
Chapter 14- Onyx

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

The camp was loud with lots of cheers and shouts when Knox walked through the bushes but then turned silent when we stepped through.

Knox waved them all off and told us to follow him.

Demon looked over at me and the boys before nodded slightly to me, keeping a blank face.

I nod and turn expressionless as we followed keeping the boys tightly to us and in between.

I was expecting someone to come and kick us out laughing while doing so. I was expecting for one of the many men here to try and have their way with me when I saw that there wasn't many women here.

But that didn't happen.

No what did happen was nothing more than silence and stares.

Mitch held my hand tighter when someone coughed causing me to step a little closer to him.

It stays like this until we reached to what seems to be the middle of the camp.

The people watching us all moved to form a circle around us except for three men and a woman.

When they're done moving, they have complete closed off the circle and can feel myself start to lose air.

A loud booming voice announced, "My king, I'm glad you are home"

I feel Demon's eyes on me, so I look at him as they were talking amongst themselves.

His black eyes ask me to breathe slow and deep.

They tell me that nothing's going to happen and will be just fine.

I look away from him.

I can't believe that just yet with everyone staring at us like we're aliens.

I can understand the cautious and guarded looks they're giving us but they look intrigued as well.

As if they never seen something like us before.

I feel one of the men looking at me, "King Stone I'm curious to know who exactly it is that you have brought with you? A new toy for me perhaps?"

I flinch and Demon has Alex grab my other hand before standing in front me growling.

The man growls back before Knox tells him to shut it.

Knox looks at me and waves in Demon's direction.

Holding my breath I call to him softly, "Demon"

He looks over his shoulder to me and I see his bright red eyes.

Mika says gently, "he's wolf's name is Shadow"

I nod and still whisper, "Shadow can I have Demon back, please?"

He doesn't say anything just blinked a few times before they turned back to black, but he stays where he is blocking my view of them all.

Knox's voice is quiet but harsh, "Now James if that didn't answer your question then know that they are mates and you will treat them as such."

James scuffs, "if they were mates, he would've marked her already. What man doesn't mark his own mate?"

A soft voice snapped at him, "Maybe a man that is waiting for her permission to be marked."

He laughs mockingly, "a man doesn't need permission to claim what's his. So, tell us why you didn't mark her yet since you two clearly have kids together."

It's silent before I hear his soothing voice with no emotion, "Onyx and the boys are mine and mine alone. What I do with mine is my business only. I ask that you do what Knox said and respect that."

The people around us gasped at him not using Knox's title but Knox laughed it off, "See this is why they are going to be my new friend along with the fact that they saved my life."

This caused them to look at us in a new light and with even more curiosity.

The booming voice spoke, "Well then they have my vote to stay"

"I second that" The soft voice agreed

The next voice is extremely quiet, "I say let them stay and give them a trial run I guess."

Its quiet for a minute before someone huffs and stomps off.

When they do, Demon takes Alex's hand and place him back in the middle of the two of us giving me a clear view of them.

The first one I notice is the bald giant with grey eyes and muscles.

I instantly took a step back when I saw him, but Demon shock his head softly before whispering, "The one being rude left. He has like strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. Has muscles but not as much as that man or Knox."

I nod at him and try to calm my heart a little bit as I studied the rest of them.

The giant is telling Knox about what he missed while another man with long brown hair and brown eyes gave a little information as well.

The woman has short black hair, caramel skin and honey colored eyes that wouldn't leave my face.

"Sonja can you and Ana fix them up a tent please while I get them settled in?"

Sonja nods her head before walking off. Once she left the crowd around us fell apart and went back to whatever they were doing.

Knox waves at us to come closer.

We hesitate before moving towards him.

"Now that we got the hard part out of the way let me introduce you to some of my right hands."

He puts his hand on the long hair shoulders, "This is my 3rd in command, Link, he does most of the training."

And pats the giant on his chest, "and this is Roger. He sorts out the food and hunting along with his mate Ana. Ana takes care of the kids when she can."

Knox looks at me, "Sonja is the woman who is sitting up your tent. She also is the one to train the woman to fight. In case you're interested in that."

I look at Demon and he shrugs his shoulders, "That's up to you Onyx. I'm not going to control you."

I felt relief when he said that and looked at Knox before he could change his mind, "Sonja is the only one to train the females right?"

Knox nodded, "Yes little one. She doesn't like the men to be anywhere near the women when she trains them, so they go to a secluded area. She's not training anyone at the moment because the women here don't want to, or they already know how. So, it'll be a private lesson for you."

I bite my lip as I look down to Alex and Mitch, "I'll think about it."

Knox nodded before looking at Demon, "I want to train you personal, Demon. Of course with Link's help."

Demon looked at the boys and back to him, "you really expect me to leave my boys with some woman I don't know."

Knox nodded, "I don't expect you too which is why they can come and watch you train. They'll always be where you can see them and when that lesson is too intense, they can watch Onyx train. And it'd be like that until you two can trust Ana."

Demon looks at me and I nod softly to him.

He nods to Knox causing him to clap his hands, "Good now let's get this show on a road. I'll give you jobs after you both finish training. For now, roger will you get them some food and bring it to their tent. Link will you get with Sonja and plan out their training."

Both men nod and walk away.

Knox takes us to where he thinks Sonja put the tent for us.

After a while, we found it tucked little ways away from prying eyes but still close to the center. It was big enough to fit the four of us but not anything else.

"Well it isn't much but it's yours now"

Demon gives him a small smile, "Its perfect, thank you"

He nods to the boys, "Go put them to bed and get some sleep yourselves. Tomorrow is going to be a long day."

Once he leaves the boys run into the giant tent. I laugh at the antics while Demon just smiles after them.

Maybe just maybe this is a good idea.

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