Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 116 May Got Caught

"Oh, I forget to put perfume," Noira suddenly remembered.

"Really? Mother, how can you forget about the perfume, without perfume someone might catch us." May said as her voice was louder than usual then she sighed.

They could go around the city without fear only because they had forgetting perfume and disguise perfume otherwise it would be difficult to walk between humans.

"Sorry, sorry," Noira said and fiddle with her clothes for perfume, "Oh, here I got it."

Noira said and then took out perfume, she smiled and was about to spray it on May, but she freeze.

Her animal instinct screamed at her to run but she couldn't, her body couldn't as everything became blurry and thud, she fall down.

"Mother, mother." She heard the faint voice of her daughter, it seemed desperate crying, sad, but this sound was blocked by something and then she didn't hear anything, everything became silent.


Ming Yuqing looked at the wolf mother on the ground as a blood pool was leaking from her head, then she turned her head to the unconscious wolf girl. Ming Yuqing scratch her arms,

"Well I wanted to see how will wolf mother cry with wolf girl head, but... whatever."

Ming Yuqing shook her head when she saw a perfume bottle, she picked up the perfume bottle and then left the place.

She looked at the unconscious wolf girl in her arms and she shivered from excitement as she thought of torturing a wolfkin for the first time.

How it would feel? Pleasurable? Super Pleasurable? Or Supreme Pleasurable. Ming Yuqing shivered at the thought, she couldn't wait to reach her basement and start her torture, however before that she wanted to take a bath.


May was laying down on the metal floor, feeling the cold temperature of the metal floor beneath her. She slowly opened her eyes.

She felt a headache, and groan in pain, she tried to get up but fall down, and she couldn't able to get up, the pain in the headache increased, and she groan quietly in pain.

Image of her mother smiling taking out perfume, then the wind come and she fall down and blood flowed out from her head, it made a pool of blood, then she saw an ugly woman who...

"Who... what she did to me? Mother? Mother where is she? Is she okay? Arghhh!!" May screamed as the headache become more painful with every second.

The image of her mother, the pool of blood, and the ugly woman made her headache even worse, she couldn't handle it and screamed as her lungs rip apart.

"Hm, did I hit her to hard on the head," Ming Yuqing said as she was outside of that metal floor room where she locked wolf girl.

She was taking bath but this scream was annoying.

"I should make her silent," Ming Yuqing said.

She like to hear her scream but not because of her headache but when she was torturing her.

She walked to the door and opened the door, she get inside and saw a wolf girl clutching her head and looking down.please visit

Ming Yuqing frowned, she saw the wolf girl's hair slowly growing bigger, but she didn't pay much attention and hit the wolf girl on the head and made her silent.

"Hope next time she won't wake up with headache." Ming Yuqing said and she left the room and lock the door.


Ye Kai was lifting his chopstick to eat something called noodles he bought from the system, he slurp down the noodles as he felt the true essence of food. He stayed still for a moment, appreciating the man or woman who made these noodles.

"How was it?" Ye Nuan asked as she sat in front of Ye Kai and watched him.

"Great, most delicious thing I ever eat." Ye Kai said. Then he looked down and take out a letter and write something on it and then send it to Rong Ying.

"What was that?" Ye Nuan asked.

"Nothing, mother you should eat this, it's very tasty." Ye Kai smiled and said.

'Hope Noira can survive, her state is pretty bad.'


Rong Ying put the blanket on Ye Ming and seeing her sleeping, Rong Ying had a strange feeling.

It wasn't the first time she and Ye Ming went to sleep together, but today she had a different feeling, she sat on the bed and rub her palm on Ye Ming's face and a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Gusse I should also sleep now." Rong Ying said she turned off the lamp and was about sleep she felt something added to her inventory.

She saw a piece of paper in inventory, she took out the paper and read, and as she read she didn't show any emotion and got up.

She walked out the door and then jumped on the roof of her house, she looked around and then with some leap pn the roofs,she reached the place where Noira was down attacked.

Looking at her, Rong Ying didn't have much emotion, she crouched and check her situation, "Faint breath, still alive."

Rong Ying took out the pen and paper from the inventory and write the Noira situation, and put it back in the inventory.

Then she looked up at the sky and saw that sky was dark absolutely dark except for the full moon, this moon in the dark sky shines brighter than anything in the world.

"Today is full moon," Rong Ying mumbled, then felt something come into her inventory, taking out, she saw a pill and paper saying to feed Noira this pill and take her back home.

Rong Ying feed the pill to Noira and then carry her back home as Ye Kai said.

She reached the home and opened the door she walked inside and then put Noira on the bed, she saw the white mattress become red, but she didn't have much time to clean blood as she also had to save May.contemporary romance

Rong Ying felt something in her inventory, it was paper.


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