
Chapter I. Revelation - Part 6 - Spirit Within

Two weeks had passed since Mara jumped and her condition didn’t really evolve ever since. She was not dead but she was not really healing either. Orion was visiting her everydays after school and most of his time during the weekend. He couldn’t help himself, he needed to be here for her. She needed his protection. Nobody understood his behavior and they all thought she was her mate. Maybe they were right but deep down he knew it was something else bonding them together.

Well, not all as Aaron knew she was someone else mate. Aaron went to visit her 3 times already and he was feeling sorrow everytime he went. She shouldn’t be here. Sage acted like he didn’t care and never asked about her state but Aaron knew better and the fact that Sage forbidden to speak about her was the proof it was all an act. Aaron also spoke with Orion, trying to understand his place in his real Luna’s life. He liked him, he was a cool guy expect for the weird protectiveness over Mara.

Valentine and Kayla, Orion’s parents, were worried for him. Since the dreadful night, he had nightmares and was lacking sleep. Seeing Mara jump over the cliff clearly traumatized him and they were thinking that he should meet with a psychologist. Obviously having nightmares every night was not normal.

What Orion didn’t tell them, didn’t tell to anyone actually, was the nature of his nightmares. His nights were full or tortures and rapes scenes. And the more the time passed the more he could see the people involved. For the last couple of nights, he realized Mara was the victim in all his dreams and that fact disturb him even more because it made him believe that it was real. And if it was, he wanted to avenge her, his objective now was to identify her tormentors. One day I will find them, they are going to pay. He will make sure of that! In his dreams, he felt powerless but soon that would change and his wolf was looking forward for the moment it would happen. And the more he dreamed about that the more he convinced him that it was memories more than simple nightmares. No wonder why she jumped... The real question was why now? What changed that pushed her to jump?

The more days passed, the more the need to protect her and to be by her side was growing.

Luna Vanessa was on duty that night and as everytime she was in the hospital she was checking on Mara. It had been 3 weeks since Mara jumped and yet her state was still the same. John was still not able to heal her and Luna Vanessa could see how he was breaking every day. How frustrated he was to not be able to heal his own daughter. If only they could understand how Mara was fighting it.

“I was hoping her state would have improved already but it has been 3 weeks and nothing changed yet.” She complained to Gamma Liam. As his first duty was to protect his Luna, they were doing the same shifts

“I’m sorry Luna but she doesn’t want to live. I know it’s hard and Doctor John is not ready but there is nothing we can do.” Nurse Juliet said.

“Can you see why? Is it possible for you to feel why?” Luna Vanessa asked.

“I could try but it doesn’t work every time. I need to change her perfusion in less than 30 minutes, I will try.” Juliet replied.

When she entered Mara’s room, Juliet was not surprised to find Orion’s wolf guarding Mara. It was not the first night it happened, actually as far as she knew for the last week, he came every night. Once the nurses realized that his presence appealed to Mara, they decided there was nothing wrong to let him in. If it could help Mara to heal, it was worth the try.

As soon as he felt Juliet in the room, he woke up ready to protect her. She could feel how he cared for her, how he was worried about her. Thanks to her empathic’s gift, she understood that Orion was Mara’s guardian. As fast as you weren’t a threat for Mara you were safe. This is why she got used to telling him what she was going to do to Mara as changing her perfusion, checking on her...

When she touched Mara’s arm she was overwhelmed by her pain and distress. That made her release Mara’s arm right away as if that touch burned her hand. It was the first time she felt something else than the desire to die around Mara. And she didn’t know if it was a good thing or not.

“Orion, I need to clean Mara’s injuries. So I will just lift her hospital’s growth.” Juliet informed him as she used to. She needed to understand what changed that made Mara’s feel pain.

Orion turned his head the other way to offer privacy. He was so respectful toward Mara, that was so adorable!

Juliet gasped when she saw Mara’s body and she mindlinked Gamma Liam et Luna Vanessa right away and in a few seconds they were in Mara’s room.

“Oh dear lord!” Luna Vanessa shot, making Orion growled while he took a defensive posture in front of Mara’s bed.

Gamma Liam came in front of his Luna and inquired: “Step down!”

But the order didn’t do anything to Orion. He even growled stronger at them.

“Step down!” Luna Vanessa ordered and the same Orion was insensible to her Luna’s voice.He was immune to it.

“They are here to help Mara, Orio. I need Doctor Liam to check on her.” Juliet explained then she inquired: “Look at me Orion, Mara needs his help! I swear he will not hurt her.”

Orion nodded with his big wolf’s head and retreated to let Gamma Liam examine Mara.

“They are news, aren’t they?” Luna Vanessa stated more than she asked, pointing news brushes on Mara’s belly and legs.

Gamma Liam nodded and commented through their mindlink: “And they are fresh!

His blood ran cold as he pointed a brush in Mara’s inner thigh: “You see that!?

Luna Vanessa nodded and mindlinked him too, as Liam she didn’t want to worry Orion : ”Yes we need a rape kit too..."

Gamma Liam agreed and mindlinked Anna, one of the nurses, for her to bring what they needed.

When she entered the room, Anna stated: ” Doctor John is on his way. He wants to be here before you start.”

“Who told him? He’s too emotionally involved!” Luna Vanessa disapproved.

A few minutes later, John was here, breathing fast as he ran to come here. And you looked livid as Luna Vanessa expected. This is why she didn’t want to inform him until they knew how bad the situation was.

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