Until You (Off-Limits)

Until You: Chapter 12

I stare at my phone, feeling unsettled. Something is wrong with Nyx, but I can’t tell what it is. She hasn’t replied to any of my jokes, keeping our communication strictly professional. Usually she’ll be sarcastic with me when I attempt to flirt with her, but in the last couple of days, things have felt different.

NyxFound video footage that shows him getting into his car a few minutes after the time of death. He couldn’t have made it to the crime scene in time from work.

AshI’ll have the media members circulate it so we gain enough attention to stop his execution. Once the media digs into this our chances will be much higher.

NyxOkay, I’ll leave it to you.

AshSeriously, Nyx… are you okay?

I wait for her reply, and just as I’ve decided she’s going to ignore me, she responds.

NyxI went through a bad breakup recently and I’m not really myself right now. I’ll be okay. This case gives me something to focus on.

My thoughts immediately turn to Aria. Was Nyx in the same state Aria was in? I can’t imagine a woman like Nyx crying over any man, considering how amazing she is. But then again, Aria did, and she’s no less wonderful.

I try my hardest to think of something to say that might make her feel better, but I come up empty. In the end, I decide to throw a lame, flirty line at her, hoping it might at least make her smile.

AshAll I’m reading is that the illustrious Nyx is single. So I’ve got a shot, huh? I’d better bring my A-game. I’ll win you over.

NyxShot? The only shots involved are me shooting you down.

I smirk. That’s more like my Nyx.

AshNyx, do you happen to have a Band-Aid? ‘Cause I scraped my knees falling for you.

AshHey, Nyx? I’d like to take you to the movies, but they don’t let you bring in your own snacks.

Nyx: …Where are you getting these from? I can’t decide if they’re awful or cute.

AshCute, of course. Google taught me.

Nyx*face palms* Of course you googled your pick-up lines. I knew you had zero game.

I grin, enjoying our exchange. She sounds far more like herself now, and I can’t wipe the smile off my face. When did I even start to care about her so much?

AshBut did I make you smile?


AshThat’s all I wanted.

I put my phone away, trying my hardest to focus on my work. I’ve already fallen behind on everything that needs to be done.

I have no idea how long I’ve been working when my concentration is broken by a flash of yellow in my peripheral vision. I look up to find Aria handing me a bright yellow mug filled with peppermint tea. I take it gratefully and smile at her.

These kind gestures of hers always throw me off. I’m not used to anyone doing stuff like this for me, or even remembering which tea I like.

“Morning,” she murmurs. “How long have you been up?”

I stare at her, taking in her bloodshot eyes. “Not as long as you,” I say, my voice soft.

Aria grimaces and raises her hand to her face, her finger tracing over the bags underneath her eyes, and I instantly feel awful.

“I… I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant that you look tired and I assumed you didn’t sleep well. You’re always beautiful, Aria. Always.”

Her cheeks redden and she looks away, her lips tipped up ever so slightly. “That’s a lot of words so early in the morning. Note to self: bribe Gray with tea and he might speak.”

I chuckle as she sits down next to me. “I always speak to you, Ari. Yet somehow you’re convinced I don’t.”

She leans in to glance at my screen, before looking up, her hair brushing against my chin. “I guess I just remember the way you were when I first met you,” she says, her voice soft. “You guarded your words like they were your greatest treasure, and I made it my mission to uncover your thoughts, to make you voice them.”

I look into her eyes, mesmerized by the specks of gold mixed in with the brown. How have I never noticed how unique her eyes are? She’s so close, and it makes me strangely nervous. She smells like freaking cupcakes or something. Is it vanilla? I don’t know, but she smells far too good.

“I’m no longer the guy you met over a decade ago, Aria.”

She nods, her eyes on mine. She’s no longer the little girl she used to be, either. Far from it.

“May I?” she asks, and I nod without thinking.

Aria smiles and turns my laptop toward her. Her fingers fly over my keyboard, and my first instinct is to panic. I hate it when people touch my work, and Aria has little to no work experience. I tense, but before I can even stop her, she runs the script. She runs it… and it doesn’t crash.

“What the fuck?”

I grab my laptop and stare at the screen, analyzing each line of changes she made. I’m in fucking awe. I knew she was good based on what I saw in Brad’s software, but this is something else. Some people are good coders so long as you tell them what they need to do, but they aren’t always good problem solvers. Aria… she’s an out of the box thinker. I suspected it when I saw her work, but damn.

Something about her way of coding looks familiar. I had the same thought when I saw Brad’s software. It feels like holding a puzzle piece that doesn’t fit anywhere. Something doesn’t add up.

“What the actual fuck,” I repeat, and she chuckles.

“You’re welcome, Gray,” she says, a blush tinting her cheeks.

I grab her hand and squeeze. “Come work for me,” I tell her.

Aria’s eyes widen and she looks away, wrapping her arms around herself almost protectively. When I first told her there’d always be a place for her at my firm, I didn’t think much of it. All I thought was that she wanted to work for my company and that I was in a position to make it happen. But now? Now I need her to work for me. It isn’t even about Noah asking me to help her have a fresh start. This is pure selfishness. I’d be a fool not to hire talent like hers.

“I mean it, Aria. I’ve been working on this shit for close to an hour now. You barely glanced at it and fixed it instantly. You’re good. I’d pay top dollar to poach you from whoever you’re working for. Let me make you an offer you can’t refuse.”

She stares at me as though she’s trying to gauge my sincerity, and I throw all my charm at her. “I’ll offer you a position as a senior software developer in my elite team, and you can stay with me while you settle in. The views from my penthouse are stunning, and you’ll love it. It’s also absolutely massive, with a home gym and a rooftop heated pool. I’ll give you a signing bonus too. One that’s large enough to repay Noah’s med school bills.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”

I nod. “I’m dead serious, Aria. I want you.”

She smiles at me, her brows raised. “You want me?”

I freeze and Aria bursts into laughter.

“I like it when you get all wordy with me,” she says, and I shake my head, feeling oddly flustered. “Gray,” she murmurs, her smile melting away. “I’d be beyond honored to work for you. Honestly, if you told you you’re taking me on as an unpaid intern, I’d jump at the chance. What you’re offering me… it’s too much. Considering I have no relevant work experience, it’s too much, but you know I can’t say no.”

I smile at her and lean back in my seat. “So that’s a yes, then? I’ll get HR to draft you a contract. I’m flying back tomorrow, but I don’t expect you to come with me so soon. I imagine you need some time to pack.”

Aria’s expression hardens and she shakes her head. She glances out the window, her mood dropping. “I’ll come with you. Tomorrow.”

I nod, my own excitement waning. I hate seeing her hurting and I’m worried that moving with me so suddenly means she won’t get the closure she needs.

“Stealing my sister away, are you? I feel like you should probably pay me a poaching fee,” Noah says. Aria and I both jump in surprise. Neither one of us noticed him standing in the doorway.

He walks up to us and sits down next to Aria, his arm wrapping around her. “Congratulations on the new job,” he says. “A fresh start is exactly what you need, and I won’t have to worry about you if Gray is looking out for you.”

She drops her head on his shoulder and nods. “Will you be okay by yourself? I know we don’t see each other as much as we used to, but if I move away, we won’t even be able to have weekly dinners.”

Noah chuckles and presses a kiss on top of her head. “I’m a big boy, Ari. I can take care of myself. Besides, you know how much I work. If you’re with Gray, then at least I know you won’t be alone all the time. I won’t have to worry about you so much.”

Aria nods, but I can tell she’s feeling conflicted. I wonder if it might actually be better for her to have Noah around. I hope this move will be good for her, but I can’t help but worry.

“It’s done, then,” Aria says. “We leave tomorrow.”

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