Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 86 Sakura's Hate

"What are going to do with her? And what it is this mission?" Ye Nuan asked. She felt fear in her heart, as she looked at the princess.

Princess Sakura, the little sister of a king, and the business pillar of the royal family, although she heard that princess Sakura's relationship with the king and other royal family has been worse, still she was royal family.

If royals find out that Princess Sakura become the slave of Ye Kai, they would go after Ye Kai with killing intent. Which Ye Nuan didn't want, but Ye Kai said that he need Princess Sakura as a slave to complete a mission otherwise in 5 years he would turn into a woman.

Ye Nuan didn't care if he become a woman, since she was okay with it, but Ye Kai wasn't, so Ye Nuan was ready to help Ye Kai in the mission, even though she doesn't know the mission, but she could guess it had to do something with sexually.

"Well, the mission is make seven pearl of kingdom my sex slave and I need some money and also information about seven pearls," Ye Kai said and forced Seb to drink some liquid that would make him think that he had watched over the princess all night and nothing happened.

"Mission to make seven pea-" Ye Nuan was about to speak more but she shut up, as she felt Rong Ying come inside the house.

Now she could detect Rong Ying's location, she was surprised, so she asked Ye Kai and he told her that after sex with a potential woman, he could feel their location of theirs.

Ye Kai could detect her and Rong Ying's location, so he did something that would let her feel Rong Ying's location.

Rong Ying came inside and saw Princess Sakura laying down, with slave words printed on her forehead and then her gaze went to Seb More who was forced to drink the same liquid she forced the other three Martial Art Soldiers to drink.

"Why did we did this?" Rong Ying asked. Although she did as she was told to do, she didn't ask the reason behind this, since when she wanted to ask, Princess Sakura knocked on the door.

"Well... she is woman who value profit above everything, so sooner or latter, this woman will attack our business to make profits, so I made her slave, and now 60% business of kingdom is in my hands," Ye Kai looked at Sakura and said.

When he said, he felt as if it was great, an amazing feeling rush through his body, as a great amount of dopamine was released in his mind, a feeling of achieving something great, something that would make him one step closer to becoming king made him feel as if he was above all.

Ye Kai smiled, 'this feeling... it's great,'


Sakura was jolted awake by a cold liquid hitting her in the face; she gasped for air, desperately trying to break through the dense fog that clouded her vision. Ye Kai sat there with a menacing smile as Sakura struggled to breathe. As her sight and hearing returned.

She was about to say something, The next moment, an unbearable pain exploded in her head. The intensity of the sensation ripped through her body and Sakura could do nothing but scream out in agony. She grasped at her head fervently, trying in vain to quell the all-consuming pain that seemed to be intensifying every second.

It took time, but the pain subside, and Sakura's whole body was drenched in sweat, and her hair become a mess, as she was dazedly stared at the floor, for a long time until she was able to gain focus.

"So... how do you feel?"

Sakura heard Ye Kai's voice, then she raise her head and looked at him, she clenched her fist, with insane anger in her eyes, as she looked at him.

"What. Do. You. Want?" Sakura asked, controlling her anger.

"Nothing, just tell me weakness about Wu Yushi," Ye Kai said as he was standing in front of her.

Sakura tried to not speak but her mouth opened on its own, "She doesn't have any weakness, but there is a potential weakness, she is silly girl that wants a true love, if she find the person she came to true love, then she will became puppet of that person, this will be only weakness if she find true love."

Sakura spoke, and then she looked down, she bite her lips, as blood flow out, she doesn't want to speak anything but her mouth move on its own.

When the pain subsided, she knew she was bound to Ye Kai as a slave, something in her body that made her feel that she was a slave of Ye Kai, and now, speaking of Wu Yushi's potential weakness even though she didn't want, her body moved on its own. She became Ye Kai's slave.

"Hm, okay, now tomorrow give me 50,000 gold coins, make my shop affiliate with yours to sell my weapon all over the kingdom, and also all profits are mine, then send some man to attack Wu Yushi when I say." Ye Kai said,

Sakura heard it, and her body trembled, she wanted to say no, but her mouth didn't move, she could only nod to Ye Kai.

"Okay you can go," Ye Kai said.

Sakura got up, her whole body was covered in sweat, her hair was messy, and some were stuck to her neck, she took deep breaths and get out of the room, she saw two small girls, one beautiful woman beside Ye Nuan's mother.

She only took look and left.

Ye Kai saw her going, and he let out a breath. He wanted to force Sakura, this must be the Lust System effects.

"But this... never happened before?" Ye Kai said.

Lust System never affected him, so why did now lust fill his body, does Lust System want him to have sex with Sakura?

"Is there any reason or just because Lust System is Lust System that wanted to taste every women?" Ye Kai wandered, but of course, there was no answer, so he came out of the room.

His body was filled with lust he wanted to out, so he came out and saw his mother, sister, and May making a strange faces.


"Princess? Did you do something?" Ye Nuan asked.

Ye Kai frowned, and then remembered, Sakura screamed, her hair was in mess, and her body was sweaty, they must get the wrong idea, as he shook his head, "No, it was only slave talisman put her in pain, that why she was in that state."

"Hm," Ye Nuan nodded, then looked at the dinner table, "Let's get to dinner."

Ye Kai and others started their dinner.contemporary romance


Sakura called for another man to carry her unconscious man back to their inn. Then she went to one of the palaces overlooking the square and picked a luxurious room with fine furniture and a gold-veined marble floor.

Sakura lay down on her bed, closed her eyes, and watched the moonlight dance across her window.

She clenched her fists and tried to hold herself together because she felt like she was falling apart inside. Her anger grew deep within her, like a cancerous tumor eating away at her soul. It settled into a black hole in her heart that ached every second of every minute of every hour of every day. If given the chance, Sakura wanted to tear Ye Kai's awful face apart with both hands, just so he would all pay for what he had done to her. A sickness started working its way through her body, an infection that made each step feel heavier than it should.

She pushed herself up and got out of bed. As if lost in a daze she walked down the hall to the bathroom, where hot water gushed from taps set into gold-veined marble bathtubs carved with images of angels dancing among flowers. She pulled off her clothes and stepped into the water, drowning out everything around her except for the burning hatred that kept growing larger and larger until there was nothing else left but hate.


"Nuan, could I have Ye Kai," Rong Ying spoke as she was washing the dish.

"Huh? But, your month is end?" Ye Nuan said, as she was washing dishes, but stopped and looked at her.

According to the agreement, Rong Ying could have Ye Kai for a month, then it was Ye Nuan's turned, so she looked at Rong Ying, although if Rong Ying wanted then Ye Nuan could back off, she desperately wanted to spend a night with Ye Kai.

"Just today, you can have one day of mine, I... I just want to say something," Rong Ying stopped washing dishes and looked into Ye Nuan's eyes.

"Okay," Ye Nuan nodded, it's only one day, Ye Nuan, you could endure one day, said to herself in mind, Ye Nuan washed the dish.


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