Unveiled: A Dark Revenge Romance (Dark Sovereign Book 6)

Unveiled: Chapter 14

My hands tremble uncontrollably as I frantically stuff clothes and necessities into a suitcase. My heart thumps in my chest, pounding wildly with fear-driven adrenaline coursing through me like molten lava. I know where Nunzio is hiding, and while the brothers arm themselves for an attack, Leandra and I have to be rushed off to two separate safehouses. I knew this day was coming. I couldn’t wait for it. But now that it’s here, I’d be lying if I said I’m not scared—that I don’t fear the outcome.

Strong arms coil around my waist from behind me, and I suck in a breath, closing my eyes as I lean back into him.

“It’ll be okay, Hummingbird. We got this.”

“I just want it all to be over.”

“Soon. I promise.”

I turn to face him, craning my head to look him in the eye, desperate for assurance. “Promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”

“That’s something I can’t promise,” he teases with a grin.

“Nicoli, I’m serious.”

“I know, babe. I know.”

I study his features, his sapphire eyes. Everyone says they look identical, but to me, Nicoli doesn’t look at all like his twin brother. They might have the same eyes, equally sharp and hypnotic, but there’s a warmth to Nicoli’s irises that Alexius’ do not possess. Maybe it’s because I’ve spent countless hours gazing into these pools of mystery, at first always finding comfort in them until, one day, I realized I wanted to drown in their blue depths and be lost in their magic forever.

I cup his cheek, his warmth soaking through my palm. “I love you, Nicoli Del Rossa. I’ve loved you my entire life.”

He takes a deep breath and places his hand over mine, sending a wave of electricity up my arm. “You are my everything, Hummingbird.”

My throat tightens with emotion, and I’m unable to speak.

“What I feel for you isn’t just love. It’s something more. Something stronger. It’s like I literally can’t fucking breathe without you.” He reaches out and cups my cheeks with both his hands. “The day you got out of that car wearing that ugly as fuck yellow jacket, I knew you were going to change my life forever. I knew protecting you would be my purpose.” He licks his lips, his eyes searching mine. “Until the day you turned sixteen, and my purpose changed. I was no longer just meant to protect you. I was meant to love you, too.”

He kisses me, and I suck in a breath against his lips, unable to stop the wave of emotion that crashes through me so hard I’m sure I’ll break into a million pieces because of it. It’s like our love, our bond is this living, breathing thing that I can feel expanding within me, filling up the empty spaces that I didn’t even know existed. The way he kisses me is desperate, urgent, filled with a passion that burns like the sun. Nicoli’s lips are so familiar, yet every time he kisses me it feels like the first time again. His hands slide down from my cheeks to my neck, his fingers twining into my hair as he deepens the kiss, our mouths madly pressing together as we both try to pour our souls into each other.

When he breaks the kiss for air, both of us gasping against each other’s lips, there’s a sudden ache inside my chest I just can’t endure.

“We shouldn’t do this,” I whisper. “I can’t do this, Nicoli.”


“No. No. I can’t. There’s still time to stop this,” I beg, and he presses his forehead against mine. “Please, Nicoli.”

“You know as well as I do that this has to be done.”

“No.” A tear slips down my cheek. “I was wrong. I never should have suggested—”

“Baby.” His fingers bite into my arms as he pulls me closer. “We can do this.”

“We don’t—”

“Yes, Mira. We have to. It’s the only way we’ll be able to put this behind us.” He presses his lips hard against mine, and a sob fills my breath. “It’s the only way you’ll find peace.”

I nod, swallowing hard as I push away the fear that threatens to consume me. The thought of being separated from Nicoli, even for a short time, is almost unbearable.

“Promise me you’ll be careful,” I whisper.

“Only if you promise me the same.”

“We promise each other. No matter what happens, we won’t be reckless.”

He nods. “We got this, baby girl.”

“Yo, Nicoli.” Caelian appears by the door. “The cars are ready. We gotta go.”

Nicoli brushes his lips softly against mine, and I’m sure my heart will tear out of my chest at any moment. “Tonight, we end this. Okay? You and me.”

I nod quickly, and he gives me one last reassuring smile and says, “I’ll meet you downstairs,” before turning to follow Caelian out the door.

For a moment, I stand there in the silence, listening to the sound of my own heartbeat thudding like a bass drum. I know Nicoli’s words are true. We must see this through to the end, no matter what, but the panic and fear are so raw I’m struggling to control it. I wipe away the tears that stream down my face and take a deep breath, trying to collect myself. There’s no turning back now.

When I get to the foyer, everyone is already there. Alexius is helping Leandra with the twins, pulling on their coats. Every time I see him with them, I’m struck by how different he is around them. It’s like a mask slips off his face, showing a side of him only his family gets to see. He’s still intense and brooding, but there’s a gentleness to him that no one ever thought existed.

It’s amazing how much Aria looks like her dad—black locks and those intense blue irises. Alessio also has Alexius’ sapphire eyes and the same midnight hair. But there’s a softness in him that’s identical to his mother—a kindness that can melt the most hardened of hearts.

Caelian and Isaia step outside while Nicoli and Maximo are deep in quiet conversation. I can only imagine the storm that beats inside them, both fiercely protective of me.

“Are you okay?” Leandra asks, and I turn toward her.

“I’m fine. I’m sorry you and the twins are caught up in this, too.”

“Don’t,” she says, touching my elbow. “We’ll all be okay. And hopefully, this all ends soon.”

I give her a small smile in return, grateful for her presence and the friendship that has become invaluable to me and my sanity.

As we head out to the cars that will take us to separate safehouses, Nicoli’s hand slips into mine briefly, sending a shiver up my arm.

“I got you, Hummingbird,” he rasps into my ear. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I know.” I squeeze his hand in return, feeling a sense of security wash over me, but it doesn’t settle the deep, looming fear of uncertainty—not knowing how this night will end.

He opens the passenger side door of the black SUV, standing to the side as I slide into the back seat. Nausea starts to creep up again, so I clutch my stomach, breathing through the sickening feel in my gut.

Nicoli leans in, kissing my cheek tenderly, then whispers words of reassurance into my ear. As he pulls away, all I want to do is grab him and never let go. Glue myself to his side and refuse to let him leave. I’ve never wished for a different life. I grew up in a world with wealth and luxuries some can only dream of, but just like everything else, it comes with a price—this moment right now being it.

“I love you,” I murmur, and he silently mouths the exact words back at me before shutting the door. I clutch my stomach tighter, feeling the bile rise in my throat. It’s a familiar sensation, one that I’ve experienced before when faced with danger. But this time, it feels more potent, like the poison flowing through me is stronger than ever. The fear is crippling, harshened by a single thought. Maybe this was the last time I’d ever see him.

My husband.

The love of my life.


This feels different. This isn’t just fear or panic. It’s worse. Far worse. I’m watching her being taken away from me, knowing this war is about to reach its peak, and I’m sending her into the belly of the beast. I’m going against every goddamn instinct I have to protect her, choosing to cling to hope that this plan works. Why do I suddenly feel like the dumbest fuck in the world?

The atmosphere is charged with tension, the night trained on us like a heat-seeking missile ready to strike. One wrong move and I lose everything. One second of hesitation, one wrong decision will cost me more than I can bear to pay, so all I can do is pray to God that He gives me the strength to see this through.

I swallow back my feelings of fear and desperation and put on a steely mask of determination. This is no game; the stakes are too high. One misstep could cost me everything I love and cherish, so there is zero room for error tonight. Each breath is measured and focused as if my life depends on it—because it does. Mira is my life, and I’ll rain down hell on the entire goddamn world if it means I finally get to end this for her.

The engine of Mira’s SUV starts, and I kick at the gravel as my boots stomp across the asphalt toward one of the other unmarked cars.

“You ready?” Maximo says as he opens the passenger side door.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

We get into the car, adrenaline pumping through my veins, and I start the engine, keeping my eyes glued to the SUV Mira is in.

“Tonight is the first time in my life that I envy Rome, thinking that if I had done the same, none of this ever would have happened.”

“This life is in your blood, Nicoli. Our blood. And something tells me it’s in hers, too.”

“I always thought your sister is too good for this world. I still do. But somehow—” I grip the steering wheel “—somehow I think she has a better chance at surviving this life than any of us do.”

“My sister’s a fighter, I’ll give her that.”

Alexius knocks on the window, and I roll it down.

“We good?”

“Yeah. You make sure your wife and kids get where they’re going safely.”

Alexius gives me a knowing look. “Are you sure about this?”

“No. But it’s—”

The back passenger door gets flung open and Caelian slides into the back seat. I whip around to face him. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m coming with you.”

“We agreed you’d go with Alexius and Isaia.”

He shrugs. “Well, I changed my mind and I no longer agree with that plan. So, I’m coming with you two assholes.”

“No, you’re—”

“Just take him with you.” Alexius straightens. “He might come in handy. Besides, if you don’t get to kill anyone tonight, you can kill him.”

“Fuck you very much, brother,” Caelian calls after him as he walks away, then sits back in his seat, adjusting his collar. “I’m buying all of you assholes unicorn dildos for Christmas you can all go fuck yourselves with. Just saying.”

I put the car in drive, revving the engine as Alexius and Isaia get into the car behind us.

Maximo glances at me. “Once we’re sure Mira is secure at the safehouse, we’re ending this shit with Nunzio once and for all. Tonight.”

“Tonight,” I repeat, trying to ignore the warning prickling the back of my neck.

Alexius and Isaia take the lead, the SUV with Leandra and the kids falling behind him, and another boxing her vehicle in from behind.

The fourth car falls in line, and my stomach knots when Mira’s vehicle starts to move. I gently put my foot on the gas to follow, and I can practically feel Maximo’s tension colliding with mine. My heart is pounding like a sledgehammer as we approach the gates, my vision blurred with a rush of rage, anger, fear, every fucking emotion known to man, my eyes glued to the car in front of me. Alexius turns to the right, Leandra’s car, and the one behind them following. It’s a convoy of black SUVs, driving in line then splitting in two different directions. Just as Mira’s SUV turns to the left and out of the estate, I abruptly come to a stop just outside the gate.

“Fuck.” I slam my palm against the steering wheel.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Maximo stares at me wide-eyed.

“Shit, give me a sec,” I curse, quickly leaping from the car, popping the trunk, and grabbing my gun from the duffel bag, tucking it into my side.

“What the fuck was that?” Maximo demands as I get back in behind the wheel.

“I forgot my gun in the bag.”

“You forgot. Your gun. In the fucking bag?” The disbelief on Maximo’s face would be comical if not for the current circumstances.

“Let it be known,” Caelian starts, “that you are the biggest asshole out of the lot of you, so you’ll be getting the monster-sized dildo for Christmas.”

“Whatever, man.” I step hard on the gas this time and speed down the road, the streetlights zipping past in an orange line, casting shadows over our faces.

As I catch up to Mira’s car, I have an overwhelming urge to stop all of this, grab Mira, and take her with me far away where no one can find us. It’s a mad scheme, but surely it’s better than what we’re doing now. It would be easier and safer than a plan that’s foolproof on paper, but executing it could have dire consequences. There are so many things that could go wrong tonight, and I’m two seconds away from pulling the plug on all of this.

“Please, Nicoli. You need to trust me. It’s the only way.”

“You okay over there?” Maximo clutches his gun, and my nostrils flare as I nod, adrenaline pumping through my veins as we tail Mira’s SUV.

“Keep your eyes peeled,” I order.

“Hey, man, you sure you can handle it if shit hits the fan tonight?” Caelian looks at me in the rearview mirror, concern laced across his eyebrows.

“Of course, I can fucking handle it,” I snap back at him, tightening my fingers around the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white. “I have to.”

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