Valkyrie Hunter

Chapter 27

I stood in the centre of the Hall tiers of benches surrounding me on three sides. I noted there were fewer Elders here than the last time. In front of me was a lectern. I’d stood in this very same spot months ago when the Elders released me to pursue Vanessa. My objectives had changed. I still wanted to get Vanessa but the Black Stripes had to be stopped. She was the lesser of two evils. Opposite me was another lectern an unfamiliar elder stood behind it. She was tall with a haughty demeanour and what seemed to be a permanent sour expression.

“Do you know why you are here?” The Elder stated disdain heavy on her words. It was obvious that she didn’t like me.

“If it’s to listen to idiots like you then I’m out of here.” I didn’t like her attitude and told her so. “I’ve got better things to do!” I turned abruptly and started to walk away.

“One moment if you please Gwen Hunter?” a new voice called out.

I turned to see one of the Elders standing from her tier her eyes on the one behind the lectern. The new voice addressed Elder behind the lectern. “Askra, Sometimes I do wonder where your loyalties lie. Sit down and let calmer heads prevail. And do take that stick out of your ass it disgraces the rest of us?”

A rumble of laughter accompanied the new voice’s speech. Askra glared at me but sat down. Reluctantly I took my place behind the lectern. The new voice took Askra’s place. She was a Valkyrie but her face was rounded if a bit plain. She wouldn’t have looked out of place on a farm or the images of such I’d seen in vids.

The Elder addressed me directly her words a total contrast to her predecessor. “Do you mind if we start again?” She smiled. “I’m Svenna and you my brave sister are Gwen Martin or do you prefer Hunter.” She held up her hand. “I know some here would prefer Martin or if what I heard Yanik but that is up to you?”

“I’m Hunter but my blood says Martin,” I stated simply.

“Well said.” Svenna applauded me.

That made me instantly suspicious. “Ok first the stick and now the carrot?”

“Stick, carrot, oh yes one of those Terran things. No it is neither of those things. We do need your help.”

I heard a few snorts at that from a small minority of the Elders. I wasn’t sure whom.

Svenna shrugged her shoulders. “The majority do?”

“Help? I‘m just one in billions.” A statement I’d said a thousand times before and I had no doubts it would go the way of the others and be ignored.

“One person that is true. But the one person that has the knack of disrupting plans before they have a habit of killing millions. So I say that’s more than just one person?”

“Surely you have better people?” I countered.

“Probably but they aren’t you,” Svenna said without blinking.

I considered my next words I had a feeling this wasn’t going to go away. This was what they must have decided all those months ago when they sent those ships to get me. “Why me?” Another of my constant complaints. “No, appeal to the Confederacy or the TCA they are better equipped to deal with the Black Stripes.” I added. “Who are working for the Rhosani.”

“Rhosani?” Came a general rumble for behind Svenna.

I heard a number of angry mutterings.

“Just an excuse to interfere in our affairs. Do we have to listen to this drivel?” A voice from one of the tiers cried out.

I felt my anger surge as I searched for the speaker. “Right!” I shouted. “What idiot said that. I challenge you!” I raised my hand and it curled into a fist. It was stupid to let my temper runaway with itself. I had no explanation for my reaction. It wasn’t me I wasn’t that person.

Svenna spoke again as if I’d never spoken. I was glad of her distraction. “We do have Commodore Thirika Yanik’s report. I hope you’ve all read it? It makes grim reading.” She paused letting her words filter through the tiers of Elders. “Two attempts were made on Gwen Hunter’s life which proves that she is on the right track.” Svenna paused again for effect.

I was surprised no one reacted to my rant yet it seemed they were taking close notice to Svenna’s words.

“Does anyone have an alternative explanation as to why the rebels managed to arm themselves that quickly?” She carried on when none of the other Elders commented. “Anyone?” She nodded in my direction. “Someone not Valkyrie is aiding them. The same ones if my guess is not off that want Alfheimir in ruins. Dwell on that?”

I had being feeling hot when I suddenly felt a searing pain in my gut. It felt as if something in my stomach was trying to rip it’s way out. I clutched my stomach and groaned. Svenna looked at me concern.


My last memory was the floor rushing to meet me and blackness.

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