Unwanted Fates~ Book Two

Chapter 14

Rowan caught Sylvie’s wrist without blinking, his tight grip cooling the burn of her skin and pulling a gasp from her lips.

“I don’t want you,” Sylvie breathed, pulling her arm back weakly and searching for her mates. They would surely hate her for this. Elias stayed at the window with crossed arms while Kian sat himself on a chair at the door.

“And I don’t want you,” Rowan replied gruffly, with his soft lilting accent. His other hand wrapped around her throat and squeezed lightly. “But look where we are.”

“You hurt me.” Sylvie backed away but secretly hoped he would keep his hold on her. Finally, the touch of another didn’t itch, ache or burn.

“You burned me.”

His eyes flashed gold as she hit the bed and dropped onto her ass. “If you hadn’t interfered with Jace, this never would have happened. My blood would never have crossed with yours, and we could live as if we never met.”

Her breathing quickened as his legs stepped between hers. She couldn’t knee him in the balls from that position. Frowning, she scooted back across the bed, but the pain from their separation forced her to curl into a ball and groan.

“Stop moving,” Rowan growled, dragging her back to him by the ankle. She kicked him in the stomach with her free leg and warmed, hearing Elias’ low chuckle.

“Don’t test me, woman,” Rowan snapped, lowering his torso over hers, the heat between their bodies easing the pain again. “You and your wretched kind hurt my people, and instead of fighting with them, I’m stuck here with you.”

“Then leave,” she bit between her chattering teeth. “Never come back. I don’t want another mate.”

His body tensed as if she had struck him, and her chest ached.

Kian cleared his throat from the door. “Maybe just give him a chance-”

“No,” Elias interrupted. “By all means, Kitten. Make him pay for what he did to you.”

“I didn’t do anything,” Rowan bit back, burying a hand in her hair and cradling her skull.

“That’s the problem, isn’t it,” Elias said. “You did nothing while your man tortured her.”

“He didn’t know about her connection to me, just like I didn’t know about either of you.”

Sylvie groaned as a rolling cramp seized in her muscles, and Rowan’s jaw ticked. He pressed his bare chest against her. While the pain eased, something about the fabric between them frustrated her. Her hands trailed to her shirt hem and tugged, hoping to rip the t-shirt right off. The sports bra, on the other hand, would be more of a challenge.

“He’s gone now anyway,” Rowan growled, raising up and holding a hand between them. His fingernails lengthened and formed a claw which he lowered to her side and hooked around her clothes, using a single swipe to tear through them. He waited for her to finish the action and pull the items off, and she did, swallowing as her breasts spilt from the sports bra.

Unlike Kian and Elias, who had kept their gazes off her curves before she accepted them months ago, Rowan did the opposite, drinking her in before lowering his torso back onto hers. The thumping of her heart tickled, and she almost felt herself again, besides the steady throbbing between her legs.

“What do you want?” he asked then, staring into her eyes. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want to go back in time to before I met you.”

His hand slid down her side and squeezed her hip. “And then what?”

She bit back a moan as his palm pressed between their thighs.

“Then I would tell my mates not to leave me alone that morning, and when you show up, I would tell them to kill you.”

Kian’s soft intake of breath drew her attention, but Rowan turned her head back to face him.

“You want me dead?” His breath fanned across her face as he lowered his lips to hover above hers.

She paused, her breath hitching as his lower half pressed into her pelvis. “I want you-” Before she could finish the sentence, his mouth dipped to the erratic pulse fluttering in her neck and licked up the column of her throat.

“You want me, what?” he growled, nipping her collarbone with his teeth, eliciting a warning grunt from one of her mates. Maybe Elias.

“If you mark her, you could kill her.”

Rowan turned and growled, “Why the fuck would the Fates mate us if she couldn’t wear my mark. Look at her fucking brand, bloodsucker. There’s a perfect space for my crest.”

“Bite her, and I’ll tear your head from your shoulders.”

A surprising growl came from Sylvie’s lips, and her hands shot around Rowan’s neck protectively. She immediately let go, but Rowan’s hand shot up to cup hers, his entire weight resting on his elbows.

“Are you two dipshits gonna leave so I can ease her pain, or would you prefer to watch.”

Rowan didn’t sound as if he minded either option, and Sylvie exhaled a soft laugh knowing what both her mates would stay.

“We aren’t leaving her.”

Rowan hummed. “I suppose I’ll show you two how it’s done then.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Sylvie groaned, reaching for the sweatpants hugging Rowan’s hips and pushing them down a fraction.

After this, she would be fine. She would feel better, and she could send him away as if nothing had happened. It was just sex. Nothing more.

His hands slid back down to her hips, tearing her pants off along with his own and pulled her to her feet, keeping her close with one hand behind her neck.

Taking a step back to see what she was working with, she gulped. Everything on his body, from his broad muscled shoulders to his taught, bulky abdomen and shredded thighs, were thick. The hard cock hanging between his legs was no exception.

“We do this, then you leave,” she panted, glueing her hands to her side. She wanted to reach out and trace the tattoos all over his body but thought better of it. No point in being intimate. This would just be a quick fuck to stop the pain from the blood sharing.

“Agreed,” he said lowly while letting his gaze trace every dip and curve of her body. “Until the next full moon,” added with a glint in his eye. “When this happens again.”


“If I don’t mark you, your body will continue to experience a heat every full moon until I do.”

“Get on with it already,” Kian chided. “The sooner you do this, the sooner she can rest.”

“Oh, she won’t be resting tonight.” His smirk made goosebumps ripple across her bare skin.

She didn’t even know how to start. Rowan noticed her unsureness and picked her up by the thighs, wrapping her legs around his waist, turning and pushing her body into the wall. Propping her up in his arms, Rowan pressed his tip into her entrance, the sensation forcing a moan from her lips.

He took control. But that wasn’t right. He wasn’t the one in charge; she was. While Kian gave her peace and Elias gave her pleasure, Rowan gave her something else entirely. Something he was trying to take from her.


Rowan paused, pulling his head back to scrutinise her face. “What?”

“Put me down,” she breathed. The agony from minutes earlier had ebbed so greatly that a smile crept across her lips. Rowan had the decency to look slightly confused and a fraction concerned as he lowered her feet to the floor.

“Back up, puppy.” Keeping her body flush with his, she pushed him back to the bed, shoving him down when his legs knocked the bedframe. She giggled at his furrowed brow and crawled over him, placing her hand over his throat.

“I’m in charge tonight.”

“You don’t have the nerve,” Rowan said with a lazy smirk.

Her curling grasp around his cock squeezed along with the pressure on his throat.

“Don’t test me, puppy. Or the next place I squeeze will be your balls.”

She flashed her eyes towards her only teacher of BDSM and warmed under Elias’ approving gaze before starting a soft stroking motion along Rowan’s sleek shaft.

His chest rumbled under hers, and she hoisted a leg over his belly, using her hand to guide him closer. This was it. About to fuck her kidnapper, mate. Goddamit. A full-body cramp rolled through her, and she groaned softly as she finally sheathed herself over Rowan. The act itself drew a surprised moan from her lips.


“You still want to be in charge of this?”

Sylvie bared her teeth at him, lowering until he was inside her completely. “Yes. I do. And I am.”

Once her body accepted him, stretching enough to feel good, she rocked softly, warming up for the main event.

“Keep your hands off me,” she growled, readjusting her grip on his throat and squeezing softly as his gaze darkened and he threaded his palms under his head.

The air in the room grew heavier as she rocked faster, and the eyes of her mates took her in. Blinding moonlight lit up the space, highlighting every feature of her body, from the soft curve of her breasts to the plump roundness of her ass. The weight of their gazes filled her with desire, and her wetness helped her bounce faster and harder on Rowan.

“Do you like this?”

“Yes,” three voices answered in an identical fashion, and Sylvie bit her hand to stop a laugh.

Desire, frustration and pure unadulterated power filled her mind and soul. Her body sang as a climax tingled on the periphery, and she winced as her canines elongated.

Fuck. She wanted to mark him. She had to. Avoiding the gaze of her mates, she maintained her pace, chasing the orgasm and lowering her body, pressing her breasts to his body and her lips to his ear.

“Do you want this?” she whispered.

She hoped he noticed the hidden question, and by the subtle tilting of his chin, he did.

Before she could think things through, she let the sexual frustration of the last few weeks rise in her mind along with the building energy inside her.

She bit him.


Burying her teeth deep right into the trap, she moaned as his fiery blood swirled on her tongue and down her throat. His strangled growl only turned her own more, forcing her body to take control.

All sound ceased as she trembled, her climax peaking. Unclasping her teeth, the blood dripping down her chin, her head flung back as her pussy clenched over and over on Rowan’s thick cock. “Fuck!”

Rowan shifted beneath her, grabbing the back of her neck, his mouth latching to her shoulder when a loud shout and grip on her shoulder shook her from her lust-filled haze.


“What have you done?”

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