Unravel Me (Shatter Me Book 2)

Unravel Me: Chapter 33

90 seconds.

The real 1542 Sycamore is just as dilapidated as I’d originally imagined it would be. It’s a crumbling mess, its roof groaning under the weight of too many years’ negligence. Adam and Kenji and I are standing just around the corner, out of sight even though we’re technically still invisible. There is not a single person anywhere, and the entire house looks abandoned. I’m beginning to wonder if this was all just an elaborate joke.

75 seconds.

“You guys stay hidden,” I tell Kenji and Adam, struck by sudden inspiration. “I want him to think I’m alone. If anything goes wrong, you guys can jump in, okay? There’s too much of a risk that your presence will throw things off too quickly.”

They’re both quiet a moment.

Damn. That’s a good idea,” Kenji says. “I should’ve thought of that.”

I can’t help but grin, just a little. “I’m going to let go now.”

“Hey—good luck,” Kenji says, his voice unexpectedly soft. “We’ll be right behind you.”


I hesitate at the sound of Adam’s voice.

He almost says something but seems to change his mind. He clears his throat. Whispers, “Promise you’ll be careful.”

“I promise,” I say into the wind, fighting back emotion. Not now. I can’t deal with this right now. I have to focus.

So I take a deep breath.

Step forward.

Let go.

10 seconds and I’m trying to breathe


and I’m trying to be brave


but the truth is I’m scared out of my mind


and I have no idea what’s waiting for me behind that door


and I’m pretty sure I’m going to have a heart attack


but I can’t turn back now


because there it is


the door is right in front of me


all I have to do is knock


but the door flies open first.

“Oh good,” he says to me. “You’re right on time.”

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