Unknown [Book 2 of sacrifice Series]

Chapter Searching Souls

Amy’s POV

I was waiting impatiently in the adoption center. The waiting room looked like something a straight out shady drama show would do. I wasn’t even sure that this was the place I was born but I found a file in my mom’s office proving that indeed this was the one. Among other things, I also found some papers on Samara. My statements, the receipt for pills, me and Zach’s photo on the school ground.

It was weird how she kept this particular photo Zach had taken of us in the cafeteria.


“You missed homeroom.” Zach walked ahead to where I was standing and pecked me briefly as I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

“You know I’m grounded.” Chuckling Zach took my hands in him and we both walked through the cafeteria door to sit for lunch.

“Hey, lovebirds,” Barry smirked as he and Luke both took a seat with us. I missed Samara terribly. Once upon a time, there was she, who used to sit beside Luke and chatted about anything and everything. We five were always together, anywhere we went.

But my stupidity broke us, I broke Luke.

“Hey, you alright?″ Zach asked when I stopped eating. Shaking my head I tried to smile but my lips wouldn't even stretch a little for a fake one. It seemed normal for Barry and Luke. But Zach knew I was thinking about my dead friend.

"Hey, let's take a photo of us. And then we can add Samara's photo into it." Zach suggested suddenly making Barry and Luke stop. Luke's eyes hardened for a moment but then he nodded.

So, we all smiled in a photo of hoping to add Samara with us. And then Zach and I only took one.

"Maybe we can take pictures like this every year and add Samara's? That way she will be with us even after she's gone. That way, she'll be with me every year." I spoke quietly making Zach sigh.

“We will, I promise. But you've to believe that she’s in a better place, sweetcheeks.” He whispered kissing my forehead and I nodded.

I knew that. But they didn’t know what really happened that day.

And I wanted to keep it that way, forever.


I put the photo in my bag and looked up at the door, waiting for the stuff to finsih seraching old records. It’s strange just how some hours ago I was thinking about reaping someone up but something just...was stopping me from brutally enjoying taking souls. It wasn’t in me. I tried to go next door where an old couple lives. I’ve known them my whole life. When I went there... they just welcomed me into their home just like that.

I tried to take their soul...I really did. The call to take souls was there but the urge to kill was dying slowly. I couldn’t bring myself up to actually hurt them. Why couldn’t I hurt them now? I’ve hurt several nurses back in the hospital. Was I changing? That wasn’t good for me. I am a Reaper. I just can’t change myself. I shouldn’t feel something for humans. It’s not in my blood. But still, here I was...trying to find my real mother...

Trying to end this game for all at once.

Harrison’s POV

Mom told me about all the things she knew about Deshayes bloodline. She even had some old articles about that clan. In fact, they are quite close to our town. Today I’m going to look for someone who had a connection with that bloodline. Maybe I’ll find the answers I’m looking for.

“You were looking for me?”

Hearing a voice, I turned around to see a man around in his mid-twenties. The man was freakishly tall, hell even taller than me. He had a mop of brown hair styled into a spiky. His green piercing eyes were looking at me in a curious manner. And that’s when I noticed a ring pierced on his lips. He looked dangerous and at the same time powerful like a clan leader should. Is this the person mom was talking about?

“I know I can be quite intimidating when I want. But you’re Mandy’s son. You are like a family. ”

Of course, they’ll be like my family. My mom used to be a part of that clan until she fell in love with a human which was my father and left town. I thought my mother mentioned something about working on a huge spell recently for him. But still, I had to be sure who he was...

“Dalton Jetton...?”

A smirk formed on his face. “The one and only...”

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