
Chapter 21

Demon’s POV

As soon as I closed my eyes, Rose’s eyes must have opened and declared me to be a threat. Because her screams made me shot up out of the chair and into defense.

Rose was up against the wall next to the door barely breathing.

I relaxed before gently raising my hands to where she can see them, “Rose its me, Ben. It’s okay nobody’s going to hurt you.”

She shakes her head and decides to break my heart whispering, “You will. You’ll hurt me just like the rest of them.”

I stopped breathing at the twisting pain in my heart and the whimpering of Shadow.

“I’m not like them Rose, I would never hurt you”

She doesn’t hear me as she shakes her head yelling, “I’m not going to let you break me even more than I already am. I’ll die before that happens.”

She’s running out the door and down the hall before anything else was said but I was and forever will be one step behind her.

The men must have heard her yelling because they came out of their rooms and watched her run.

One of them thought he was helping by quickly grabbing her which caused her to scream.

I growled at him, “Don’t fucking touch her.”

He lets her go and she runs out the building with me behind her.

“This isn’t going to work. She’s always going to run from us. She’s never going to trust us.”

“Yes, she will Shadow”


“By giving her a reason to trust us fully”

I hear the others follow us out the building, but I didn’t care at the moment.

Onyx is making a break for the trees and I knew that if she made it I would probably never see her again.

I called out, “Onyx wait”

She ignores me but I can feel Mikayla linking to Shadow giving me a small spark of hope.

“Onyx, please just let me say one thing before you leave.”

Onyx suddenly stops running and huffs in frustration making me believe that it was really Mikayla that made her stop. She looks over her shoulder at me and then back to the trees before waving her hand at me to continue.

“I know that you have been by some sick men. I know that no one, not even me, have given you a reason to fully trust anyone especially a man but that changes tonight. Because if you let me, I will give you a reason to trust me.”

Rose looks ready to bolt the second I do something she don’t like when she turns around to look at me and only me with weary yet curious eyes, “And how are you going to do that?”

“By doing the one thing a male wolf has never done for their mates. I, Demon Ben King give everything I have, everything I am, and everything I hold dear to you.”

Shadow nods his head agree with everything I am about to do.

I slowly get down onto my knees, “I submit to you and you alone, Onyx Rose Peak.”

I could hear the men behind me go into shock and disbelief. They never thought they’d see the day that one of there own would submit to a woman, much less his own.

They never thought I would basically make Onyx my alpha.

I kept my eyes on her beautiful blue ones and saw the surprise in them, “why?” she whispered.

I smiled gently at her, “Because a king only bows to one person. Not to his people, not to his parents, and not to any god. He bows to only his queen. And I’m bowing to you, my queen.”

She’s breathless, “But I’m not a queen”

“You are to me”

Onyx didn’t say anything, just stood there in disbelief.

We stayed like that for some time, looking into each other’s eyes while she processed what I said before she takes a small, tiny step towards me.

One of the men coughed reminding her that they are there as well. She stopped and looked their way taking a step back.

I glare at them all with the full intention on killing them all if she runs because of them. They stop all movement and sound that could cause her to run.

I look back to my little Rose with gentle eyes, “Onyx”

She snaps her head back to me and takes a few steps towards me, “How do I know this isn’t a trick?”

I shrug and decided to be honest, “You don’t”

She freezes and almost runs until I quickly say, “which is why I am going to give you another reason to trust me completely.”

Onyx tilts her head waiting

“I ask that you, my lovely little queen, to mark me as yours.”

There was a collection of gasps and the men cussing in disbelief.

“I wish for you to know every intention I have. I want you to know all my thoughts and emotions. I want you to know everything. So there won’t be a wall or anything around my thoughts. I’ll always be open for you to go though. That way you never have a reason to doubt me again.”

She steps closer, “What about Shadow?”

I pause listening to Shadow’s antics, “He’s willing to do exactly what I said and what I’m doing, just so you won’t be scared of him anymore.”

Rose takes baby steps towards me, “He won’t try to mark me, either will he?”

I shake my head, “neither one of us will mark you until you are ready and willing for us to do that. You just have to tell us when my queen.”

She’s right in front of me now, twisting her fingers and biting her lip, she still has fear in her eyes.

I whisper, “I will never hurt you, Onyx”

She nods slowly before placing her hand on my cheek.

I relax, closing my eyes and place my hand over hers gently.

I feel her breath on my neck before she nips at my neck as if waiting for me to take back what I said.

She takes a deep breath before sinking her teeth into my neck.

I dig my hands into the ground at the pain and pleasure.

I groan a little when the pain lessens and grab her hips bringing her closer to me.

She licks the bit before letting go when she can hear all of my thoughts and basically feel my emotions before she wraps her arms around my neck.

I pick Onyx up bridal style and she lays her head on my shoulder closing her eyes.

I carry her back to our room, passing everyone’s shocked faces, except for Knox. Knox is smiling a mad man.

I look down at my little queen and end up with a smile of my own.

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