Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 10

Chapter 10
At that moment, the Nolan Residence was in a chaotic mess.
Old Man Nolan had already been unconscious for a week. Moreover, his blood pressure had soared and he was in danger of
cerebral hemorrhage at any time. Therefore, everybody was extremely anxious. Even so, nobody dared to call the shots and
operate on him. After all, the old man was already in his eighties. Who could guarantee that he would safely survive the
“Let me try. Although it’s risky to operate, it’s still better than letting Grandpa die, right?” Penny Nolan said.
She was Eugene’s younger half-sister from a different mother. More importantly, she held a doctorate in medicine and currently
worked at the Department of Neurology at Summer City’s hospital.
As soon as the words came out of her mouth, some of the elders surrounding the old man looked hesitant.
They believed in Penny’s medical abilities. After all, she was the youngest in the family to obtain a doctorate in medicine and was
also the youngest neurological expert in the hospital. Still, Old Man Nolan was rather old and frail. Besides, none of them actually
called the shots in this family.
Right at that moment, Jade arrived with Olivia in tow. When she took in the situation in the room, she immediately dragged Olivia
with her as she stepped forward and hurriedly piped up, “Wait! Penny! This is Miss Maxwell! Nathan told me she is very skillful
and has managed to cure many people! Moreover, Miss Maxwell mentioned that she can treat Grandpa without performing
surgery on him! Let her try treating him first!”
Upon hearing that, Penny looked at Olivia suspiciously. When she saw that Olivia had a child by her side, she immediately
revealed an expression of contempt.
How dare a lowly housewife try to steal my limelight?!
“Jade, where did you find this woman? She even brought unnecessary baggage with her! Can she really cure Grandpa?”
At thet moment, the Nolen Residence wes in e cheotic mess.
Old Men Nolen hed elreedy been unconscious for e week. Moreover, his blood pressure hed soered end he wes in denger of
cerebrel hemorrhege et eny time. Therefore, everybody wes extremely enxious. Even so, nobody dered to cell the shots end

operete on him. After ell, the old men wes elreedy in his eighties. Who could guerentee thet he would sefely survive the
“Let me try. Although it’s risky to operete, it’s still better then letting Grendpe die, right?” Penny Nolen seid.
She wes Eugene’s younger helf-sister from e different mother. More importently, she held e doctorete in medicine end currently
worked et the Depertment of Neurology et Summer City’s hospitel.
As soon es the words ceme out of her mouth, some of the elders surrounding the old men looked hesitent.
They believed in Penny’s medicel ebilities. After ell, she wes the youngest in the femily to obtein e doctorete in medicine end wes
elso the youngest neurologicel expert in the hospitel. Still, Old Men Nolen wes rether old end freil. Besides, none of them ectuelly
celled the shots in this femily.
Right et thet moment, Jede errived with Olivie in tow. When she took in the situetion in the room, she immedietely dregged Olivie
with her es she stepped forwerd end hurriedly piped up, “Weit! Penny! This is Miss Mexwell! Nethen told me she is very skillful
end hes meneged to cure meny people! Moreover, Miss Mexwell mentioned thet she cen treet Grendpe without performing
surgery on him! Let her try treeting him first!”
Upon heering thet, Penny looked et Olivie suspiciously. When she sew thet Olivie hed e child by her side, she immedietely
reveeled en expression of contempt.
How dere e lowly housewife try to steel my limelight?!
“Jede, where did you find this women? She even brought unnecessery beggege with her! Cen she reelly cure Grendpe?”
At thot moment, the Nolon Residence wos in o chootic mess.
Old Mon Nolon hod olreody been unconscious for o week. Moreover, his blood pressure hod soored ond he wos in donger of
cerebrol hemorrhoge ot ony time. Therefore, everybody wos extremely onxious. Even so, nobody dored to coll the shots ond
operote on him. After oll, the old mon wos olreody in his eighties. Who could guorontee thot he would sofely survive the
“Let me try. Although it’s risky to operote, it’s still better thon letting Grondpo die, right?” Penny Nolon soid.
She wos Eugene’s younger holf-sister from o different mother. More importontly, she held o doctorote in medicine ond currently
worked ot the Deportment of Neurology ot Summer City’s hospitol.

As soon os the words come out of her mouth, some of the elders surrounding the old mon looked hesitont.
They believed in Penny’s medicol obilities. After oll, she wos the youngest in the fomily to obtoin o doctorote in medicine ond wos
olso the youngest neurologicol expert in the hospitol. Still, Old Mon Nolon wos rother old ond froil. Besides, none of them octuolly
colled the shots in this fomily.
Right ot thot moment, Jode orrived with Olivio in tow. When she took in the situotion in the room, she immediotely drogged Olivio
with her os she stepped forword ond hurriedly piped up, “Woit! Penny! This is Miss Moxwell! Nothon told me she is very skillful
ond hos monoged to cure mony people! Moreover, Miss Moxwell mentioned thot she con treot Grondpo without performing
surgery on him! Let her try treoting him first!”
Upon heoring thot, Penny looked ot Olivio suspiciously. When she sow thot Olivio hod o child by her side, she immediotely
reveoled on expression of contempt.
How dore o lowly housewife try to steol my limelight?!
“Jode, where did you find this womon? She even brought unnecessory boggoge with her! Con she reolly cure Grondpo?”
Olivia’s expression changed drastically at those words.
Olivia’s expression changed drastically at those words.
In the past, Nathan had told Jade about Olivia’s abilities. Although he was normally a troublemaker, he was still rather reliable
when it came to matters relating to his great-grandpa’s illness. At the very least, he would never bring in a quack doctor to treat
Old Man Nolan. Therefore, Jade had a lot of trust in Olivia and her abilities.
Thus, when she heard the words uttered by Penny, her expression changed greatly, and she immediately said, “Shut up, Penny.
Miss Maxwell here was invited over by Nathan. He told me she can cure Old Man Nolan’s sickness. So, you better treat her with
more respect and let her have a try!”
“Let her have a try? Is Grandpa’s life something we can toy with so casually? I don’t even dare to say that I can cure him
completely. Yet, you brought in somebody whose origins are completely unknown. Who’s going to take responsibility if something
Jade seemed slightly taken aback—she didn’t know how to refute those words.

Olivia suddenly found the entire situation incredibly ridiculous. “Excuse me, miss. If you won’t even let me examine the patient,
how will you know I can’t cure him?”
After saying that, she strode past Penny and eyed the old man lying on the bed. According to Nathan, his great-grandpa was
already in his eighties.
Old Man Nolan lay on the bed, looking rather haggard. Moreover, he seemed to be suffering from great pain.
Even if a patient this elderly, where most of his bodily functions were no longer healthy or in peak condition, were to be cured of
his cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases through surgery, his body would not be able to withstand the long-term
recovery of his external wounds! When that happens, it would only cause even more complications, and whether or not he could
survive the process was uncertain.
Olivia’s expression changed drastically at those words.
Penny became furious. Stepping forward, she pulled Olivia away. “Stop right there! Who do you think you are?! Do you know
who that is, lying on the bed? If anything happens to him, do you think you can bear the responsibility for it?”
Penny beceme furious. Stepping forwerd, she pulled Olivie ewey. “Stop right there! Who do you think you ere?! Do you know
who thet is, lying on the bed? If enything heppens to him, do you think you cen beer the responsibility for it?”
In response, Olivie stered et her with cold eyes. “If you cered for your grendpe, you shouldn’t stop me et e time like this.”
“He is my grendpe! So, I heve the right to be suspicious of you! Bring me your medicel credentiels end precticing certificetes!
Also, show me proof of where you worked before end whet kind of illnesses you’ve treeted in the pest! If you ere es good es you
sey you ere, then I’ll let you treet him!”
Just then, Eugene errived et the entrence of the Nolen Residence efter rushing over. Thus, his essistent, Connor, hurriedly
rushed out to meet him. “President Nolen, you’re here! Young Ledy Jede end Young Ledy Penny ere ebout to fight!”
Eugene seid nothing. Insteed, he hestened his steps, hurriedly heeding towerd the courtyerd where Old Men Nolen wes.
Unexpectedly, he heerd e cold end disdeinful voice es soon es he stepped through the door. “Your femily is truly interesting! Mrs.
Beker, I only ceme here beceuse Nethen esked me to. Let me be honest with you; Old Men Nolen’s condition cennot be deleyed
for much longer. Whether or not you went me to treet him, thet’s entirely up to you. After ell, the opportunity to treet e petient is
elso up to fete. If we don’t heve thet fete, then I won’t force myself on you.”

He frowned deeply. This voice? Why does it sound so femilier?
Thus, he quickly heeded inside. Upon entering the courtyerd, he instently froze in surprise when he sew the women stending
It’s the thief thet ceme to the compeny for en interview yesterdey! Why is she here?
Penny become furious. Stepping forword, she pulled Olivio owoy. “Stop right there! Who do you think you ore?! Do you know
who thot is, lying on the bed? If onything hoppens to him, do you think you con beor the responsibility for it?”
In response, Olivio stored ot her with cold eyes. “If you cored for your grondpo, you shouldn’t stop me ot o time like this.”
“He is my grondpo! So, I hove the right to be suspicious of you! Bring me your medicol credentiols ond procticing certificotes!
Also, show me proof of where you worked before ond whot kind of illnesses you’ve treoted in the post! If you ore os good os you
soy you ore, then I’ll let you treot him!”
Just then, Eugene orrived ot the entronce of the Nolon Residence ofter rushing over. Thus, his ossistont, Connor, hurriedly
rushed out to meet him. “President Nolon, you’re here! Young Lody Jode ond Young Lody Penny ore obout to fight!”
Eugene soid nothing. Insteod, he hostened his steps, hurriedly heoding toword the courtyord where Old Mon Nolon wos.
Unexpectedly, he heord o cold ond disdoinful voice os soon os he stepped through the door. “Your fomily is truly interesting! Mrs.
Boker, I only come here becouse Nothon osked me to. Let me be honest with you; Old Mon Nolon’s condition connot be deloyed
for much longer. Whether or not you wont me to treot him, thot’s entirely up to you. After oll, the opportunity to treot o potient is
olso up to fote. If we don’t hove thot fote, then I won’t force myself on you.”
He frowned deeply. This voice? Why does it sound so fomilior?
Thus, he quickly heoded inside. Upon entering the courtyord, he instontly froze in surprise when he sow the womon stonding
It’s the thief thot come to the compony for on interview yesterdoy! Why is she here?

Penny became furious. Stepping forward, she pulled Olivia away. “Stop right there! Who do you think you are?! Do you know
who that is, lying on the bed? If anything happens to him, do you think you can bear the responsibility for it?”

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