Vampire Greek: The Burning King

Chapter 45: Bite Me

Roman exited the elevator and walked down the hall. Unlike a regular hotel, there’s only one room in the entire hallway. The right wall was bare, with the door on the left being in the middle. The end of the hallway was a glass door leading to a balcony. Roman walked up to the door and knocked three times. It opened and two buff guys stood in the doorway, completely blocking Roman’s view of the room.

“Who are you?” said one of the guys.

“I’m here to see Nia.” he replied.

“No shit. Who are you, and how do you know her?”

“My name is Roman, and she’s known me since I was a kid, so if you could just move,” Roman tried to step forward but the dude pushed him back.

“Let him in Jordin.” said Nia from behind them.

Both men stepped aside and Roman walked through, eyeing Jordin as he entered. Nia looked nothing like Claire. Her skin was lighter, she was taller, her eyes were different, though that’s not surprising because of her vampirism. She was slender and cold, her off-putting smile making Roman uneasy. She wore red lipstick with literary heart shaped earrings. She frowned and looked past him.

“Get the hell out. I need privacy.” She kept snapping her fingers till the left and closed the door. “And if you eavesdrop, I’ll rip off your heads and stick dynamite in your ears!”

She closed her eyes for a second, making sure they were nowhere near the door.

“Now then, explain to me how the hell you’re alive?”

Roman gave her all the details, not allowing her to interrupt no matter how ridiculous it sounded. When he was done she looked at him like he belonged in a mental asylum.

“It sounds hard to believe, but you can see my memories, it’s all real.”

“And you want me to make you a vampire again just so you can get killed. Again.”

“No. Look at my arm. I have help from one of the most powerful creatures in Tartarus. That’s basically Greek hell.”

“I know what Tartarus is, idiot.”

“So you’ll do it?”

“Hmm.” She stood up and walked around, pulling open her curtains to reveal an amazing view.

“Is my sister still human?”

“Of course. She’s fine.”

“Good. But why me? Why not any random vampire?”

“You know that the stronger the original vampire is, the stronger its progeny will be. And I don’t want anyone else to invade my mind.”

She smiled. “Okay. Take your shirt off.”

Roman laughed.

“Shut up.”

“I’m serious.”


“Because I said so.”

“Just bite my damn neck! Why are you so freaky?”

“Stop being stubborn and adhere to my demands.” she hopped on her bed with her legs crossed. “Or no deal.”

Roman took it off and threw it out her. SHe caught it and laughed.

“You know, when Claire took me to you when I was seven, you looked just like you do now.”

“I looked like this when I was bitten. You were bitten before you hit puberty, allowing you to grow or stop growing whenever you felt like it. I bite you now, you’ll look like this forever.”

“I’m ready.” Roman replied and closed his eyes. Nia wrapped her arms around him before moving up to his neck and tilting his head to the side. Roman held his breath as he felt her cold breath against his neck. She hissed slightly as she got closer and finally sank her fangs into his neck. Roman gasped and opened his eyes but everything was just as dark. He could feel his entire body weaken as she sucked his blood. His legs buckled but she held him up and wouldn’t let go. His heartbeat slowed and Roman struggled to breathe. She should’ve been done already, she was drinking too much. He’d die if she didn’t stop soon.

“N-Nia.” He managed to whisper. She relented and stopped but held him close to her just the same. Licking droplets of blood from his neck. She sat him on the bed, her eyes wide with excitement.

“I can’t believe this! Greek gods, golden blood?! And it gave you strength! Your heart was beating, but you were still a vampire, and the taste… It almost drove you crazy. I have to taste it, I have to.”

Roman was getting his breath back, but his heart wasn’t beating anymore. The world was getting darker and every part of his flesh tingled and screamed.

“It’s too dangerous.” He told her. “Don’t even try.”

“You did. In fact, you still are. I’m stronger than you are.”

Roman exhaled black smoke and his eyes went dark. His left arm began to smoke and his shadow got darker.

“Not anymore.”

Roman slowly took a few steps forward, barely keeping balance. He touched the door handle and tried to get a grip. His body returned to normal, and he opened the door.

“You should stay and rest before you go.” she told him. “It’s hard waking up alone.”

“I’m used to it.” He replied and shut the door behind him. He walked past her guards at the elevator and dropped to his knees as soon as the door closed.

I’m so close. This is the end. I’ll fight him. I’ll win. I just need to make it home.

He got up before the doors opened and walked towards the door. The lady at the desk looked at him but he wasn’t sure if she said something, everything sounded like he was underwater. He made it out the doors and onto the street. His legs felt like lead. He wasn’t sure if he had vampire strength yet, but he could try. He counted to three and tried to run but ended up jogging like a normal human. His chest heaved and he collapsed near a bush, all his strength gone. The world started fading again, but Roman didn’t care. Rest here, rest at home, it didn’t matter. When he woke up he’d be a full vampire, and he’d be ready to take on Zeus once and for all.

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