Unnatural Enticement: The Sexy Coroner

Chapter 2 Too Much Bad Luck

'Check the surveillance video?'

Kate froze, feeling unsettled.

'Alexander wouldn't stop till he reaches his goal. Could he be the man who slept with me?' she thought.

The man she had slept with must indeed be very powerful. If he was one of these four... She raised her head and stared at the outstanding but dangerous men lined up at the front of the hall. If he was really one of them, then she was in for a load of trouble.

A few minutes later, someone walked to the platform. It was one of their subordinates.

"Mr. Lin, the surveillance video is damaged, and Mr. He is still causing trouble in the hospital."

Justin, who had been indifferent this entire time, rolled his eyes and turned his head in disdain. "Do you know why there are so many tranquilizers in the hospital?" he said idly, staring at the cheerleaders in front of him.

"Yes, sir. I understand." In an instant, the subordinate turned and left.

The other men remained as calm as ever.

Standing silently behind the crowd, Kate sagged her shoulders in relief. It seemed that she was safe this time. She subtly patted her chest. This was a good thing. Otherwise, everyone would see how she dragged her makeshift rope and jumped into another man's room. 'Whoever destroyed the surveillance video, thank you.

It seems I can get off work soon,' she thought.

However, just as she was about to celebrate, a young waiter walked up to them. "When I was on duty, I saw a masked girl with a good figure. She walked out of Mr. He's room in a hurry. Her right leg doesn't seem flexible. In fact, she must've been injured." The more he spoke, the more confident he sounded, and the more Kate wanted to smack him right on the face.

It seemed that this was another plot.

The man who had forced her to sleep with him was using this method to weed her out. In fact, she might even assume that the so-called thief didn't exist at all. It was just an excuse to see her. She remembered the bruise decorating her right leg. If she was examined, then she was doomed.

Plus, the bruise around her thigh was far too close to her private parts. 'Bastard!' Kate gritted her teeth.

'At this point, I have to be careful.' There was no way she was forced into this world just to be caught so easily.

"Check their right legs! Those who have finished the inspection can leave." There was a trace of impatience in Alexander's eyes. Given that he was one of the hotel's major shareholders, he didn't want anything bad to happen here. In fact, he didn't want to call the police. He crossed his arms and leaned back, as if waiting for something to show up.

Kate's heart raced in her chest. If she moved right now, then she would certainly be weeded out. 'The bastard's still playing innocent!' When she found out who he was, then she was going to teach him a lesson!

She didn't know why she was dragged through time and drugged inexplicably, but there was no way she was backing down this easily.

Hearing Alexander's order, all the cheerleaders jumped in excitement. Their eyes twinkled. It was as if they weren't being examined for thievery! All of them showed their legs, hoping that their assets would be enough to bed any of the men sitting on the platform.

While Justin smacked his lips helplessly, the other men simply ignored them.

"Look at how shameless they are!" Lucy spat out. "They probably wish they could crawl into their beds right now."

The women couldn't help but swoon at the men. As long as they climbed into at least one of their beds, then they were set for life.

Almost every cheerleader present had that dream.

However, Alexander wasn't going to inspect himself. Instead, he chose the lobby manager, who was an aged woman.


All of a sudden, the girls sighed and followed the manager into the check-up room unwillingly.

They all went in and out. First, second, third... It was almost Kate's turn. Seeing that there was no escape, she braced herself for the impact. Suddenly, a shrill scream broke into the hall.

"Someone fainted!"

Everyone craned their heads to see that Kate had fainted. At the sight, some of the women burst into laughter.

"Kate's so weak that she faints before being tested!"

"She always does that."

"What a loser!"

"Hell, she couldn't speak loud enough for us to hear her."

"Please, she's as quiet as a mouse!" The girls discussed with each other.

The lobby manager frowned and gazed at the girl. Her face was pale and her lips had fresh blood stains. It seemed that she had bitten it. The old woman turned her head. "Mr. Lin, this girl just fainted. It doesn't look good. Should we send her to the hospital?"

"Of course!" Lucy paled at the sight. She placed her hand on her friend's shoulder and patted Kate's face gently. "Don't scare me like this," she whispered. "Wake up."

The other cheerleaders snorted in disdain. "She's so timid!

It's as if she'd seen a ghost!"

"Get her out of here! She's just bad luck!" someone shouted.

A kind-hearted cheerleader sighed. "Don't say that. Kate's just a little shy. Besides, doesn't she do your errands?"

"Please, she's a coward. In fact, she's similar to a kitchen mouse."

After Lucy shook her a few times, Kate slowly opened her eyes. She could see that Lucy's eyes were already rimmed red at the sight of her in this state.

"Lucy... What happened to me?" Kate asked weakly.

Lucy immediately jumped up. She glanced up at Alexander. "Mr. Lin, can you let me send Kate to the hospital? She's..."

Kate had been pretending to be unconscious this whole time. Upon hearing Lucy's words, she breathed a sigh of relief. If she was brought away now, then she could escape this inspection. The man wouldn't be able to find her.

This was a good thing.

Alexander gazed at the woman who had just fainted. She was dressed in regular clothes. Hearing the discussion just now, the woman was as timid as a mouse. Although she had woken up, she still looked deathly pale. Just when he was about to agree, someone interrupted him,

"But she hasn't been examined yet." The voice was mellow and attractive. It sent a shiver down her spine.

'Who the hell said that?' Kate clenched her fists inside her pockets. 'That bastard!'

She was just about to escape the tiger's mouth.

The man had to drag her back in!

She gritted her teeth.

'Is he the man I slept with?'

At this time, everyone craned their heads to look at the source of the voice, only to see that it was Justin who had said those words. He narrowed his eyes at the woman who had just fainted. At his mesmerizing gaze, the women couldn't find it in themselves to turn away.

Lucy cleared her throat. "Mr. Jing, she had just fainted. You can't just..." She wanted to say 'You can't just let her die', but before she could finish, she was already interrupted. "Look, she either take the inspection to clear her name, or she will be sent to the police station.

You can pick for her." Justin smirked.

Kate's heart was thrumming with rage. 'The bastard's so heartless that he would rather let me die!'

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