Vampire Greek: The Burning King

Chapter 39: Hypnos

Persephone guided them into the entrance hall, which was so enormous they all knew that Persephone wouldn’t normally be human size here. She raised her hand and placed it awkwardly in thin air until Hades materialized right beside her, with her hand now resting on his shoulder. Hades was pale skinned with long hair and a long curly black beard. He wore a black tunic with a shimmering gold himation, with no jewelry to be seen besides the crown he took off his head as he appeared.

“Oracle, Daughter of Zeus, and Granddaughter of Aphrodite. To what do I owe the pleasure?” His smile was thin, but genuine.

“Daughter of what?” asked Willa.

“Granddaughter of who?” asked Caitlyn.

“Our memories were lost after a portal incident sent us into the river Lethe. We seek Hypnos to restore it so week can make our way to Olympus and finish Apollo’s quest.”

Hades nodded in understanding.

“Very well. Thanatos, do you mind?”

He looked to his left and they turned right to see a seven foot tall cloaked figure silently observing them. His foreboding presence unnerved the girls as began to speak, his face still fully hidden.

“I’ll retrieve him immediately.” He said softly. He turned without making any sound and vanished into a wall. Seconds later, he emerged with a young looking man almost as tall as he was, wearing a similar cloak but gray with the hood down. The man yawned and looked at everyone with his eyes half closed.

“Yes?” he asked lazily.

The Oracle explained the situation to him and Hypnos seemed to get annoyed.

“Serves you right. You’re no better than demigods.” Hypnos turned to Thanatos. “You can restore the nymph, right?”

“No. Death is death, brother.” Thanatos replied. Hypnos got angry.

You are death, brother. That nymph had her home invaded and destroyed. Where’s the justice? Hades, come on.”

Hades looked at the girls then back at Hypnos and Thanatos.

“It was a minor mistake, Thanatos. You can revive her.”

“As you wish.” Thanatos bowed his head.

“I still see no reason to help them.” Hypnos replied. “It’s a fitting punishment for breaking the rules of Elysium.”

“Do it because I say so!” A female voice demanded. Aphrodite entered the hall, escorted by Persephone.

“I need them back at Olympus immediately.” she said as she stared daggers at Hypnos, who looked slightly fearful.

“Sorry for the intrusion Hades.”

“Be my guest.” He put his crown to his chest before his expression changed.

“Excuse me, I have something to take care of.” He slipped the crown on his head and disappeared. With Hades gone and Aphrodite glaring at him, Hypnos gave in.

“Alright, I’ll help them then.” Hypnos’ irises disappeared and he stepped towards the girls, reaching out with his left hand. The Oracle didn’t budge as he touched her shoulder, but her glow dissipated and her eyes turned back to normal. Antearia was herself again. Caitlyn and Willa were a little more reluctant as the sleepy god approached them, but he rested his hands on their shoulders and they too turned back to normal. Caitlyn squealed and hugged Aphrodite, while Willa and Antearia stood back and smiled.

“Mission Accomplished girls!” she told them. “Good job!”

Caitlyn started retelling their adventure but Willa had to cut her off.

“We’re out of sand because of the nymphs. Can you take us back to Olympus?”

“I will send you there, but I have other business here. Remember, I have a plan for you Willa.” she winked. “Just trust me.”

“So he’s okay?” Willa asked, hopeful.

“He will be. Once I get permission from Hades, I’ll look for him.”

“Hades might be busy for a while.” said Persephone. “You have my permission to find who you’re after.”

“Thank you! I won’t be long, Persephone.” She clasped her hands over Persephone’s and gently shook them.

“Girls, hold hands and I’ll send you back to the Oracle’s cabin.”

“Antearia.” Thanatos broke his silence. “Don’t forget.”

She nodded. “I won’t.” She grabbed Caitlyn and Willa’s hands ignoring their sad looks.

“We’re ready.”

Aphrodite closed her eyes and muttered something in latin. When she opened them, her pupils radiated pink light. The girls were surrounded in warm pink light and in a flash, they were gone, restoring darkness to the bleak, hollow chamber.

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