Vampire Greek: The Burning King

Chapter 5: Daniel

“I’m sorry, but no thanks, we don’t have any money on us.”

The same woman Roman just saw sprawled in blood was now rushing him to the back of the restaurant. A big man was walking on the other side of me. They were Caitlyn’s parents, before the accident.

“What type of bullshit lie is that? You just left the restaurant.”

Four men stood grouped together at the back of the restaurant, smoking. The one that spoke was Caucasian and wearing a burgundy leather jacket. He was bald and looked to be the oldest out of the four.

“Well I’m sorry, we just don’t have any money to spare right now.” Caitlyn’s dad turned back around and kept walking.

“Homeless bastards.” He muttered.

“Always peddling.”

“Hush, Danny let’s just go.” Caitlyn’s mother whispered.

“Yo, what did you just say?” The bald man called out.

They froze.

“How did he hear me over there?” Caitlyn’s father wondered aloud.

“We ain’t homeless you skunk faced bitch! Say that to our face!” He yelled.

“Daniel let’s go.” Caitlyn’s mother insisted, walking faster and not looking back.

“Jeremy chill, leave these folks alone.” said a younger dark skinned man in sweats.

“Nah man, he called us homeless! I’d love to take that fine little lady of yours to my home, show her what a real man’s house looks like.”

Daniel stopped dead in his tracks, while Caitlyn’s mother and Roman bwas just a few feet away from the car.

He turned around slowly, scowling.

“What the hell did you just say?” He demanded, his hand sliding into the inside of his jacket

“Daniel, no!” Caitlyn’s mother pleaded.

“You heard me, you square ass, four eyed, dog fucking son of a-”

Daniel whipped out a gun and aimed at the bald man, but instead of a gun shot there was a loud, sickening crack. Caitlyn’s mother screamed and clamped her hand over my eyes so quick Roman didn’t have the chance to see anything. He tried to move her hand out of the way so he could see but realized he was in Caitlyn’s memories. She didn’t see what just happened she wouldn’t have been strong enough to pry her mother’s hands off her face. Daniel was now screaming in agony and Roman was being swept off his feet. He heard a chirp and a click and was forcefully shoved into the backseat of a car.

“Stay put Caitlyn!“Her mother’s last words to Roman after dashing towards her husband. Caitlyn’s little body was completely traumatized from all the stress. Her temperature was all the way up, her head was hurting and she was trembling in fear. Roman couldn’t control the past. He couldn’t control the way Caitlyn was feeling even though he was part of her.

After Caitlyn’s mom slammed the door and ran, Roman could clearly see what happened. Daniel was on his knees, howling and his arm was completely twisted backwards, appearing to be stuck in that position. Caitlyn’s mother ran to her husband’s aid and picked up the gun he had dropped.

“Stay back!” She screamed desperately. “Leave us alone!”

Jeremy’s snickered. “Why are you so upset dollface? We did you a favor. Now your husband can be double jointed. Isn’t that great?”

Her response to this was to shoot Jeremy dead in the chest three times. He took the bullets easily, then started to smile.

“You’re a good shot.” He complimented her.

“I’d show you to my kids if they weren’t all dead.”

“Get away from us!” She screamed.“What are you?!”

Jeremy began to walk closer and, with difficulty, Caitlyn’s mother began to drag her husband to the car.

“Get out of here Tammy!” Daniel yelled. “Take Caitlyn and go!”

“I’m not leaving you!” Roman heard Tammy shout as she started to pull him back a little faster.

“Since you showed me your aim,” said Jeremy, remorseless. “I’ll show you mine.”

He just appeared in front of Tammy and lifted her up by her hair. She screamed and kicked but it was pointless. He was too strong. He raised her face close to his and whispered something to her. Something that Caitlyn couldn’t have heard. Then Tammy spat in his face, and the fury in his eyes was enough to scare a lion. Jeremy grabbed her throat with the other hand and threw her towards the dumpsters. She smacked it with a loud thud, and Caitlyn screamed so loud she cracked her voice. As Caitlyn, Roman was banging on the door window, screaming for them to get back to the car. He was sure, even with Caitlyn being as young as she was, she knew her parents weren’t going to make it back to the car.

“Look at you two. Weak. Pathetic. And you had the nerve to pull a gun on us. STOP WHIMPERING!” Jeremy shouted towards Daniel.

“Stop it, or I go get your daughter out of that car!”

Despite his ordeal, Daniel bit his lip as hard as he could and stopped crying. Realizing the bad man was talking about her sent Caitlyn into a whole new level of panic. She ducked down and cried, much to Roman’s dismay.

For the love of God! He thought. Get back up so I know what’s happening!

“You were so anxious to use that gun on me, weren’t you? I hadn’t even done anything wrong! Maybe you must have gotten a bad feeling about me, didn’t you?”

Daniel said nothing, just stared at Jeremy either in pain and panic, or anger and rage.

“Since you wanted to shoot me so bad, let me give you something real to shoot. Franco, bite him.”

Am asian looking man with a dark purple hoodie walked up past Jeremy and sat Daniel upright. Holding him by his head, Franco strangely began to sniff Daniel all over, causing Daniel to try to jerk free. But Franco had a solid grip and he forced Daniel to tilt his head. Exposing Daniel’s neck, Franco’s eyes turned into slits, his teeth fangs and he struck Daniel’s neck. There was no scream, no sound came from Daniel. He just went perfectly still, and Caitlyn covered her eyes once more.

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