Unwanted Fates~ Book Two

Chapter 9

Suspended from a carabiner from the bedroom’s centre beam, Sylvie balanced precariously on her one unbound leg as Elias lapped at her cunt and plunged two fingers deep inside her, curling against her g-spot expertly.

Sweat drenched her body as he drew out her third orgasm of the encounter, and her whole body trembled.

“Please,” she begged, teeth chattering from the adrenaline. “Fuck me, Elias.”

He stood, her wetness glistening his chin, and she groaned, desperate to wipe it off. Heat radiated through her as he swiped his finger across her cum and licked it off.

“Elias!” she squealed at his smirk and hopped lightly on her standing leg.

“Are you ready to get down, Kitten?” Elias padded around her, trailing his fingers across her belly to her breasts, pinching each nipple lightly.

“Yes, please,” she whispered, sighing with relief as he lifted her out of the harness and lay her atop their bed. He worked in silence, untying each knot with deft fingers until she lay freely, her limbs sprawled around her limply. How many orgasms was he going to pull from her?

Standing at the foot of the bed, Elias unbuttoned his pants and undressed, letting his huge cock spring free before crawling over her, his eyes staring into hers.


“Not yet,” Sylvie groaned, lifting her hands weakly to his hips and guiding him down to her. He growled, gripping her wrists and pinning them to her sides before slamming his hips down. Her wet entrance accepted him instantly, stretching from his size pleasurably.

“Oh shit.” Her eyes rolled back as moans tore from her mouth. His perfect strokes hit every spot inside her until her body shook, the next climax building from her toes upward.

“Fuck,” Elias growled, rocking himself harder, the sound of their bodies colliding filling the room until it was all Sylvie could hear besides the roaring of blood in her ears.

Again, as if standing atop a cliff above a churning sea of euphoria, Sylvie leapt, arms wide open, wrapping herself around Elias’ rippling body as he pumped into her and released.

Thank fuck for birth control.

She thought it was over, and he would start aftercare, but he flipped her limp body over and plunged into her again. A scream tore from her as her sensitive vagina received another pounding.

“Elias! I can’t-”

“You know what to say.”

“No!” The idea of submitting and using their safeword felt like a failure, but she didn’t think she could take anymore. She wriggled and clawed at the bed, trying to get out of his grip but a hard slap bit into her ass cheek.

“No escaping, kitten. You know what you need to do.”

The hard fuck continued, his cock stretching her walls and dripping her juices down her inner thighs.

“I don’t want to-”

Her skin burned as his touch became painful, and the marks on her chest itched.

Not again.

She couldn’t help but think it had something to do with Rowan, and the fact suddenly filled her with terror. What if his matebond with her interacted badly with the ones she already had?

Elias’ tempo shifted as if aware of the distraction in her mind. His fingers trailed down her back, and a gulping sob passed her lips.


Immediately Elias pulled out, spun Sylvie and scooped her into his arms, brushing the sweat-plastered hair from her face.

“You did so well, kitten. You did perfectly.”

Kissing her lips tenderly, he held her close as she sniffled.

“I feel like I failed.”

“Failed? There was no end goal here, Sylvie.” He was right, she knew it too, but she thought she could take whatever he could give.

She never gave up on anything. Ever. That was one of her best attributes; her resilience. Having to use their safeword made her feel weak.

The emotions swirling in her body electrified her nerve endings, her body trembling as he carried her to the bathroom and climbed into the tub with her in his arms. Then, as if her mind went haywire, thoughts intruded of her torture from Jace, the secrets she still kept of Rowan, Trion and even Kian’s abuse from Lazuli.

Why didn’t they talk about everything earlier? Now they were all on different pages, with only Sylvie having all the information. Would they hold it against her? Would they be mad? Would her secrets somehow pit them against one another? How would she feel if she somehow caused a rift between her mates?

The thought of Kian and Elias fighting terrified her. The realisation of her inability to choose between them if things went that far sent her heart into a frenzy.

Spiralling, she was spiralling and didn’t know how to stop.

“Sylvie,” Elias uttered, turning on the faucet. “Don’t hide in your mind. Come here.”

He pulled her tighter in his arms, and she let herself feel everything she’d been bottling instead of trying to rationalise.

“That’s it,” Elias said. “Let it out, my love. This can happen after an intense session. I’m here for whatever you need.”

She sobbed loudly and unashamed as he rinsed her body and cleaned every inch of her, carefully wiping gently across all her sore spots. His tenderness eased some of her overthinking, and she clung to him, managing to hiccup a few words, “I need to tell you something. So many things....”

He kissed her head and lifted her chin until their eyes met. His light blue ones were stormy, and hers bloodshot and swimming with tears.

“Before you do,” he started, “know that nothing you can say will change how I feel for you. Do you understand?”

She nodded with a suppressed sob.

He hadn’t heard her secrets yet. So he couldn’t make such claims.

Elias searched her face and pressed his lips together. She wondered if he could read her mind right then. “And I need to give you something,” he said.

“What?” she whispered.

The warmth of the water began to stifle her, and she slid off Elias as he stood and grabbed himself a towel, wrapping it around his waist before lifting Sylvie from the tub and sitting her on its edge.

Her legs still quivered, unable to hold her weight, and Elias watched her precarious sitting position as he quickly snatched up another towel. Then, draping the fabric around her shoulders, he kissed her softly as he carried her to the bedroom.

“What is it, Elias?” she croaked as he sat her back on the bed and disappeared into the hall. His silence put her on edge, and she pulled the towel tighter around her. Did he already know something bad?

He returned with a pair of sweatpants on, and a small box clenched in his fist. His state of dress almost disappointed her, but the small treasure he was holding piqued her interest immensely. It almost looked like a-

“Sylvie Hart, you, and Kian, you are my everything.”

She shook her head, unsure. This wasn’t the direction she thought the conversation would be going. No yelling. Swearing. Disappointed looks. She received many of those in her lifetime. Maybe he didn’t know anything after all, but why then-

His eyes softened as he lowered, perhaps for the first time in his life, onto one knee before her and took her ringless hand. The other, adorned with Kian’s wedding band, shook and clutched her towel for dear life.

“It’s always been you, Sylvie Hart. I have wanted you from the first second I saw you walk into my office. I am yours, irrevocably, and I want the entire earth realm to know it. Just as you bound yourself with Kian, I wish you to bind yourself to me.”

His strong hands remained steady as he thumbed open the small black box and lifted it to her. Sylvie barely restrained her sobs, looking between one of the loves of her life and the vintage gold engagement ring, a giant ruby sparkling in the middle of a circle of diamonds.

It was so him. The bloodred sheen immediately reminded her of his eyes and her mate mark.

“Marry me.”

Her swollen, tear-glistening lips pulled into the brightest smile, small laughs of disbelief escaping as Elias waited for her answer. Was this some trick? He had been so quiet with her after her return she thought he was hiding something for sure, but not this. No way it was this.

“Are you kidding me? Of course, I will!” More tears tracked down her cheeks as he threaded the ring on her finger and pulled her to her feet.

The towel almost flew off as he hoisted her into his arms and kissed her, his lips melding with hers and stealing her breath away.

As if Kian were in the room with her, a wave of unbelievable peace swelled in her chest, and all her fears ebbed. The time to speak the truth would come, and both Elias and Kian would be there to hear it. With both their rings on her hands as their declaration of love, she knew they’d understand.

As soon as Kian returned home, she would tell them everything. Everything that had plagued her for the past few nights.


She ran. The inky darkness full of biting pine needles and echoing howls closed in, but she ran. Soaked earth, foliage and waterlogged sticks crackled underfoot as her steps thundered in time with her racing heart.

She had to find him. The fates demanded it, a triad they screamed as she pressed her bleeding palms to her ears.




Heal the broken, so mote it be.

She ran. The last sliver of the moon hid in shadow, the waxing gibbous fat and swollen, yet its light barely reflected in her eyes. Throwing her arms out, she brushed the trees she passed, willing them to show her the way, their energy trails only visible if they so chose.

Only darkness rewarded her touch this time, and she screamed in protest. “How can I find him if you won’t show me the way?”

The shrieking winds whipped at her hair. “Call to him!” the voices of the fates keened. “His blood already lives in you.”


Her step faltered, her body jerking as if hitting a wall, but her hands found nothing in her way. “What?”


The voice grew incessant, but it wasn’t who she was looking for, who she needed to see.


“No!” she shouted back, trying to run again, only to be shaken violently.

Her jerky movements rattled memories in her brain. What the hell was happening?”

“Wake up.”

Two sets of worried eyes stared down at her as she jerked and trembled in their grip.

“Where am I? What’s happening to me?” Sylvie’s voice croaked as she shuddered from the men’s grip and covered her face. Was she back in the torture cabin with Jace? Was she about to be beaten black and blue again?

“Princess, it’s us. I’m back now.” Kian’s warm voice sent a flood of relaxation through her bones, and Elias’s low grunt brought her back to the present with a shooting thrill through her body.

“Sorry,” she mumbled, wiping the sleep from her eyes and sweat from her face. “It must’ve been a bad dream.”

“What was it?” Elias asked, wiping a strand of hair from her forehead.

She sat, very aware of the darkness from the sky outside and took a deep breath.

“It’s all blurry now, but I was running from something. No,” she corrected. “I was running to something. Someone.” The identity of that someone sent fury and terror through her body, her chest humming as if it knew a secret her mind didn’t.

“I dreamed about the Fates, I think.”

Kian jerked back, eyes wide, and he looked at Elias, who remained stoic as ever. “What did they say?”

“It was just a dream, Kian.”

“What did they say?” he asked again, his tone dripping in seriousness.

“Uh,” Sylvie pressed her hands to her cheeks before yanking them back, expecting blood. “It was a riddle or something. A triad. Healing something broken and something about a moat?”

Elias’ eyes flashed, and Kian gripped her chin suddenly. The action was far more reminiscent of Elias, but she welcomed it nonetheless. “So mote it be?”

She nodded. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

“I think it’s time you tell us everything about your kidnapping,” Elias grunted. “From the beginning.”

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