Unknown [Book 2 of sacrifice Series]

Chapter Brief Meeting

Amy’s POV

I was bored to death. And on top of that, I also lost my diary. The only thing that was keeping me sane. Why shouldn’t I rip Danny’s head off it was still a mystery to me. It wasn’t like I couldn’t break the room I was currently in but it was more like he would know that I was using my powers again. It had just barely gotten weeks that I’m in his home. And I need a shelter right now when every damn human is looking for my head. Don’t want to get kicked out now, shall we?

And he has also helped me escaping that mental asylum. So he deserves some respect and speaking of which, did he disappeared? I didn’t see him after the grand success of getting out. I just hope he got out without any injury. I don’t want another murder in my hand. Letting my shield free I felt the familiar tug at my heart. It was calling me to take souls as many as I can. The weird thing was... Just one year ago if anyone asked me what you want most... I would’ve answered nothing but my family. And now...

I want nothing but souls...

Harrison’s POV

“Detective Harrison, glad to see you back." Agent Jill said welcoming us into his office. He was looking at the two of us smiling but I could tell it was fake. I looked from him to see three police officer and Mr. David with his own detectives.

Ugh...he again.

“Yes. That would be me and this is my assistant Aaron.” I introduced us and we both took our seats. NY police department was more than happy to have me in their case. I’ve solved their numeral weird cases that no one wanted and I was almost sure that this time also the killers were going to be caught.

“You got your precious time for us, I see. Very good process. Last time we met, you just threw the report at my face saying you don’t want to ruin your time with me chatting about the things you already know.”

There you go...Always bringing up the past was Mr. David’s daily routine. He had his own detectives and I’m pretty sure he loathed me. I was always a blunt talker and judging by his face he didn’t like to be talked back. But that didn’t hold me before or now. Currently, we were in a brief meeting with my agent, the police, and the political agents. Let me tell you, they’ll say sweet words but until you gave them what they want you can’t even breathe freely. It was that sucked living with this job.

“So I was thinking, there have been weeks that the freak accident happened and there’s still no culprit or some suspect. What are you doing, young man? Getting laid?” Mr. David chuckled mockingly. I’m sure Aaron just choked on his coffee.

“With all due respect Mr. David, I don’t talk about my bedroom activities in a professional meeting. And to your question, we are doing our best. There’s have been some... Things to search up before we go to any conclusion.” I replied through gritted teeth. Talking to him was getting more irritated by the minute. Looking at his face alone makes me want to punch him until I can't. I’ve to talk carefully or I’ll lose this job. But in these times I wish I could set him his place.

“What things? Will you mind to share?” He pressed giving me a lopsided smirk.

“You see... That woman had a dia...”

Aaron started talking but I just punch Aaron right in the balls from down the table. He deserved that. And to my satisfaction, he shut up and was the verge of crying out.

“My assistant here is trying to say that, there is a girl who escaped the asylum when it was burning. So she could be just a victim or there was someone else who did all the chores. Also, She was the only witness in this case who is alive. So before we can be sure we shouldn’t give you any false report.” I explained the situation we were in.

“I see. Well, that would be considerable. But... You know you need to find out who did it, who is murdering people in daylight and give me a report on that or.. You can say your job goodbye. Now if you’ll excuse me...I need to join the dinner party with the president. See you soon, detective.”

And he spun around like he was walking on heels. The people who were with him also joined him. I just don’t understand. Why these people were with him if they didn’t want to talk or voiced their opinion. Just before he was out, he spun one more time to look at my eyes and slammed the door shut. Well... If he had a long hair he would definitely do a flip.

Mean girls much?

“Sorry for the rudeness. You know how these politicians could get. As long as there’s not a file waiting for them they’ll ruin your sleep of the night.”

Mr. Bull just snapped me from my daydreaming. Good... Or that’d be awkward staring at the door for nothing.

“I guess you’re right. But after the accident.. There was no surprising murder. Was it?” I asked him standing up.

“What are you saying? Aren’t you looking at the newspapers? There’s been several people found dead and locals told us they were animal attacks. But some sources said they have seen a girl and just after that there were people’s bodies piled up. But they couldn’t find a picture or video. just witnesses.”

I stood there shocked. There was the killer still outside taking peoples life when I was trusting my gut feelings. I should read that diary as fast as I can and maybe just maybe I’d proved wrong that she wasn’t the killer...

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