand, “Amos slit ten throats. Drink if you need too and do it in here.”

He does as I asked, drinking from who he wants while I watch her stare into the ground as the tears tries to make a puddle.

She is taking the fun out of this.

I sigh, “You really don’t get it do you? Sure, the men raped every single woman that did not have a mate. Be it their family member or not. Sure, your disgusting alpha made me lose my child as others have done to many other slaves. The men are disgusting but you women disgust me even more for tolerating it. Each of you had the opportunity to leave this hell hole. To be free and do what you wanted to for the rest of your life. Yet NONE of you did instead you stayed.”

The women in the room tried to make themselves look smaller after Sonja and Esmeralda comes back into the room at that moment, “You all started thinking that it wasn’t his fault but the slaves fault. The women that didn’t ask for any of this and instead had to grow up and be trained to be raped. When all of you banded together thinking the same bullshit, the slaves had to deal with not only being raped, beaten and forced to miscarry, you dumb bitches add another beaten or some of you were even sick enough to torture her and bring another male into the picture and have her raped once again. I’m only giving what every man and woman in this pack deserves.”

Her glare tries to burn through me as her hatred festered, “And what gives you the right to decide when someone dies?”

The smiles return, “Sonja if you are up to it, you can take your ten and whip them to death.”

Sonja nods, “I feel fine Chieftain and will gladly do as you wish.”

As she picks her ten, I lock eyes with Ashley again, “You may not believe this, but the Moon Goddess had requested this at one point and then tried to tell us to stop but I have this strange feeling she got overruled so we have authority from some god or goddess.”

A light came to her eyes as she thought of something, “You won’t get away with this. Our allies will come and help us.”

A manic laugh sounds the room as I hold my stomach at the joke she tried to spurt, “You really think you have any allies left alive!”

The laugh gets worse as the light was demolished turning that hope into fear.

“Why do you think your so-called allies haven’t come yet? My mate is torturing his previous pack, The Elites. While the Rogue King is out messing with the Night pack. The Royal pack is to far away and will take about 3 days to get here. There is no hope for you nor any God or goddess for you to turn to either.”

The rest of the room filled with the smell of fear staring at their only leader left alive knowing that she was not going to be of any use, my laughter dies a little, “That’s all it took for all of you to lose hope. Pathetic.”

The pregnant Luna seemed to be grasping at straws as she looks at me, “Fine I get that the women did the most damage but let the children go. You couldn’t possibly be willing to cross that line.”

Spring from the chair and grabbing her throat we are nose to nose, “Oh I am willing to cross that line because the girls were already thrown in with the other slaves. All that is left is the males and the ones that turned 16 are to rape a slave to become a ‘man’. So those are going to die like the ‘man’ they wanted to be so badly.”

She turns blue from my grip and Mika forces me to release my hand, “We aren’t done with her yet.”

Rolling my neck I sit back in the chair, “The ones younger than that, I haven’t decided what I wanted to do with them yet. I might kill them then again, I don’t know. It’s nothing personal against them but the entire pack needs to die. For the roots of a wilted flower must decompose for a new tree to be grown healthy and wise.”

Her fear and anger jumbled her mind from the look in her eyes.

Chuckling, “Is there anything else you wish to ask me before I murder another ten of your people?”

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