Unwanted Fates~ Book Two

Chapter 27

The week passed similarly, the moon swelling until its fullness shone across Sylvie’s furious body. She trained hard until she ached, healed and trained again.

The shifters steered clear of her; even Rosie and Natalie avoided her as she stomped from necessity to necessity.

Eat, sleep, train.

The rhythmic pattern of her actions soothed her traumatised mind until she felt a safe distance from her behaviour. Her mates slept in a different room to prevent the blazing ache from the conflicting mate bonds.

The only person she didn’t want to see but needed to desperately as she crawled through the forest in agony was the stupid, asshole Alpha.

A sorrowful howl filled the forest, chorused by the cries and roars of other creatures, and she turned towards it, screaming.

“Rowan, you fucking asshole!”

She prayed her mates would stay away despite her desperate cries. She didn’t want them to see her like that. Thundering pawprints clawed at the dirt near her, and she rolled on her back, groaning and slamming her fists into the ground. She fucking hated him, but god, she needed him.


“I’m here.”

And he was. Naked and coated in a fine sheen of sweat, his tattoos shifted and flexed as he scooped her from the ground and pinned her against a tree. She wrestled from her clothes until nothing separated them but barely held restraint.


“What?” he hissed, nose pushed against hers. Both of their bodies pressed together, vibrating at a climax-inducing frequency.

She sighed, teeth chattering as his eyes pierced hers.

So beautiful.

“Is that all you had to say?” he asked with an infuriating smirk. Shit, she must have spoken aloud.


He bucked his hard length against her as she moaned, her cunt dripping for him.

“Please,” she whispered. “Please.”

“Speak the words, woman.”

She whined, nipping at his lip with her teeth. “Rowan, fuck me.”

At that, he hoisted her up and slammed her down on his cock, releasing their pent-up frustration, need and pain.

Over and over, he buried himself pelvis deep into her until her moans turned to screams of ecstasy.

Rowan leaned in, pressing his lips against hers as if trying to taste her pleasure, and she opened her mouth wider to let him in, suckling on his tongue and grinding hard against his cock.

Pressing off the tree, she knocked him off balance and fell on top of him. The brief slip detached their mouths and sex, forcing a growl from both of them. She grabbed his cock and stuffed it inside her, rocking and grinding until the height of her orgasm returned. “Fuck!”

“Look at me,” Rowan growled, grabbing the soft skin of her hips and squeezing.

She reciprocated with a firm grip around his throat and a bite of his nipple. He hissed as she met his eyes and said, “Don’t tell me what to do.”


She rocked fiercely, letting her cries of pleasure echo around the clearing until her walls clamped over and over in perfect delicious agony. This time though, it wasn’t enough. She detached from him and dipped her fingers to her clit, circling quickly, the friction making her body shake.

“Wait,” Rowan groaned, sitting up. “Let me help you.”

A full body flush coated her in erotic sweat as she realised his intention, laying her on her back and shuffling down until his mouth lined up with her belly.

“No, Rowan. You can’t.”

“Please,” he begged, kissing along the soft skin of her lower belly. Then, all around them, the sudden chorus of heavy breaths, moans, and cries of pleasure sounded.

“What is that?”

“The pack,” Rowan mumbled against her inner thigh. “The full moon amplifies sex for us all.” His tongue darted out to swipe up her thigh and across her throbbing clit. “They must like what they hear.”

Rowan’s words pulled cries of lust and embarrassment passed her lips.

“Don’t be ashamed, woman. You are divine.” With that, his mouth descended on her core, tongue lapping soft circles right where her fingers had been. Even as she writhed, he held fast, suctioning his mouth to her and wrapping his arms tight around her thighs.

She bucked as her orgasm approached, but he never wavered, instead adding the vibration of his throaty hums to drive it from her.

“Fuck, Rowan.”

“Come for me,” he hummed against her.

The pressure built to a cliff peak where she dove head first. “Don’t tell me what to do!” she screamed, curling her fists in his hair and cumming against his lips.

He chuckled, lapping her up and sliding over her body, kissing a trail from her belly button to her neck.

“You think you’re the boss, don’t you?”

She chuckled softly before shoving him off her, watching as he flopped on his back beside her. His mouth twitched as she stared at his hazel eyes, glinting in the moonlight.

“When it comes to you, I am.”

His lips parted, and he swallowed hard, turning his gaze to the spattering of trees above them. She copied his movement, letting her rapid heart rate slow under the clear sky.

The sounds of sex around them climaxed and ebbed, a hot flush keeping Sylvie warm as she stargazed. Too weary and embarrassed to speak, she just focused on keeping her breathing even and eyes off the man warming her side.

She almost felt herself accepting Rowan, caring for him, but she wrote it all off as the bond forced them together. Making a list of all the unforgivable things he had done, she almost missed the streaking star burning a trail across the sky.

Sylvie gasped, unconsciously grabbing Rowan’s hand. She let it go just as quickly as she said, “Did you see that?”

“I did,” he replied, sitting upright and resting his weight on his arms. From her angle, she could make out his sculpted profile. Every feature held a sharpness, from his straight nose to his high cheekbones and square jaw.

He was quite beautiful in his hardness. Another hardness rested against his thigh, still glistening from her first orgasm. She sighed, letting her eyes close and trying to fight to pull. The desire. The need.


With a groan, she rolled to her side, pushing Rowan backwards and taking his shaft in her hand. Rowan grunted low in his throat and stayed on his elbows as she kissed the tip of his cock.

“You don’t have to-”

“How many times do I have to tell you, Alpha,” she hissed against him. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

He grinned, but she quickly wiped it off by licking his length and circling her tongue around his tip. The taste wasn’t as gross as she expected. In fact, she quite liked the kinkiness of tasting herself. Rowan seemed to enjoy it, too, keeping his heavy-lidded gaze on her.

She opened her mouth and took him in fully, sucking and bobbing her head while he shuddered beneath her. His sounds drew whimpers of her own, making him jerk like a marionette on a string.

As she raised her mouth to the top of his cock, she chuckled breathily, forcing him to jerk again.

“Fates, woman. You’ll be the death of me,” he choked out.

“Maybe,” she breathed, detaching from him but continuing stroking with both hands, enjoying the slick gliding of her fingers to the depths her mouth couldn’t reach. “But not tonight.”

Again she took him, pushing herself deeper than before, testing her limits and breath-holding ability.

She appreciated how he kept his hands at his sides, though he seemed to have learned from their last encounter that he wasn’t to touch her unless she asked. If he had pushed her head down at any point, he might have enjoyed his very last blowjob.

Using her hands, tongue and mouth, she pulled his orgasm from him, letting him bust in her mouth only for her to spit it at the foot of the nearest tree. She wouldn’t be giving him the satisfaction of swallowing every last drop of him. Not that night.

Surprisingly, he didn’t seem to mind at all; instead, standing and lifting her to her feet.

“What are you doing now?”

“I thought you might like to wash off.”

He was right. Her dirt, come-coated body made her feel like a grub, but there was no way she would be walking back to the packhouse when shifters in post-sex bliss might see them.

“I don’t want to be seen.”

Rowan’s eyes twinkled mischievously, and he scooped her up, walking straight into the thick underbrush off the beaten path.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll have to wait and see.”

“I don’t like surprises.”

“Stop talking, or we might have visitors.”

Sylvie’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?” she whispered.

“You ask so many questions,” he rasped back. “Trust me.”

She scowled but closed her mouth, letting his easy step lull her body into relaxation. That was until they walked out of the clearing to the side of the lake and straight into it.

“No, wait. It’s freezing!” she yelped as the icy waters lapped at her feet. Twisting and writhing, she tried to climb Rowan’s body as he chuckled.

“You’re like a feral kitten.”

“Put me down!”

“As you wish.”

He bobbed under the water, submerging her with him, cutting off her screams with a mouthful of frigid liquid.

He kept moving deeper still when he stood, and she clung to him. “Pick me up, pick me up.” Her voice turned hoarse, and teeth chattered from the cold as he pulled her tightly to him.

“I have you.”

The heat from his body pulled her in like gravity, and their bodies fit perfectly together. Without a word, he lowered her onto his cock, and she sighed, letting that heat warm her from the inside.

They remained still, only the movement of the water simulating sex as he adjusted his hands around her ribs. “Lay back.”

Instead of arguing, she eyed him wearily and let her head rest atop the water as he held her afloat.

“You don’t know how to swim.” It was a statement, not a question.


“You never learned.”

“I never had a teacher.”

A soft rocking between them made her sigh, and she squeezed her walls around him, enjoying his reciprocated noise.

“When this is all over,” he murmured low, perhaps hoping she wouldn’t hear him with her ears submerged beneath the freezing water. “I’ll teach you.”

“I don’t think it will ever be over.” He tensed and sighed, the sound wounding her heart. She prayed the water, and the darkness of the night hid the fat rolling tears as she felt his pain from her rejection.

He lifted her wordlessly off him and carried her to shore, setting her down and offering a towel that had been meticulously folded and placed by the fire.

“Get some rest. We’ll be leaving tomorrow.”

She went to answer, but he was already walking away.

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