Unknown [Book 2 of sacrifice Series]

Chapter Zach's Death [Part 1]

Amy’s POV

Fear of losing something is greater than anything. I’m going to our villa for the summer and Zach was supposed to accompany me. But last night we had a huge fight. I don’t know what is going with him anymore. He doesn’t tell me everything like he used to be. He lost his game few times. He’s ditching classes to go somewhere and I don’t even know to where. How am I going to help him if he doesn’t want to take help?

“Did you pack everything?" Mom asked from the kitchen and I walked out with a foul mood. Noticing my lack of cheeriness she sighed. She also knew something was wrong with Zach but for my sake, she never asked me.

“I don’t know what to do mom,” I told her once she patted me to sit next to her.

“Look, Amy, every relationship has its ups and downs. You were happy and sometimes we just need a push to know how far we can get to bring back the happiness.” She explained but it still didn’t occur to me that how much effort I needed to take for working out this relationship. I even didn’t hear a single, “I love you,” from him in the last two week.

“Mom, I want this to work. I really love him. I do. But if he doesn’t take help or doesn’t tell me anything then how I’m going to be with him?" I asked desperately. I didn’t care at this point. Even his friends were trying to help him but failed.

“You sure you truly love Zachary?" Mom asked and I frowned. I never had a doubt that I love him. Even if when I had a little crush on him I knew he wasn’t the irresponsible kind. Heck, he even helped me go through Samara’s sudden death. I was a wreck that time and if he needed an out, he would’ve left me a long ago.

“I’m sure mom. I never loved anyone that deep.” I exclaimed and she gave me a disappointment look but as soon as it came it disappeared. Like she didn’t want me to see.

I knew she and Zach had some kind of rivalry. For my sake, they both had a mutual understanding.

“Oh, that’s good. I think the breakfast is getting cold. Why don’t you finish it and try to call him again?" She said and in instant walked out to go to her workplace.

And, I was once again left in my misery.

I was in school waiting for Zach to come. Today he has a game and I’m sure he wouldn’t miss it. I need to talk with him. If he doesn’t want to be with me then I’ll leave him. His happiness is more important than mine. If he’s happy without me then its OK, I’ll manage.

“Hey Amy, What are you doing here?" Someone called out and I broke into a smile. It was Barry and Luke. They were Zach’s best friends. When we started dating they immediately become friends with me and Samara. Samara was Luke’s girlfriend but after her death, he became an ultimate player.

Another reason I felt guilty every time I saw him.

"Hey, you two.” I greeted them and they both nodded.

“So, the summer plan is still on?" They asked and unsurely I told them yes. I didn’t know if Zach will show up or not but one can hope, right?

“Hey guys, I’m waiting for Zach. Do you know where he is?” I asked and both of their expressions became grim. Now, what’s wrong!?

“Zach didn’t tell you?" Luke asked frowning and I shook my head. Don’t tell me he’ll miss his game.

“He won’t come to this game. He cut off his name from the list.” He explained and I gasped. Why in hell would he do that!?

“But he’s the captain.” I tried to reason with them but they just gave me a sad expression.

“He gave the captaincy to Barry last night,” Luke told me and looking at Barry I could tell that he was tense. I knew for a fact that Barry was vice-captain. But I didn’t realize without telling me Zach will take this big decision. What if it was for our fight? Damn it!

“Is he seeing someone else? If so you guys can tell me. I can handle the truth.” I whispered and both looked at me like I’ve grown three heads.

“No way! He’ll kill himself before he hurts you. Don’t worry, Amy. Zach will come around. He isn’t seeing someone. He was worried about something. I heard him talking on the phone that he had to take a big step or something. I don’t know what he was talking about but he loves you truly, OK?” They both patted me and walked out for their game. And I for again was clueless about what was happening.

It was night time and we only had twenty minutes to start our journey. Zach still didn’t return my calls. He’s totally unreachable. If he ditches me without any explanation? How am I going to live?

Suddenly a bell brought me back to my thoughts. Maybe it’s Zach. Maybe he didn’t ditch me after all. With a happy smile I ran off to open the door and my smile washed away. It was my mom. Looking at my face she hugged me hard and I can’t bear it at all, I’m not that strong.

I was full on sobbing now.

Maybe that’s what was best for me. Maybe we weren’t meant to be. Furiously wiping my tears I ran off to my room. It’s not happening. My three years of a boyfriend isn’t just breaking up with me like that. But suddenly one more bell brought a hope in me. Maybe he’s here!

When I came down to the hall there were several people in the officer's uniform talking to mom. What’s going on? Is it because of Zach? My heart stopped for a second thinking of the worse.

“Amy! Can you come here, honey?" Mom yelled out and I slowly walked ahead to them. But as soon as they saw me they grabbed me and started to drag me outside. What's happening!

“Mom! Why are they taking me!?" I screamed and tried to run but they just tightly handcuffed me and pulled me into the car.

“Where the hell you think you are taking me!?" I yelled at the police officer who has already started the car.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Gill but you are under arrest for murdering Mr. Zachary Henderson.”


“You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire.” He kept going on but only one thing flashed through me as I slowly crumbled into the darkness.

You are under arrest for murdering Mr. Zachary Henderson.

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