
Chapter II. Tornado - Part 11 - Salvation

Mara quickly knew where Sam was, as she received a call from an old acquaintance alerting her to the presence of a young wolf from the pack drinking to excess in a bar in the town next to the pack’s territory. The description that had been given, namely the copy of Sage with a swollen face, left no room for doubt. She decided to go herself without waiting for Orion, even if she took the time to warn him before leaving. It was time she had a talk with this young Alpha wolf. She had some plans for him and needed to put him in the pocket. At the same time, she was well aware of the difficulty of the task and had no idea how she would persuade him.

“I don’t want to see you! What are you doing here?” Sam babbled drunkenly as he saw Mara sit down next to him.

“You gave him alcohol combined with wolfbane. You know he’s not 21 yet.” Mara declared, addressing the bartender.

“Seeing his face, the pup needed it.” Elijah, the bar owner, replied, coming to the defense of his employee.

Elijah was right, but it annoyed Mara to know that she wouldn’t be able to have the discussion she wanted to have with him given his drunken state. For once she was alone with him and out of pack territory so there were no ears wandering around her... This would’ve been her best shot.

“Good to see you again, Elijah.” Mara greeted him.

“It’s always a pleasure, Mara. Who beat the crap out of the kid?” He asked him curiously.

“My fucking brother. All for her. My own brother! Talk about bros before hos!” Sam slurred, drunk.

“He’s got to eat something before we go back. Orion will kill me if he throws up in his car. Do you know a place I can get takeout?” Mara asked Elijah, ignoring Sam’s comment.

“There’s a cafeteria less than five minutes from here. I can share the location with you if you want?” He answered her.

“Yes, please.” She nodded.

“We don’t have time to talk Bussiness, then?”

“The whole pack is on alert for his missing, I need to get him back as soon as possible. Besides, I’d like us to leave before we attract any unwanted attention. Can we meet next week, let’s say on Wednesday?”

“Sure. Where?”

“I’ll send you the address of the meeting tomorrow.”

“Great! Let me help you with this young boy.” Elijah offered.

Sam protested but he was far too drunk to argue with Elijah. Mara ordered him a hamburger, which Sam stubbornly refused to eat. Mara concentrated on her behaviour while Sam called her all sorts of names. Annoyed at being ignored, Sam suddenly grabbed the wheel, sending them into the ditch.

Mara shook her head, “You’re shitting me! You have no idea what you just did.”

“Oh Mara just swore, finally a reaction. ” He scoffed.

“Shut the fuck up! We’ve been followed since we left the drive-in. They’re either here to kill us or to kidnap us. I need you to stay calm and focused, we don’t have much time, you understand?” Mara told him.

She was calm as usual, but her words sobered Sam up immediately. He was in no condition to fight and with the wolfbane in his blood he wasn’t sure he could shift. He nodded, unable to speak.

“Perfect. Can you mindlink to call for reinforcements?” She asked him.

He tried but failed. How could he be so studious? They were so screwed! Between him still drunk, even though he was well aware of the situation, and her not knowing how to fight!

" The look on your face means no. Orion is on his way, but he probably won’t make it in time.” Mara declared.

Sam began to panic. What had he done! Why had she come alone?

“Stop panicking Sam. We don’t have time for this!” Mara ordered.

“We’re screwed Mara, how can you stay still in this moment?!” Sam snapped back.

“Okay, we’re out of time and we don’t have a choice anymore.” She muttered, laying on top of him to grab something from the glove compartment.

Sam was too preoccupied to care, and nothing in that glove compartment would save them. Someone knocked on his window, and he knew instinctively that these four men were rogues.

“Well, well, well... What do we have here. An Alpha pup and a she-wolf who’s only good at spreading her legs. Finally some fun! You will follow us very docilely!” One of them announced.

With the wolf ears, they were all able to hear each other despite the closed windows.

“Gentlemen, I advise you to move on while you still can, it’s the only chance to save your six lives.” Mara stated.

Why 6? wondered Sam confused. Perhaps she was panicking inside and had lost the ability to count. It was the way she showed it. It was the only logical explanation.

“I don’t think so, sweetheart. Me and my buddies need some stress relief and we all know here that you’re very good with your mouth and your other holes. Now get out of the car before we do it for you.” The same rogue says.

“Fine. I warned you.” Mara declared, getting out of the car.

Sam did the same and followed Mara. The adelanin running through his veins was burning the wolbane but one against four, well five with the driver, there was nothing he could do. It was sucidary. Three rogues were escorting him and the last one was leading Mara towards their van. They were almost there and were about to pass the driver. Suddenly, before any of them could really understand what was going on, Mara opened the driver’s door and slit his throat with a knife pulled from nowhere. She snatched the keys from the ignition and threw them into the ditch before snapping the neck of the rogue who escorted her, with a precise and sure movement. She retrieved her knife from the driver’s neck and ran towards Sam and the three rogues surrounding him. In less than a second, the three rogues were on the ground, dead. Mara went to the side door of the van and opened it. Inside was one last rogue.

“Please! Don’t kill me. I can give you information.” He begged.

“You have no information I need. I already know you’re working for the black paw pack. Besides, I can still smell your sexual arousal mixed with your fear.” Mara replied before stabbing him in the heart.

Sam looked at the scene dumbfounded. Mara asked him if he was hurt but he was unable to answer, shocked by what he had just witnessed.

“Do you really think that after all I’ve been through, I would still let a man get the upper hand over me? Not to have learn how to defend myself would have been a grotesque mistake from my part.” Mara explained.

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