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Chapter 114 If There Is A Tiny Chance You Can Wake Up Then I Want To Say, I Love You.

"Arisha, how are you? I know your in bad state, but please will you listen to me," Lyroad said as he was sitting on the ground leaning against the bed.

On the bed was an old woman laying, she was around her eighties, her skin was sucked inward as she looked like a skeleton, her eyes were closed and she seemed in deep sleep.

"Haha, I know what I'm going to told you, I told you countless time, still," Lyroad looked down and he sighed, "I still want to tell you, i know it might boring or annoying to you but," Lyroad paused, "But whenever I tell you I feel bit light in heart, so please," Lyroad voice was like choking as he held his tears, "Please listen to me."

Lyroad said and then he stopped talking, he just looked down at the floor for more than five minutes, he was lost in thought or become a daze, not thinking anything just an empty mind, but when he came in sense, he sighed heavily, as tears were in his eyes.

"Arisha you know before I met you I was a criminal, haha, you knew that but still I'm telling you that, how foolish of me, if someone heard or see me like this then they will surely think me an idiot, I can't blame them, after you become like this I kinda become an idiot,

You know, I know Karlos is lying, there is no way to wake you up, and even if somehow you wake up, a lot of time has passed, and you become old, I still love you as I love you when you were young, my love for an increase but when I wake you up, you might not able to live more than a year,

I have thought of ending this pitiful state of yours, but I didn't, I am still holding on to the hope that Karlos is telling the truth, even though I know it's all lies,contemporary romance

You know I lived 201 years, I have seen many things in life and knew who is telling the truth and who is telling the lie,

Arisha, I'm a fool, an idiot, I knew Karlos is lying, and there is no way to wake you up, and I'm also a fool, I know he's lying but I still accept his offer and let him build the brothel,

Brothel, Arisha brothel! you knew very well how much I despise this brothel, I even destroyed other cities' brothels, I can't stand brothels but I let him build one in the city where I'm Master, I'm the seven strongest man in the kingdom and most powerful city master and I let puny little thing to build a thing that I despise most,

How low I fell, Arisha how low... Arisha, this wasn't the end, Karlos even kidnapped women from their houses to make them sex workers, do you know how much my heart ached when I listen to this, I know you know how much I'm hurting right? Haha, obviously you know, you're the love of my life, my wife,"

Lyroad turned his head and looked at his wife, and he had a smile on his face but soon his smile dimmed and he closed his eyes.please visit

"Oh, Arisha, why? Why? Did these things have to happen to us? We made this city the safest city in the kingdom, it took us fifty years to make the city the safest city in the kingdom but Karlos... Karlos ruin it in three days... only in three days Karlos did so much crime that our city lose the title of safest city and become the fifth most dangerous city,

Arish! I don't know, I don't know what I should do. I want to kill Karlos, but I can't, I want to rip him into thousand pieces but I can't... I can't... can't... I can't do a thing

Arish I even lose the only child I had... yes... pathetic father... I think you are happy that we didn't have a child... but you know I loved him... that child was intelligent for his age, and I think he will become just like m-

Haha, no... he won't become like me, I'm a fool, a pathetic, that child won't be like me, he will be an intelligent and good leader, but..." Lyraod couldn't control himself anymore and cried, he cried as he continued to talk,

"Karlos said... said he can revive my son... I knew it was all lie but as fool and pathetic as I'm, I let him kill small children so he can summon the demon and revive my little child... do you know he also said that demons have something magical drop to wake you up...

Lie, I know all its lies but I can't help but believe him and do what he said, it's pathetic if people knew about this then they will curse me to go hell, no, they even might want me to go place worse than hell."

"Arisha, every day, every minute, every second I have thought of killing Karlos in front of the whole public, but as a fool and pathetic I'm, I never did anything against him, I admit I'm fool and pathetic, I don't deserve any pity, I deserve the curse of people, I deserve death, but Arisha I still holding on that tiny hope that Karlos is telling truth.

A tiny hope that Karlos is telling the truth and we can be together, together for just a minute is okay, even a second is okay, I just want to be together."

Lyroad cries for a long time there, his cries were the only sound that was in the room, after a long time these cries calmed down and Lyroad stayed there, beside his wife until a ray of morning sun fell in the room.

Lyroad opened his eyes and saw the sun outside of the window, as he closed his eyes tightly and then sighed deeply.

'Another day full of torture." Lyroad thought and then he looked at his wife, "Arisha, I'm a fool and pathetic husband, father, and city master, but... if there is a tiny chance you can wake up then I want to say, I love you."


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