
Chapter 49

Demon POV

I drop the two wolves near the forest and run to my office.

I can hear the Alex and Micky snoring loudly in the room down the hall.

The drawer to the red oak desk, that Amos and Esmeralda spent way too much money on, opens smoothly showing the wood box that I made a year ago

The box itself wasn’t anything special to look at but it was the first thing that I made successfully.

The plain wooden box holds the current project that has failed so many times and was never worthy enough to be seen by Onyx’s eyes.

It’s still not done but it looks pretty good so far. Softly I close the office door and make my way back downstairs when Nathan comes around the corner with his notebook.

“Alpha I finished the drawing that you wanted, and I think you would like it. I also came up with another one that I think you would like as well.”

I smile at the drawing nodding, “Great job. Find me a tattoo artist so I can have that done. I will look at the other one later.”

I race down the stairs and back out the door towards the bird sanctuary that Yvonna and some other members built.

Nathan’s loudmouth draws the attention of those around us as he follows me there.

I see the smiles on their faces and feel the happiness they felt through the link. The relief that soothes them soothes my anxiety until I feel Onyx and the others reaching the Trial Woods.

I run the rest of the way to the sanctuary nearly tripping over my feet.

Yvonna’s thick accent orders for final details to be done and to make sure that everything would be ready to go before the snow was to stick in a few weeks’ time.

I walk through the doors of the glass structure hoping to duck into some bushes before anyone can see me but failed as Nathan greeted his mate.

“My lovely Yvonna!!! Look I brought Alpha with me”

I glare at the insolent male that could turn into a cartoon at any moment with hearts coming out of his eyes when Yvonna’s blueish grey eyes catches us in her gaze.

Her smile was full and lit up her entire face as she hugs her mate, “Hello my beloved”

Nathan’s corny jokes and Yvonna’s smile draws everyone’s attention.

Seeing them together or even Zack and Bianca’s relationship has always made me feel awkward because I know that if I was to ever try to do what Nathan and Zack does for their mates.

The both of them can make their mates laugh and happy just by saying some weird jokes but I don’t know how to do that.

Hell, I don’t know what I’m doing and anytime I ask someone they just say to follow my heart or just do what feels right.

But how the hell am I supposed to know what feels right?

A voice calls me out my thoughts, “Alpha you won’t have a nail if you keep biting it off.”

Yvonna’s honey like giggle follows her mates comment causing Nathan to smile at his accomplishment.

I quickly put my hands behind my back and huff away a smile before going over to the small bridge near the middle of the sanctuary.

Luckily nobody followed this time and left me alone with my thoughts and anxiety.

I run my hand through my hair and set the box on the ledge before starting my pacing.

I can feel through the link Onyx coming closer and closer. She’s going at such a slow pace that I just know that she is messing with me.

It’s also the fact that Shadow still has not said anything and the pack’s mischievous giddy behavior confirms that she and Mika are totally messing with us.

My hand did another trip through my hair competing with the nerves building up at a supersonic speed.

Was Mika joking about wanting to me to mark them and basically take it to the next level?

Or am I overreacting?

Did I imagine her saying that?

Did she say it and mean it but then take it back realizing that she doesn’t want too anymore?

What if she does but then I show her the gift and she HATES me for it?

Nope can’t do it. I will not have her hate me or feel obligated to do anything.

I pick up the box and start towards the door.

I’ll just put the box back and lock myself in my study until the Mountain pack arrives and then go back to hiding.

Before I could leave the bridge a bunch of birds decide they wanted to cop a squat at both ends of the bridge trapping me here.

I growled at the birds to move but they just gave me a lot of bird sass and stayed where they were.

I was so busy threatening the damn birds that I didn’t notice Onyx standing a few feet from me. It wasn’t until her laugh registered with my heart, not beating for a moment before my brain caught up with why that happened.

With her shoulder length blonde hair shielding her face as she is bent over laughing trying to catch her breath like me but for a different reason.

Forgetting all about the birds, I watch this beautiful woman and can feel the nerves and fear that I had.

She stands fully tossing her hair back and wipes the tears from her lake blue eyes, “I’m going to have to thank Yvonna for that.”

Heat filled my face as I shake my head, “so she is the reason I couldn’t leave.”

A cool hand softly rests on my face, guiding my forehead to rest on hers having our eyes locked leaving me to drown in them.

The moment was perfect and peaceful until Onyx sighed, “Everyone that we brought from the Moon pack passed. They should be settled in by noon today. The mountain pack should be here by sunrise tomorrow, maybe sooner since Amos is going to bring them. Also, what’s in the box?”

Oh shit.

I quickly try to put the box behind my back, “Nothing my dear friend. Now why don’t we just go get something to eat and-”

She kisses my cheek before gently tugging the box out of my hands then twirls out of my reach.

I hold my breath and watch her smile turn into confusion as she picks up the unfinished wooden wolf.

“Demon this is beautiful. Why were you trying to hide it from me?”

Exhaling slowly Shadow pushes some encouragement, “I know that you never got to me your little one and I hope that I didn’t overstep your boundaries, but I made a wooden version of them, so you can always have a visual of them if you wanted. It’s not done yet because I was also trying to crave the wings but felt like you should see how far I got and uh yeah.”

Silence took over the area around us and for once I was beyond glad that I learned wood carving from Knox.

That half finished baby wolf brought a genuine tearful smile to my mates face, lighting the entire world on fire and I love the way it burns for her.

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