Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 82 Princess Sakura

Noira and May were able to settle, they got a new house, food, and clothes were secure for them, and work at the shop was not difficult and they also get enough rest.

All in all, they get a good life, and May, who had hatred and fear against humans calms down, and she and Ye Ming became good friends.

Today, in the shop Ye Kai was looking at the crowd who were buying things from his shop, his shop was a successful business.

"In this way, soon I need to open new shop," Ye Kai said, and he felt happy with his business growth.

"Master, there is a someone from royal family," Noira came forward and she bowed to Ye Kai, and said.

Ye Kai frowned, 'They came quicker than I thought,'

Ye Kai nodded to Noira, "Handle the shop, I go and meet the our guest."

"Okay, Master," Noira smiled and said, then she went ahead and handle the crowd with some other beautiful girls, that Ye Kai bought from the system.

Ye Kai then went to the room, where this royal guest had come.

Selling such good weapons at such low prices, not only Ye Kai was affecting business around him, but he was affecting all of the four kingdoms' weapon markets.

If people knew that Ye Kai was selling weapons at a such low price, then everyone would come to Ye Kai's shop to buy.

At first, other business owners didn't care about it, after all, even if someone sells things at a low price, it won't able to meet everyone's demand, so because of Ye Kai, other businesses would get affected, and it won't be too much.

However, Ye Kai could able to meet demand, and even though his customer rate increased at a crazy rate, he was able to meet demand without compromising the quality of the weapons or increasing price.

If this continues then other people's weapons shops would be forced to close down, and the moment this news goes outside of the kingdom, other kingdom people would also come here to buy the weapon from Ye Kai.

Because all four kingdoms were opened, anyone could travel to any kingdom, or stay in any kingdom.

If Ye Kai's shop grew and was able to satisfy the customer's demand, then other kingdom people would come here to Dark Rigel Kingdom, and there was a high possibility they would settle down in Dark Rigel Kingdom.

Ye Kai knew that the royal family would understand this thing, and they would send someone from the royal family to negotiate with Ye Kai in the development of his shop or force him to tell he developed such weapons at a cheap price.

Ye Kai didn't know which approach the royal would try, so he bought some things from the system, an unbreakable shield, Ghost Spear, a Thunderbolt Talisman, etc...

After buying all of it, Ye Kai clear his throat, He stood still, in front of the door. Slowly he turned the knob and opened it, revealing the sight inside. It was a living room filled with three women- one sitting on a black velvet sofa, her eyes flickering like a candlelight in the dark, while the other two standing behind her motionless.

The woman sitting on the sofa captivated him immediately. She had an air of grace around her and she was dressed to perfection. Her pink dress clung onto her body, embracing it like a second skin, and beneath it covered her voluptuous curves as well as her cleavage in a deep shade of pink fabric. Her eyes were a stunning pink hue and when they finally look upon Ye Kai there was a mischievous glimmer in them, and she had a sultry smirk playing at her lips.

Ye Kai couldn't help but feel his cheeks flush as the woman's gaze lingered on him, studying him with such intense interest that it made his heart race.

Ye Kai knew who the other party was, so he decide to play an innocent boy.

"Good evening, Your Highness," Ye Kai managed to say, bowing low in respect.

The woman chuckled, the sound like honey dripping from her lips. "No need for formalities, Mr. Ye. My name is Princess Sakura," she introduced herself, her eyes still fixed on him.

Ye Kai straightened up, silently taking in her beauty once more. King's sister, Sakura, was the biggest businesswoman in the four kingdoms.

Ye Kai never expected to see her this soon, he thought some low-class royal would come, but the royal family send, the biggest golden egg, and a devilish plan formed in his mind.

"How may I assist you, Princess Sakura?" Ye Kai asked politely.

The woman stood up from the sofa and walked over to him, her steps slow and deliberate. She stopped right in front of him and tilted her head slightly, giving him a flirtatious smile.

"You must be wondering why I'm here," Princess Sakura said in her soft, sweet voice.

Ye Kai nodded respectfully, not daring to speak out of turn.

The woman smiled knowingly as if she knew exactly what was going through his mind. "I am here to ask you a few questions about the shop you have developed - more specifically, the weapons you have been able to create at such low prices," she explained calmly.

Ye Kai was taken aback by this sudden show of interest in his work and he stuttered in surprise before managing to regain his composure. "Yes, Your Highness," he said with a slight bow of his head.contemporary romance

He then proceeded to explain how he was not but some other master blacksmiths had created the designs for the weapons and how they had sourced the materials from different places around the kingdom at discounted rates. Of course, all of this was made up by him.

He knew one day a royal would come around, so he prepared for this, and the thing he made up wasn't wrong, he did very detailedly researched and came up with this story. If royal investigation they would think that they could make cheap weapons, but... they would need an expert blacksmith and a lot of time.

The price of hiring an expert blacksmith was a lot, and time was also a type of money, that the royal family or anyone could not able afford it.

Ye Kai only need seconds to buy it from the system, and there was no extra charge for expert blacksmiths.

Princess Sakura seemed intrigued by this explanation and asked him several more questions about some expert blacksmith methods and what kinds of materials were used for each weapon type. After Ye Kai finished answering all of her questions, she smiled, "So, Master Li, and his seven brothers are blacksmith who devolved weapon, and they sell thing at same price they bought, not making a single profit."

"Yes, Your Highness," Ye Kai nodded.

"There is any way to meet Master Li and his brothers."

"No, I only met them once, and they asked me to sell their weapon, after that they leave the weapon in front of my house, and if I didn't sell them then weapon will disappeared, and after selling it, the money disappeared, but I get some change, so I'm doing this business,"

Sakura frowned, bullshit, she thought, there was no way things could disappear and appear, but she also couldn't deny it, there were many things in the world that was unknown. She had to see with her own eyes that the weapon appeared out of nowhere, and the money disappeared.

If such a thing happened then she had to admit Ye Kai's explanation, and try to befriend those masters, but if there was no such a thing then, there was something black here.


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