Unravel Me (Playing For Keeps Book 3)

Unravel Me: Chapter 33

I wasn’t expecting this.

Fuck , I was not expecting this.

I race around my room, tossing dirty clothes in the hamper, scrubbing at the scuff on the bathroom mirror, washing away the drop of toothpaste that fell to my sink right before I left for my game. I hear Rosie say a final goodnight to Connor down the hall, the click of his bedroom door, and I throw myself on top of my bed, tugging at the covers to make them look neat and tidy.

Fucking figures, the one time I’m running late and don’t have time to clean before leaving my house, Rosie comes home with me.

The bedroom door opens when I’m mid–karate chop on a pillow, and when my gaze collides with Rosie’s amused one, I stop. Gently, I finish fluffing the pillows, then prop myself up on my side, my cheek on my fist, elbow on the mattress.

“Hey.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“What are you doing?” she asks, and every step she takes closer to me sends my heart into overdrive.

“I was just…I was…cleaning,” I finish on a sigh, taking a moment to starfish on the bed before hopping off it, joining her at my nightstand. “I didn’t have time to clean before I left for hockey, and I didn’t want you to think I’m messy.”

“Adam, I’m so messy.”

“Yeah, but your mess is organized chaos. Mine is just…” I circle a hand around the mess on my nightstand, searching for the word I’m looking for, but all hope is lost when I see what I’ve left on the table. “Oh shit.”

Rosie’s gaze follows mine, and when I try to step in front of the table, she elbows me out of the way. “What’s this?”

“What’s what?”

She holds up the book from my nightstand. “This.”

I swallow down the nerves that want to eat me alive. Just when I was feeling so confident thirty minutes ago too. “I’ve been doing a little light reading.”

“Light reading?” She turns the book over in her hands. “Co-Parent, Not Stepparent: How to throw out the labels and support your partner so you can be the best co-parent you can be. ”

“Okay, well, you didn’t have to read the title out loud.” Geez.

“How long have you had this?”

I rub the back of my neck. “A little while. I wanted to be perfect for you and Connor if you ever gave me a second chance.”

She stares at me for a long moment, her throat bobbing. Then, she points at the colored sticky tabs and highlighter on my nightstand. “And those?”

I clear my throat into my first. “I, uh…I’ve been tabbing the important parts. So I can go back to them later.”

“You’ve been annotating a book about how to be a good partner and stepfather?”

“Yeah, I guess. Well, I mean, the book says one of the most important things is to scrap the stepparent label. You’re supposed to love the kid as if they’re your own. But that’s easy, because, hello, I already do love Connor like he’s my own.”

Tears well in Rosie’s eyes, and they make me frantic. I want to stop them, so I open the drawer and pull out my pen and notebook.

“I have this little notebook. Sometimes I get questions when I’m reading, and I write them down so I can ask you later.” Shame creeps up my neck, uncertainty pulling the notebook into my chest, hiding it. “That’s weird. I’m saying it out loud and hearing how weird that sounds. You might not have wanted to get back together. And if you did—”

“I do.”

I swallow again. “You might not want me to be that involved. You two already have a family. You might not need me, not the same way I need you.”

Rosie looks at me, this crease in her eyebrow like she’s trying to process the words. She closes her eyes, gives her head this tiny shake, then steps forward, taking the notebook from my hands, lacing her fingers through mine. “We need you.”

“You do?”

“Of course. But more than we need you, Adam, we want you.”

My chest pulls taut, threatening to break open from the strain of my thrashing heart. “Really? Because I’ve never wanted anything the way I want you and Connor, Rosie. Not a single thing, not even hockey. I want to be your partner, and I want to do all the things together. The adventurous things and the quiet, lazy things. I want to do all the happy things, and all the sad, hard things, too, as long as I’m doing them with you. I want to keep loving Connor exactly the way I do, like he’s mine, ours , because he fucking feels like it. That kid owns my heart, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t hope one day Dada won’t just be a name he calls me because it’s a phase, but because I’m the man he can count on to be there for him all the damn time.”

“Oh my God,” Rosie murmurs. “I love you.”

My racing heart skids to a stop. “You what?”

Her eyes widen, and she lets go of my hands. She steps back, and I step forward. “I-I-I…I have to shower!” She spins, racing into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

I stare at it for three seconds before I go after her.

Rosie’s pacing the room, eyes closed, fingers pressed to her temples. I’m certain she doesn’t even hear me enter, not above the roar of the shower and her incessant chanting.

“Think with your brain, not with your tits. Think with your brain, not with your tits. Think with your brain, not with your tits.” She throws her arms in the air. “I mean, seriously, Rosie, it’s not that damn hard!”


Rosie squeals, spinning to me. “Adam. You heard that.”

“Why?” I repeat, backing her against the counter.

Her eyes bounce between mine as she fumbles for something to grab onto, something that isn’t me. “Why what?”

“Why do you love me?”

“Oh, that ?” She waves a flappy hand through the air, gigging anxiously. “Psssh. That was so silly. I love you? Yeah, I say that all the time. Bus driver? ‘Hey, thanks for the ride, dude. I love you!’ Cashier at the grocery store? ‘Thanks for bagging my groceries! Love ya!’” Another shrill giggle, and fuck me , I love her hot mess express side.

“Why?” My hand goes to her jeans, and her stomach jumps as I skim the waistband. “Gimme the reasons,” I murmur as I pop the button, slowly dragging the denim over her full hips, down her luscious thighs. Christ, she’s already wet for me, and we haven’t even begun. The dark spot in the center of those dusty rose panties begs me to taste her, to dive my tongue inside her and lick her clean.

And I plan to.

Tonight, I’m taking her back.

Tonight, I’m fucking done with slow.

My palms skate up her sides, over her hips and the dip in her waist, dragging her shirt up, guiding her arms above her head as she lets me slip it right off. I reach around her back, flicking the clip on her bra, a guttural groan rumbling in my chest as her perfect, full tits spring free.

Our gazes crash as I scrape my thumbs over her tight nipples, her breath sputtering past her lips.

“Reasons, Rosie. Now.”

“I don’t feel alone anymore,” she blurts, then licks her lip, watching as my fingers creep down her belly. Her eyes flip back to mine. “And it’s not about having someone. It’s about having you . It’s about knowing you’re my partner, not just a warm body at my side. It’s the good morning texts and showing up at the bus stop because it’s raining. It’s running me a bath and forcing me to unwind while you spend time with Connor. It’s double-checking my Starbucks order in case the cooler weather has made me want a warm drink instead of an iced one. It’s my favorite tea in your cupboards and a fresh T-shirt waiting for me to slip on for bed. It’s loving my son like he’s your own, accepting both of us without hesitation.” Her lashes flutter, voice lowering. “It’s naming the scholarship after the house I grew up in, peonies beneath my parents’ tree marking and peonies in your front yard, just so I know my parents are with me. Because I feel you everywhere, Adam, even when you’re not here.”

Something shutters in her eyes, a hesitancy that tames my hunger for a moment.

I rest my forehead against hers. “What are you afraid of, Rosie?”

“Losing you,” she whispers. “Connor’s is the only love I’ve ever got to keep.”

“You can keep mine. It belongs to you.”


“Swear it.” I hoist her onto the counter, pull off her panties, and spread her legs wide, running two fingers along her drenched slit as she sighs. “Love how fucking wet you get for me,” I murmur as I dip my fingers, smearing her wetness over her clit. I sink my hand in her hair and pull her gaze to mine. “Now tell me again, and not the way you tell the bus driver.”

She takes my face in her hands, and the love swimming in those sage eyes nearly knocks me to my knees. “I love you, Adam. For everything you are.”

I close my eyes as her words seep into my skin, a warmth that spreads through me.

I know this feeling. I felt it when Mom and Dad asked me if I wanted to go home with them, if I wanted to be a part of their family. When they promised to love me forever, and proved it time and time again when I messed up. I didn’t have to do anything to earn their love. They just chose me, day in and day out.

And that’s what Rosie’s doing now. She’s choosing me.

All of me.

“Thank you,” I choke out.

“For what?”

“Loving me.”

“Adam.” She sweeps her thumb beneath my eye, coaxing my heavy gaze back to hers. “Loving you came so naturally, like all these years I’d been saving it just for you, and when you walked into my life, all I wanted to do was hand you my heart and tell you to take it. So kiss me, please, because I’m ready to give it all to you.”

I’ve waited too long for this, a partner to walk through life with, a love I haven’t had to earn but simply deserved. Because, fuck, we all deserve to be loved without condition.

My mouth takes hers, a gentle nip of my teeth, begging for entry. A soft sweep of my tongue, tasting her slowly. Her back bows as I press two fingers inside her, an unhurried plunge while I savor the beauty below me, every one of her noises, the ones she makes just for me.

“I fell for you that first day, you know. Out there taking care of a dog you didn’t have an obligation to. Scared to give up control, to put your trust in anyone else, but willing to do it anyway and for a man you’d just met. Those eyes that smiled first, before anything else. And Jesus, Rosie, I just kept falling. That’s all I did, every damn day, fall further, harder, until there was nowhere left for me to go.”

I pull my fingers out as she watches me, sink them back in slowly, deeper, over and over, my thumb circling her clit as vines of red heat climb her golden skin and her steady breath turns ragged.

“The second I saw you with that little boy, I knew my heart was yours. You’re everything I was looking for. Kind and gentle, with so much love to give. Someone who works for the life they want and won’t give up without a fight. You’ve been through so much, Rosie. So damn much, and not once have you turned around and walked away. Even when I thought you might. When I prayed you wouldn’t. When I was fucking terrified you’d give up on me. You stayed, Rosie. And you chose me. Because of you, I know what it’s like to be seen, to have every single piece of me loved. I know because you do it every damn day, and fuck, Rosie, it feels so damn good.”

I cup her cheek, running my thumb along her lower lip as she struggles to breathe while I bring her closer to the edge.

“That’s why I love you, Rosie. I love you, and I’ve been loving you for a long time.”

“Adam,” she cries out, clenching around my fingers, grinding her pelvis into the palm of my hand while she comes.

“Love it when you come for me too,” I murmur. Dragging her off the counter, I push her toward the steam spilling over the shower door while the water beats down against it. I tug my shirt over my head and yank my pants down, my cock standing proud as I jerk my chin toward the shower. “Now get in there.”

When she hesitates, I smile, tsking.

“You feel like being a bad girl tonight, huh? That’s okay. I don’t feel like being all that nice.”

Bending, I grab her behind the knees, hoisting her over my shoulder.

Adam ,” she squeals, slapping my ass, making me laugh. “Put me down!”

I whip open the glass door, dropping her to her feet beneath the hot stream, pushing her against the tiled walls. My fingers tangle in her wet waves, melted honey and rose, and I press my mouth against her neck and my cock to her lower back.

“Ready to listen now?”

“No,” she breathes.

“Why not?”

“Because I want you to fuck me so hard, I forget all the time we lost where you could’ve been inside me.”

I bury my smile in her neck. “You want me to imprint the shape of my cock in your tight, wet pussy, trouble?”

She grins at me over her freckled shoulder, saucy and charming. “Do whatever you want, Adam. Just as long as I come while you’re doing it.”

I spin her around, slapping her hands to the tile on either side of her head, gripping her wrists. Trailing the tip of my nose down hers, I find her mouth, stealing a kiss. “Say it again,” I whisper.

“I love you.”

“Fuck, that sounds good.” Jerking her knees up, I wrap her legs around my hips while she slings her arms around my neck. “I don’t have any condoms, Rosie. I wasn’t expecting this, not tonight.”

She brushes her lips against mine. “I’m on the pill. I trust you.”

I nod, pressing a kiss to that tiny dimple in her chin. “I love you.”

“I know.”

“And I’m gonna fuck you like I love you. But first…first I’m gonna fuck you like I should’ve last night on my kitchen counter.”

She opens her mouth, but whatever was about to come out dies a scream when I drop her right on my cock, burying myself to the hilt.

“Jesus fuck ,” I groan, squeezing her ass as she pants, raking her nails down my back.

“You’re too big,” she cries, and I laugh.

“Oh no, my poor ego.”

“Shut up.”

“Say it again, baby. It’ll only make this better.”

Fire sparks in her eyes. “Shut. Up.”

“’Atta girl.” With one hand braced on the wall and the other on her ass, I drive myself forward. Over and over, harder, faster, deeper, until Rosie’s nothing but sharp gasps and whimpered pleas, biting nails and a pair of incredible, bouncing tits I just wanna fucking devour.

I lower my mouth, sucking one rosy nipple between my teeth, and Rosie moans, arching herself into me.

“God. Adam. Oh my…oooh . Yes. F-u-u-uuuck.”

“You’re not speaking English, baby.”

“I’m gonna come,” she cries, heels digging into my ass, nails raking down my arms. Her eyes roll up, wet hair splayed down her neck, and I grab a fistful of it, dragging her gaze back down to me.

“Look at me while you do it.”

“Fuck, Adam.” Her pussy squeezes my cock, and I keep thrusting, dragging every last drop from her. When she goes limp in my arms, I pull her off me, toss her over my shoulder, turn off the shower, and stalk across the bedroom.

Dropping her on the bed, I slap her ass and fist my cock. “Hands and knees, Rosie.”

She climbs there, slowly, and I grab her hips, yanking her to the edge of the bed, right where I need her. I trail the tip of my finger along her spine, then follow it with my lips.

“You gonna come again for me?”

“Yes, Adam.”

“How many times?”

“As many as you want me to.”

“And where are you gonna come?”

She sighs, fisting the sheets as I dip my tongue inside her, feasting on her sweet pussy. “On your cock, please.”

“Beautiful fucking girl.” I run my tongue along her slit, licking up as much of her as I can before I lean over her, fusing my mouth with hers so she can see how good she tastes.

I move back behind her, my gaze trailing every delicious inch of her, the dip in her waist that leads to those wide hips, soft enough for me to dig my fingers into. The curve in her spine that glides down to those dimples on her lower back, right above that immaculate, round ass.

“Fucking love these,” I rumble, dragging my palms down her back to the dimples, digging my thumbs into her soft flesh. I press my cock against her ass and groan, holding her in place while I fight for control. “You’re a fucking goddess, Rosie. This body makes me fucking…feral .”

“Feral?” she whispers, and when she lifts her ass, rubbing it against my cock, any semblance of control vanishes.

I yank her thighs to me, the soles of her feet hitting the ground, her chest flat on the bed, and I kick her legs wide before I plunge deep inside her. Her back bows off the bed, and she rips the sheets free from the mattress.

“Christ.” I grip her hip, holding her there while I pound into her, my other hand gliding up her back, fisting in her wet locks. “Goddammit, I love you. Love fucking you. But mostly…” I bend over her, driving deeper as I angle her face to mine. “Mostly, I love loving you.”

She cries out my name as our mouths collide, my hips slapping against her ass as

I climb higher and higher. She clenches around my cock, squeezing me deeper, and when I reach around and rub her clit, she explodes, dropping her face to the sheets to bury her scream.

I pull out of her, flipping her over and tossing her up to the pillows, crawling toward her.

“One more, baby,” I plead, spreading her legs, tossing one over my shoulder as I drop my chest to hers. “One more.”

She shakes her head, eyes squeezed shut as I sink back inside her, racing toward the finish line. She’s already coming, squeezing me again, or maybe she’s just never stopped. I don’t fucking know, but when her hips lift and she yanks my mouth down to hers, when she tells me she loves me one more time, I let go. I empty everything I have inside her, burying her name in the crook of her neck as we cling to each other, sweaty, breathless, and so fucking happy.

When I roll off her two minutes later, it’s only because I’m scared of crushing her.

“That was incredible. Otherworldly. I think I transcended.” Her head flops, bleary eyes staring at me. “Seriously, Adam, I don’t know how you’ll ever beat that.”

“I’ll spend the rest of my life trying.”

“Life goals?”

“My only goal in this life is making sure you spend the rest of your days knowing, without a doubt, how loved you and Connor are.” I tuck her into my side, sweeping my thumb over her dimpled chin. “If I succeed, I’ll have lived this life right.”

She smiles, sifting her fingers through my curls before pressing a kiss to my lips. “You are perfect for us, Adam.”

It’s not hard to realize how lucky I’ve gotten in finding Rosie. If it weren’t for her, I’m not sure I ever would’ve found the courage to truly be myself, to give all of me to someone else. I might have lived forever being too scared of rejection, too scared of fake loves and misguided intentions. Now, I get to live my life knowing that somebody has seen it all and still chose me.

That’s Rosie.

She unravels every string, and when she puts me back together again, I’m better than I was before. Whole, finally, and I don’t think I’ve ever been whole.

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