Vampire Greek: The Burning King

Chapter 21: The Strike

Zeus dropped Roman on the marble floor and sat at his throne, watching Roman's arms and legs snap in place as he healed from his energy. Roman picked himself up, growling, eyes dark as charcoal.

"You're going to pay for this!" he snarled, apparently unphased by Zeus' gigantic size. Roman tried to attack but was held in place by an invisible force.

"What is this?!" he roared. "FREE ME!"

"I am going to cure you of this mania out of curiosity. If you don't have the answers im looking for, you are going to die. Do you understand?"

Instead of responding Roman kept resisting against the invisible barrier. Zeus waved his hand and Roman's demeanor changed instantly. He gazed up at Zeus in shock and fear.

"What makes you different, vampire? There's nothing else you can be but that, yet you bleed ichor, and your heart beats. I know vampires have evolved with time, much like civilization, but no vampire has evolved as much as you. Explain it to me."

Roman tried to back away but he was still immobile.

"I was completely normal, for a vampire at least, until recently." Roman looked around. The palace was humongous, and there were plenty of ways to escape, if only he could move.

"I met... a girl... at this club-"

"And you bit her" Zeus said through gritted teeth. his tone changed and he looked angrier.

"You attacked her and stole her blood."

"I didn't want to!" he protested.

"BUT YOU DID!" Zeus banged his fist on his throne, shaking the huge empty room.

"You attacked my daughter, and you stole my blood!" Zeus rose from the chair and shrank down to human size.

"You disgraced me. A petty rotten lowly vampire assaulting a god and gaining benefits from their blood. I can't let that stand. I can't let there be more of you." Zeus walked up to Roman and punched him across room. Roman, now able to move again, got up quickly and held his broken jaw in place while it healed. He scowled with hatred, fear was an afterthought. If Zeus couldn't kill him the first time, he felt like he had an even chance now.

"SHE FOLLOWED ME!" he roared across the room. "I TOLD HER IT WOULD BE DANGEROUS! i TOLD HER TO STAY AWAY!" Roman began walking slowly towards Zeus instead of running, goading him. He smirked, showing he wasn't afraid. "I guess she couldn't let go of me."

Suddenly, Roman was frozen in place again. Thunder boomed outside, and Zeus stood still.

"Wrong choice of words, vampire."

Slowly, starting at his feet, Roman began turning to stone.

"What?! What the hell is this?! Just fight me yourself! I killed Eurus in three damn seconds, I'm not scared of any of you fake gods!"

Against his will, both of Roman's arms extended outward and began turning to stone much faster than his legs. Zeus appeared in front of him, and glared at him eye to eye.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A FAKE GOD?!" Zeus swung and smashed Roman's left arm to pieces. Roman screamed in agony but Zeus grabbed his jaw and broke it in his hands It began healing as soon as it broke, so Zeus shattered his other arm.


"The east winds..." Zeus tone changed. He sounds... sad. Roman thought for a second. Maybe he'll lose concentration on this barrier and give me a chance to escape.

Zeus held out his hand a bolt of lightning appeared, heating up the air in the room.

"I did this before. Back when you first attacked my daughter. But I focused too much on saving her. This time," Zeus turned around and his eyes cackled with lightning just like the bolt in his hands.

"This time I'll make sure I kill you."

Zeus through the bolt and Roman closed his eyes, preparing for the worst. Seconds passed and Roman hadn't been hit. He opened them, and Zeus was watching him intently. The weight holding him in place was gone, and he started to fall forward towards the ground. The air around him grew surprisingly hot, and electricity cackled as Roman was blasted into the air going higher and higher till he broke through the ceiling. His legs were stone and his arms were gone, so he couldn't even flail as he rose so high he could see the entire mountain of Olympus. The bolt of lightning didn't just hit him, it pushed through him and kept going, flashing so quick his eyes couldn't comprehend it. Finally it stopped, the cold air of Olympus chilling his skin as he fell.

He landed in almost near the same hole in the roof of the palace and collapsed onto the the floor. He looked up at Zeus and realized he had arms again. But they weren't his arms, they were shadowy and black. He looked up at Zeus, who hadn't moved since he struck Roman with lightning. Roman tried to stand gasping for air and Zeus shook his head.

"Look down vampire, there's no reason to keep moving. You're done."

Roman peered down and saw a charred gaping hole in his chest where his heart was. He dropped down for the final time as Zeus walked towards him.

"Hades," Zeus called out while staring at Roman's corpse. "Get this thing off of my floor."

Tendrils of black smoke started coming up from Roman's body, covering it entirely just like his arms. Roman began to dissolve into the floor, leaving no trace he was in the palace of Olympus.

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