Vampire Greek: The Burning King

Chapter 7: Holding Back

“Its so damn funny when they try to fight back.” Jeremy commented while Franco pummeled the two men into dust. Thanks to their bravery, the girl fortunately got away. Jeremy took a deep breath of fresh air.

“I love this city. So quiet. So easy. I wish the victims were this easy in Cali.”

Roman shapeshifted back to human form and wrapped his hands around Jeremy’s throat.

All the other vampires stopped what they were doing and stared at them, waiting for an opening.

“Who are you?” said Franco.

“You should’ve just minded your own business.”

“No, you shouldn’t have come into my territory.” Roman replied, squeezing Jeremy’s throat.

"You’re territory?” Jeremy tried to laugh through Roman’s stranglehold.

We haven’t seen nor smelled a vampire for miles, or a vampire attack for that matter. When was the last time you spilled blood and took a life? I see no reason why we should believe you run this joint.”

“My hands are around your throat, isn’t that a good enough reason?” Roman replied, digging his sharp nails into Jeremy’s throat.

“Either you let him go, or we spread your remains all over your little territory." said Franco.

“You let him go, and I’ll let this bastard go.” Roman nodded in Daniel’s direction.

“That? You can’t be serious. He’s a nobody.”

“No he isn’t.” said Roman, getting angry.

“You took that little girl’s mother and father away from her, and I’ve come to get him back.”

Franco frowned.

“You were there? Why be bold and brave now? Why didn’t you do anything then?”

“I wasn’t, but I found her, all alone, because of you. Let him go and I might leave you alone.”

Franco, Bishop, and the other guy laughed, but Jeremy grew warm and sweaty. Jeremy swallowed and Roman could feel his pulse quicken.

“We aren’t from here, if you haven’t noticed. I’m sure you’ve heard of tales of that Cali venom, haven’t you?”

Franco walked over to Daniel and ripped off his shirt, revealing his upper body. Daniel’s body was smoking, his skin melting clean off his back, and it started right at the bite wound.

Watching Roman’s reaction, Franco smiled. “Yea. You weren’t expecting that were you? If you still want him we don’t need to trade...”

Suddenly, in a burst of motion faster than Roman could comprehend, Franco charged at them and shoved his hand straight through Jeremy’s chest. Roman backed away but not far enough, Franco had reached straight through Jeremy into Roman’s chest, wrapping his hand around Roman’s heart. Before he could squish it, Roman ripped Franco’s hand off right at the wrist and pulled away, kicking Jeremy and making him fall on top of him.

Franco screamed in pain and disgust as Jeremy convulsed and choked up blood. Finally free, Roman slowly pulled Franco’s hand out of his chest and tried to remain stable.

This is gonna a long time to heal if I don’t feed soon. He thought to himself as he got to his feet. Bishop ran at him head on and Roman smacked him in the jaw, cracking his skull. He was sent flying into a concrete wall but was already getting back up, clutching his jaw. The other vampire grabbed Roman and threw him into the same wall, but Roman wasn’t as quick to recover. Enraged, he leapt up but Bishop kicked him in the chest and he collides into the rubble again.

Looking for an escape route, Roman turns into a bat and flies high, but Franco jumps off a building, grabs Roman, and puts him into his mouth.

He hits the ground with an ungrateful thud as he struggles to keep the bat in his mouth.

“Ugh, you didn’t have paid me to do that, Frankie.” said Bishop, slowly walking over.

Franco, breathing frantically, grins and begins to chew Roman. After the fourth bite, Franco’s eyes widen. He covers his face and screams. He starts thrashing on the concrete until Bishop runs to help.

“Curt help me out!”

Bishop bends down and removes Franco’s hand to see his left check had been eaten completely through, and his left hand had been eaten into as well.

“Just spit him out Franco! Spit him-!”

Franco’s head tore apart and blood splattered everywhere, getting into Bishop’s eyes. Before he could clean the blood off his face, he felt a wet hand grab his throat.

“I can’t even begin,” Roman panted. “To tell you how much that hurt.”

He snapped Bishop’s neck and fell to his knees, succumbing to the pain. He rolled over and stretched out, trying to regain feeling in his legs.

I don’t think think I can heal from this. Roman thought to himself. He heard a loud crashing sound nearby, followed by electric sparking.

Damn it, there was another one. I’m toast.

Something touches his hand, and Roman slowly looks over to see the pool of blood spreading from Franco’s headless corpse. He didn’t even have enough strength to lean over and drink Franco’s blood, not that he wanted to. Aloud thunderclap filled the night, along of a very light sprinkle. The reason seemed to ease his pain.

I should’ve planned this better. Roman thought to himself.

Now I’m going to die and Caitlyn won’t see her father ever again.

Wait.. Caitlyn’s father!

Roman took a couple quick breaths and forced himself to sit up. Daniel was still standing in the same position, staring at nothing. He skin was starting to boil now.

He’s too far gone. I don’t how I can tell Caitlin what happened, if I see her again, that is.

Daniel turned towards Roman and began to walk over.

What the? Roman was confused. Vampire mindslaves don’t have free will. But here Daniel was, walking over slowly and deliberately.

“Hey, can you understand me?” He asked. “Are you aware of what’s happened to you?”

Daniel said nothing. As soon as he got close he kicked Roman in the face, almost knocking him out

What’s happening? He thought as he turned over and saw Curtis, holding a lamppost pulled straight out of the tree, and Jeremy, rubbing the huge wound on his chest.

“I hope you didn’t forget how hard it is to kill vampires, even basic ones like to. Although, I will give you props where it’s due. Franco ain’t coming back from that.”

Daniel yanked Roman’s left arm, causing him to howl like a wounded animal. He put him in an upright position and pinned his hand behind his back.

“Since you cared enough to rescue this imbecile I’ll kill you both at the same time. Would you like that?”

Roman’s eyes fluttered, half closed. He wasn’t even conscious enough to hear what Jeremy was saying. Bishop stood up and fixed his neck before joining the others.

“How about you tell us your name before we splatter you on the pavement?”


Roman couldn’t hear them anymore, all he heard was ringing sound in both ears. His vision was getting blurrier, so he saw no reason in keeping his eyes open.

“Fine then. Kill them Curtis.”

Curtis got ready to slam the lamppost down, but suddenly, everyone’s nerves were on end. Thunder boomed overhead and rain came pouring down, so fast and do heavy the streets were already beginning to flood. They sensed someone approaching them, and everyone turned around. A woman was walking towards them, her body illuminated with a bright glow. Her eyes were glowing just as bright as the aura around her, and she had a scowl on her face.

“Hey, you! Are you doing this!” Jeremy shouted over the rushing rain.

The girl raised her hand and opened her mouth. Roman opened his eyes just in time to see white streak of light hit her hand and arce through Curtis, Jeremy, and Bishop. They all screamed and exploded into ash, but the lightning bolt kept going and crackled against the concrete, coming straight to Roman. He fought and fidgeted but Daniel wouldn’t budge.

Roman closed his eyes and braced himself for the bolt.

But it didn’t happened. Suddenly, he felt a burst of heat on his back, and Daniel let go. Roman feel backwards and hit his head, cursing out loud. He looked up, and Daniel was gone. The lightning bolt must have went past him, but why?

“Roman, are you okay?”

That voice. That girl.

“I thought I told you to stay with Caitlyn.” He responded, unmoving.

“She woke up,” Audrey replied.

“She said you probably can’t take on this many people alone.”

“Wow,” he mumbled to himself. “No faith whatsoever.”

“She wasn’t wrong, Roman.” Audrey stood over him, holding out her hand to help him up. The rain started to lesson, and the glow around her faded.

I guess she actually is a goddess. Roman thought, ignoring the pain for a moment.

Watching her looming over him made something click inside his head, something he couldn’t control.

“GET AWAY FROM ME!” He growled, crawling away from her. His vision went in and out of focus, his heart was beating faster and the only thing he could think of was blood.

“No, Roman, let me try to help you!”

“Stay... Away... From me!” He seethed, trying to get up on his feet. He bit his already busted lip to help control himself, but it was useless.

“I need to heal.” He said to himself through quick breaths. “I need to rest. I need blood.”

The acid and venom in Franco’s fangs tore into Roman’s skin, dissolving him from the inside out. Still, he knew he could heal from this. Vampires can heal from almost anything.

“Let me use my powers to help you.” Audrey told him. “There’s no way you’ll heal without some help.”

He shooed her away, steadily trying to put more distance between.

Don’t kill her. He told himself.

Don’t kill her. Don’t kill her don’t kill her don’t kill her don’t kill-

“You aren’t going to make it far Roman! Let me help you before you die!”

“I won’t die. ” He growled. “I just need blood.”

He try to turn into a bat and fly away, but his body wouldn’t shift. Instead he jumped up and fell on his stomach, increasing his pain tenfold.

Audrey ran to his side while he screamed in pain. She raised both hands and started to glow again.

He stopped writhing in pain to watch her. The smell of rain increased, but it didn’t pour down. The clouds seemed to disperse a little, and the sky got brighter.

Then he noticed that his entire body was starting to heat up. Tendrils of smoke curled of his body, and his skin sizzled.

“Ow! ah, crap! Audrey stop! STOP!”

He lashed out and grabbed her wrists.

“Stop. You’re not helping me, your cooking me.” Roman held her in a vice-like grip, struggling to contain himself.

“Look, it helped a little, I think.”

Looking at his wounds, he saw that they hadn’t actually healed, but that had stopped bleeding. She basically cauterized his wounds by burning him. Franco’s venom had stopped melting his skin, but he didn’t know if that was her doing, or his own healing factor. His vision got darker and his fangs ached. His whole entire body thirsted for blood. His stomach cramped and he bent over,

“Get as far away, as you can. Why won’t you leave?!” He cried, trying to sheathe the fangs. Roman screamed as two huge bat like wings sprouted from his back.

“Because you’re hurt and I want to help you!”

“BUT THIS IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM!” He roared, and backed away, the wings withering to nothing.

“It doesn’t have to be! Out of all the people and creatures I’ve seen, you’re one of the most... I don’t know... You’re just different and I think that we could-”

It was over. Roman threw himself at her and sunk his teeth in her throat. His mind screamed, revolted against his body, but it was useless. As if he was possessed by a whole nother creature, Roman couldn’t help but wonder in horror how this happened.

Why aren’t you running?! He wondered.

Fight back?! Resist me! Run!

If he drunk too much blood she’d die. If he managed to stop now she’d only become a vampire, possibly. It’s still not a good outcome. She should’ve ran, she should’ve fought, she should’ve done something!

“I’ve lived for years, decades longer than you could imagine,” Audrey whispered, still not fighting back.

“And after a full lifetime, the one thing I realized I wanted was someone who could spend eternity with me. Someone that wasn’t an entitled god, someone who knew what it was like to be human, to grow and learn from their mistakes. Tonight, I think you could be the one I’ve been looking for.”

Roman’s breathing stopped. His fangs retracted and his body grew warm. He felt energized, more than he had ever felt before. This wasn’t the same as drinking a regular humans blood, this was... Indescribable. All his pain was gone. He felt like he could fly without his wings, like someone had flipped a switch and got rid of all the world’s darkness.

He pulled back and took a deep breath. Audrey was smiling despite the two marks on her neck.

“Audrey...” Roman lifted his have to wipe away the blood dripping from the wound.

“It doesn’t hurt she replied, moving his hand away.”

And then suddenly it got too hot. The sky boomed overhead and even Audrey looked confused. The rain started to pour and Roman watched Audrey’s eyes flutter and close as she fell backwards.

The moment his have grabbed her arm, a bolt of lighting struck them both that split the street in half.

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