Until Friday Night (A Field Party Book 1)

Until Friday Night: Chapter 21


I had texted with Aunt Coralee several times during the game to check on Mr. Ashby, or Jude, as he’d told me to call him. She had assured me he was sleeping and everything was fine. I wanted to be able to reassure West that everything was okay every time he looked up in the stands at me.

He did it several times, and each time I nodded.

Through it all, he managed to run in a touchdown and make several plays I didn’t understand but that, according to Uncle Boone, who explained things as they happened, were very impressive. West was always there for Brady to make the best plays.

I knew tonight he wouldn’t be going to the field party. He was worried about being away from his dad. I had asked Aunt Coralee if I could go home after the game instead of going to the field party with Brady. Even though I was glad I’d met his parents, emotionally, I was spent.

Although Jude had talked to me, it had been hard for him, and he was using all the energy he had to talk to us. He gasped for breath and coughed. Then watching the way he stared at his wife like he adored her had broken my heart.

I couldn’t remember a time in my life when my parents had looked at each other that way. I could remember them fighting and yelling, and they’d always made up. Yet not once did they look at each other the way West’s parents did.

To think that they would lose that was so incredibly sad.

As the crowd made their way out to their cars, I followed Uncle Boone as he went to wait on Brady to come out of the locker room. I wanted to see West before I left. Leaving his dad today had been hard on him. He’d held on to my hand the entire ride back to my house. If I could’ve held his hand on to the football field, I would have.

“There’s West,” Uncle Boone said, nodding toward the field house. “I reckon you’ll want to go see him. I think he’s probably looking for you.”

I glanced up at Uncle Boone, and he gave me an understanding smile. I hoped he didn’t think what West and I were doing was anything more than friendship. I had explained it to Aunt Coralee because she’d asked me. But I hadn’t really explained it to Uncle Boone.

I nodded and headed over to West. But Serena got to him before I could. She squealed and wrapped her arms around him. I stopped and waited. I had come to realize that sometimes West needed me, but other times he needed her. Or someone like her. I wasn’t sure if this was one of those times.

West listened to her talk, and he gave her a nod. I decided it was Serena time not Maggie time, and I turned and headed back to Uncle Boone. He was standing where I’d left him, watching me. He didn’t look happy, but he didn’t look mad, either. Just concerned.

I stopped when I got back to his side, and we waited on Brady.

After a few moments Uncle Boone cleared his throat. “Boys don’t always make the right decisions. It takes years before they become men and wise up.”

He didn’t have to explain. I was already starting to understand.

“You deserve more, Maggie. He’s hurting, but you’ve had your share of hurt too, sweetheart.”

I knew Uncle Boone meant well. And I also knew he was right. I did deserve more, and I knew it wouldn’t be from West. He never promised me more than friendship, and friendship was what he needed from me. And until he didn’t need me anymore, I’d be there for him. Even if it was hard, and even if I had flutters from time to time. It was my job to remember he had no other deeper feelings for me. I would guard myself. I had made it through hell and survived. I could do this.

“We killed it!” Brady’s voice boomed, and I looked out to see him walking toward us, beaming at his dad. Uncle Boone stood there with pride etched on his face. I imagined this was why it was so hard for West. This was one of the things he’d already lost.

“Good game, son.” Uncle Boone patted Brady on the back. “You headed to the field?”

“Yeah, you coming, Maggie?” he asked, looking at me.

I shook my head.

He looked relieved and concerned at the same time.

“She’s gonna go on home with me tonight,” Uncle Boone told him, not mentioning my visit to West’s this afternoon.

“All right, I won’t be home too late,” he assured his dad, then turned and headed toward Ivy, who was waiting for him.

I glanced back in West’s direction, and our eyes collided. He was already headed my way. Serena was following behind him. This was not something I wanted to do in front of Uncle Boone.

“You want to wait on him to get here, or you want to go?” Uncle Boone asked.

I glanced up at Uncle Boone and gave him an apologetic smile. I knew he didn’t agree with this situation, and I loved that he cared enough about me to be worried. But I wasn’t running off on West. Not after seeing Brady with his dad and recognizing West wouldn’t ever have that again.

“Hey,” West said, bringing my attention back to him.

Serena stopped behind him. The look on her face was pure annoyance.

I moved my gaze away from her and back to West. I smiled at him. I wanted him to know everything was good. I’d text him later and tell him “good game.”

“You going to the field?”

I shook my head.

“She’s not going. So can we leave now?” Serena asked, reaching out and taking West’s arm.

He didn’t pull away from her, and I refused to let that hurt me.

“You going home?” he asked me.

I nodded.

“You played a good game,” Uncle Boone said, placing his hand on my shoulder. “That touchdown was impressive. Your dad will be happy to hear about it.” Then he started steering me toward the parking lot. “Y’all have a good night now. Maggie and I are headed home.”

He hadn’t left any room for argument.

West looked torn. Like he wanted to stop me, but he didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t make that decision for him. I lifted my hand and gave him a small wave before turning and walking away with Uncle Boone.

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