Unknown [Book 2 of sacrifice Series]

Chapter Working Together

Amy's POV

I knew something was horribly wrong the second Zach burst through the hallway. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as I replayed the scene in front of me. My adopted mother Roth was trying to kill me and my real mother for opening the gate of hell that could end the earth in a second. And if they have any obstacle they were taking help from my nightmare, my ex-boyfriend. The sound of my whimper was drowned out as he started to walk on my way. When he was in the earshot I took his profile fully. He has changed a lot then the I last time I saw him and it has been months. He had a crazed look before and that didn’t appear in his ocean blue eyes now, however, I could be deceived for all I know.

“What the hell was that!?” I hissed at him as he stopped near me.

“Ah! It’s lovely to meet you again face-to-face I suppose. Again I could’ve seen you a lot if it wasn’t for your boyfriend.” He shivered but it didn’t need Sherlock to know that he was talking about Danny. Can I call Danny my boyfriend now? I know we have been a lot and it just justified that we care, trust and love that completed us, balancing us. Just small gestures are enough for us to know that we have each other.

So even if I couldn’t do anything to Zach... a kick in the shin still counts.

Before I made my point and curse them to hell with it everyone in the room started to chant and my head felt heavy and the room started to blur. This was not the plan! Even as I was trying to fight off the effects of the rituals I felt myself slump and hit the floor. I saw Zach's mouth moving but I couldn’t hear them. My head felt like I was in underwater. I wanted to scream as I watched Roth leaping forward and grabbing the book that was for summoning. But just it started it stopped all together. For a second nobody knew who stopped them. We looked at each other for trying to understand but I knew who stopped it, I watched it and I couldn’t be wrong that Zach had stepped up.

“Sage and Roth...before we continue this ritual I want to talk to Amy in privacy...for our own good.” Declared Zach much to everyone’s surprise. I turned my head slightly towards Zach. Nothing was making sense now and even Roth was pissed off for interrupting her ritual.

“Is this how it works, my dear? I wanted you to make an appearance so we could crush her confidence, breaking her even more and now you want to talk to her over some black tea?” She practically yelled at him and I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. She still remembered the undeniable love Zach had of black tea. Alas...He wasn’t a human anymore. Whenever he came to my house he’ll at least take four to five cups and it annoyed her a lot. Guess she still has a hating for it.

“I don’t want to talk over some black tea, querido. I need to talk to her so she helps you without any hold. She’ll do whatever you say and that’s what you wanted, didn’t you?" He snarled and my mind coursed over all the different possibilities of what could happen next and unfortunately, none of them were pleasant. They were the verge of opening the gate of hell which I needed to stop.

She seemed to think over for a minute and did some silent communication with Sage and she finally said, “OK. You have it. Don’t make it longer than ten minutes or you’re going down with her.”

“Don’t worry. It’ll only take ten minutes to make her do whatever you want.” He smirked and out of the corner of my eye I barely saw him taking me down with him. Maybe he wants to kill me first, then somehow make me alive and feed me to them. Now that’s a possibility...

I thought of happy thoughts, trying to calm myself down. I couldn’t stand a chance against him when I can’t even control my emotions. And on top of it, I’m still weak or desperate need of a soul. Zach was still dragging my weak body to God knows where when suddenly he stopped at a door, making me halt in my tracks. Totally surprising me, he gave me a cheeky smile which I fell in love with. But that was in the past. What was wrong with him now? The door opened and my eyebrows raised in alarm. What the hell? He was supposed to talk to me alone not in a room full of humans. As if noticing my confusion he dragged me to the room and locked the door.

“So basically you’re thinking I’m nuts, I guess.” He was the first one to break the dreading silence.

“Yes...that you are. I’ve known that for a long time Zach but what the hell? Why we are in a room full of humans? What are your grand plans? What the fuck you want?” I balled my fists in anger and looked at the humans. Their haunting eyes stared at me in nothingness.

“You see... I know you won’t believe me but I actually came here myself, they didn’t find me as your weakness.” He said which made me more confused.

“You’re not getting it. I am here not because of Sage or Roth. I’m here because your boyfriend asked me to.” And that just boost my anger in doubles and I finally got the chance to punch him in the guts.

Flashbacks (two hours ago)

“You think it’ll work?″ Asked Keisha from where she was seating.

“I’m hundred percent sure. If he just tells them that how much he despises Amy, they’ll instantly make him their member.” Said Danny who he was chanting the spells so Amy wouldn’t get hurt and he could keep communicating with her.

“But still...I don’t have any trust in that boy. He could’ve deceived us for all we know." Said, Keisha, cause it was still a risky plan.

“Not if I bind him to me. He’ll have to do whatever I make him do. He’ll have no choice but to help us.” Danny said proudly happy with his plan.

“But why him?” Asked Keisha while helping Danny with spells.

“He’s the only one we both know is here. He loved her once and living in the hell can change people’s perceptive. Don’t you think?″ He didn’t mean to but unconsciously he reminded Keisha that once she was out cold for trying to kill her own daughter and now she’s fighting hell to save her daughter. Yes...it can change ones perceptive.

“So what we’re waiting for? Let’s just get this over with.” With a sigh, Danny nodded.

With fog and darkness suddenly the temperature dropped. A huge gust of wind rolled around and they covered their ears grimacing as a deafening screech ripped through the air. Keisha had an experience with same things when she was first banished in there. With Keira, she was also knocked out in hell and when she woke up she was in her own body and Keira was nowhere to be found. That’s when she realized what she has done. She has killed her older daughter. But this time it was for saving her another daughter, it was for her redemption. As Danny firmly called Zach to do his binding and escape from hell it was only the crying of a young man that followed the fog and finally, he appeared.

First, he was confused as to why he was being called when Danny was the one to send him there but when he heard about his redemption he agreed to do the binding. He was ready to do anything to save Amy. And that was the plan that he’ll show up at their door and pretend to be hurt Amy which will be easy considering how much Amy hates him. And when he’ll lure her out he can give Amy powers though offering the souls. With that plan, Danny assured Amy that he was with her and everything was going to be OK...



So after his long explanation, I’m shocked that was an understatement but I was also shocked that Danny, who can’t bear this jerk’s face for two seconds was willing to let him out just because he can save me. With a quick thank you I wiped away my uncertainty. There’s been long time before I had souls. I almost forgot the hunger thanks to Danny. My thought jumbled up and I was pushed to the present. My anger flared back up. They deserved to die for what they have done.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember what it felt to be a predictor. The souls I took hummed with me to take more. I reached for the souls that were standing in the room. I pushed my hands toward the human and screams of pain and horror filled the air. The humming grew louder and my inner power grew stronger. I didn’t know it was five or ten minutes yet but when the screams finally stopped I knew I’ve done it. I’ve taken all the humans soul and I was stronger than before. I was ready to fight.

“Your time’s up. Zach...bring her.” Roth’s voice filled the air as she came to take me but it didn’t matter. When she entered the room a wicked grin spared across my face. They were too idiot to only let one person take me. For a second she looked shocked before her eyes turned to Zach who gave her a daring grin.

“Who are you?” She whispered backing away. Guess mama Roth didn’t got the chance to see his evil face years ago.

Looking at him I noticed his face morphed. He was no longer the boy they saw. He was the person who I saw for months in the asylum. With red eyes and cold stares.

“You’re...you’re not what they say...why..?” She was shuttering but Zach looked at me and I saw it. He was on my side now. I had somehow released the old Zach but he was still helping me.

With a glint, I forced myself to look at Roth and she was already planning to attack us. Before she could do something we both called our force to attack her. The souls inside of me and the lonely souls Zach called worked as together to head towards Roth. She didn’t even have time to register what was happening. She stumbled back, her eyes showing yellow with horror.

She screamed at me,” You can’t do this to me! Today we will succeed! You can’t just-” Before she could finish her sentence a golden storm that materialized from nowhere hit her. It was Danny’s binding, I knew it. She let out a curse and right before my eyes turned into ashes. My head was burning with too much power that I used but I was safe for the moment. When I looked at Zach his eyes turned into normal but we had yet to fight.

One down and many more to go.

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