Unexpected Mates ~ Book One

Chapter 28

The water pressure in Lazuli’s chambers put Sylvie’s apartment to shame. Even Elias’ office ensuite had nothing on the fiery waterfall, washing away literally everything from her body.

Despite Sylvie’s complaints, they all washed and changed one at a time. She wanted the time with Elias, but even he agreed to follow Lazuli’s request. The men and Kerensa waited outside as Sylvie washed up and she walked into the main bedroom.

Unlike Kian’s ethereal plant heaven, Lazuli’s suite was cold stone, carved and chiselled as if someone had chipped the structure into a massive boulder. Stone Court was a rather fitting name.

“Here, you can wear this,” Lazuli said, holding up a soft lilac dress, the flowy fabric reaching midcalf length.

“Thanks, it’s beautiful,” Sylvie replied, accepting and stepping into it. She still had a pair of fresh cotton underwear that she put on straight after the shower. No bra, though, and she doubted Lazuli’s wardrobe would have any with a big enough cup size.

Her damp hair coiled softly around her, and she smiled as Lazuli stepped closer to assist with the zipper on the back. “It was my mothers,” she said softly.

Sylvie spun with a furrowed brow. “Oh. You didn’t have to do that.”

“It’s fine. It’s been mine for many years now. It isn’t that sentimental.”

Pursing her lips, she turned away and collected a small necklace from her dressing table, clasping it around her neck easily.

“Well,” Sylvie said quietly, running her fingers down the silky fabric. “If you say so.”

The door swung inward, and Kerensa poked her head in. “Move it. We want a private audience; at this rate, half the town will be in the throne room.”

Nodding, both women filed from the room, threading their hands through their respective males. Sylvie had to avert her gaze before the sight of Kian’s hand gripping Lazuli’s made her scream.

Elias squeezed her hand several times as they followed behind the betrothed pair. Kerensa trailed behind them all, her steely gaze scanning the space.

The cold, stone halls spiralled into the central throne area where a mighty carved chair perched on a high platform. Sat atop it like a solid carved god was-

“Father,” Lazuli said coolly. “Kian and I are here for our engagement tour.”

Kerensa hissed and tapped her foot against Lazuli.

“Which his bonded and friend have come to dispute,” she added, quieter.

Lord Trion swept his unblinking gaze over the group when his eyes froze over Sylvie. They widened slightly before he blinked, leaned back and frowned.

“Your name?” he asked, not taking his eyes off her.

She stepped forward, acutely aware of the tightening grip on her hand. “Miss Hart.”

Trion grinned and stood, his beastly height making everyone look dainty beneath him. Then, walking down the steps, he stopped in front of her, and she noticed he was only slightly taller than Elias, but not by much.

Built like a fucking oak, with black veins spiralling up his bare arms, looking like the root systems Sylvie had seen while merging with the trees, Trion was a sight to behold. His head was shaven, the hairs less than half a centimetre, with some missing patches where his bare skin shone through.

He smirked, black eyes looking down at her hand clasped in Elias’ before regarding her face again. “What are you attempting to dispute?”

“Kian is my bonded mate-”

“You have proof?” His eyes glinted. “A mating mark, perhaps?”

She nodded and met his eyes with a narrowing of her own. Alarm bells tolled in her head as he gestured for her proof, knowing damn well she’d have to unzip her dress. The frigid temperature of the castle had probably clued him in on the fact she wasn’t wearing a bra either.

“No,” Elias growled at her side, pulling her backwards.

Trion grinned at him, but it didn’t reach his empty eyes. “Well, I suppose the discussion is over then. Enjoy your wedding, daughter. I look forward to uniting the Evergreen and Stone Courts once and for all.”

Lazuli bowed and tried to turn when Sylvie pulled herself free of Elias.

“Wait!” Despite swearing that she wouldn’t be some kind of cuckquean, something still wasn’t sitting right. “I will show you.”

Trion clicked his tongue. “Hmm, but you see, your Vampire has offended me, so I will not continue this discussion in his presence. Any of them,” he said, sweeping his hands to her peers.

“You want to speak to me alone,” she asked, feeling the anger pouring from her mates. Surprise tickled her chest when she felt Kians’ rage too. So he still cared. Or maybe it was just an act again. She rolled her eyes.

“Fine.” Spinning, she looked pointedly at the group and gestured her head to the door.

Elias looked ready to combust, but Kian placed his hand on his shoulder. “Come on. It won’t take long.”

Trion grinned as Elias sent one last piercing gaze at the black-eyed lord.

As the doors screeched shut, goosebumps prickled across her skin. Trion leaned back against the platform crossing his arms and raked his eyes down her body.

“There hasn’t been a bonded pairing in many years,” he said lowly. “And you have two?” A smirk crept across his lips. “Seems farfetched.”

Restraining from rolling her eyes, she reached behind her, searching for the zipper on her gown. She pulled, but it caught the fabric, and she grunted, her teeth clenching painfully.

“I can’t get the zip down.”

Trion’s eyes darkened, and he sauntered over. “Let me,” he purred.

A shudder shot down her spine as his fingers tickled her nape and trailed down her back behind the zip. He pulled until her lower back felt the frozen air in the room, and more goosebumps prickled her skin.

Spinning, she let the fabric drop until her marks were visible. To her dismay, the violet patterns from Kian’s mark were far more faded than Elias’s.

Trion huffed some air from his nose. “Trouble in paradise?” he asked, causing Sylvie to flush with shame.

His finger brushed the mark, and a smirk danced across his lips. “I’m sure Katarina told you negotiating with me would go nowhere, so why did you persist?”

Sylvie looked up at his face, noticing his dark eyes staring directly at her cleavage.

Pulling back with a frown, she pulled the fabric over her chest and threaded her arms through.

He watched as she weaved an arm behind her back and tugged the zip to her mid-back. That would have to do.

“Why did you wear this gown?” he asked, letting his eyes linger on her now-covered chest.

Sylvie stepped back and crossed her arms. “Lazuli gave it to me.”

He hummed. “Clever little bitch, that one.”

Anger burned in her belly, and she scowled. “Don’t call her that, you monster.”

His eyes jumped to hers then, narrowing at her steely gaze. “Oh? And what depravity has she accused of me this time?”

Sylvie shook her head and spun away. “I’m not rising to your bait.”

He hummed again, the sound grating on her patience. “You look just like her.”

She frowned, casting her eyes to the door where she imagined Lazuli stood. “No, I don’t.”

“Not her,” Trion replied. “Her mother.”

An uneasy niggle squirmed in her stomach as she raised her brow. “How is that supposed to work? Lazuli looks nothing like me or you; shouldn’t she look like her mother?”

Trion sneered. “That demon spawn is not my blood. She looks just like the creature who fathered her.”

Questions swirled in her mind as Trion sniffed and twirled his finger in her hair.

“My true daughter, the cursed thing, killed my wife; as punishment, I banished her to the earth realm.” His face twitched as he stepped back from her. “I suppose the babe didn’t die as I expected she would.”

Mouth drying and stomach cramping, Sylvie palmed her chest and drummed her fingers as she tried to steady her breathing.

“Are you-are you saying that you’re my-my-”

“Maternal grandsire. Yes. Although, I suppose I cannot be sure unless I taste a drop of your blood.”

What was with creatures and her blood?

She paused a second and collected herself, digging her fingers into her side to focus on the pain, not the absurdity of everything she was hearing.

“What do I get in return?”

Trion threw his head back abruptly and chortled as if she were the funniest person alive. “You are more like Milena than your looks, it seems.”

He walked towards his elevated throne and leaned against it, face turning serious. “She always took more than she deserved.”

Swallowing, Sylvie tilted her chin up at him. “No, I’m just tired of being used. If you want something from me that will probably cause me pain, then I would like something in return.”

The silence between them brought shivers upon her. She watched as he ground his teeth side to side.

“Very well.” Trion suddenly pulled a small vial from his back pocket, throwing it at her. The tiny glass of black liquid spun in front of her, and she quickly clapped her hands around it, the motion making her dress fall slightly off her shoulders, exposing the soft skin of her neck and chest.

“It’s a cleansing potion. Three drops will dispel any demonic possessions or curses.” He gave her a pointed look before beaconing her closer with a bent finger. The liquid appeared thin and had silvery glitter spinning in its blackness.

“Why should I trust you?”

She asked padding towards him, still rolling the vial in her forefinger and thumb.


When she reached him, he grabbed her wrist and lifted it to his face, using the edge of his nail to slice into the crease. She pressed her lips together to suppress the yelp as he swirled his tongue flat against her skin, lapping the beading crimson pearls.

“Mmm, maple. I thought I’d never taste that again.” He placed a kiss on her wrist and dropped her hand before nodding. “Off you go now, granddaughter. I have much to think about. Don’t travel far,” he warned. “I may find a use for you yet.”

She hurried away from him, heart hammering and sweat trickling down her back before dark words kissed her back, caressing the tingling hairs on her nape. “And be wary of your aunt, little one. That whore has claws.”

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