Unexpected Mates ~ Book One

Chapter 24

Elias chuckled darkly, reaching over to the zipper at her throat and tugging it below her breasts. They burst out, and Kian dipped his head, pressing his soft lips to her flesh. “Not quite.”

Her head fell back, and Elias nipped the muscle beside her neck. “First,” he breathed. “We bite you here, one at a time.” His hand pulled her zipper lower until he could slip his hand to the apex of her thighs. “Then we fuck you.”

“Make love,” Kian corrected with a cheeky smile before sucking the skin next to her nipple. Sylvie blushed and buried her fingers in his hair as Elias pinched her chin with his free hand. “Then you bite us, making the marking bond complete.”

She panted and swallowed, shrugging the clothes off her body. Kian helped pull the sleeves from her shaking hands while Elias lifted her to get the remainder off her feet. Damn onesies. Kian took her onto his lap, and she moaned, feeling his hardening length press against her tailbone.

“When you say bite, you mean until I taste blood?” The thought both turned her stomach and ignited it. When Elias nodded, she frowned. “How?”

“You’re half-vampire. I’m sure your sharp canines will help.”

She frowned, bringing her fingers to her teeth. The canine was pointed, but she didn’t think they’d be enough to break the skin. Her thoughts withered away as Kian’s hand dropped to her core, stroking up and down, covering her in glistening arousal. Elias sat back and watched with hooded eyes, the colour flickering from blue to red every now and again.

“Kian will go first,” he said huskily.

She bit her lip, feeling Kian’s lips kiss along her neck and stood abruptly, staring at the two men. The last crescents of the moon illuminated her figure, and she reached her hands down to Kian as Elias watched from his relaxed position on the ground.

Kian took her hands and stood, pulling her closer to bury his nose in her hair. “Are you ready to start?” he murmured against her head.

She nodded against him and tilted her chin up, exposing her bare neck to him. Kian looked at Elias before lowering his mouth to her throat. Then, with a moan, he latched his teeth to her skin and bit down as she gasped and writhed.

An unbearable sense of calm muddled her senses, and she realised he must have been using his abilities to relax her as a sharp sting cut into her skin. “Fuck,” she groaned as Kian pulled back, wiping her blood from the corners of his mouth.

He dropped his trousers and stepped from them before lifting her abruptly into his arms. She watched him with a sudden sense of clarity as he sat and hovered her over his cock. “Take your shirt off,” she moaned, wanting to feel every dip and crest of his muscled body.

His eyes flashed to Elias so quickly that she almost missed it and pulled the fabric over his head in one quick motion. He lay down on his back immediately after, and she let her hands wander along his chest as she slowly lowered down onto him. The size stretched her, and she moaned.

It had been a long time regardless, and his girth wasn’t below average like the men she had in the past.

He groaned as she sheathed herself completely, letting her clit press into his pubic bone. She rocked against him as she grew accustomed to his size and slowly let herself lift and lower while grinding.

Kian’s hands clasped her hips and helped her keep the same rhythmic rocking. His abs tensed and shuddered as he lay beneath her, drawing Sylvie’s eyes like a magnet. She wished she could lick every inch of his perfect body.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” Kian breathed, closing his eyes briefly as if fighting something. She smiled and ran a hand across his chest, gently swirling her fingertip around his nipple before raking her nails softly down his abs. His eyes shot open, and he froze beneath her.

“I’m sor-” she bit her lip. “Did I hurt you?”

He shook his head ‘no’, resuming his hip rocking as she leaned down over him. She brought her lips to his and kissed him softly. Trailing her kisses from his mouth to his jaw and finally his muscled trap.

“Like this?” she questioned, pulling back to look at his face. His bedroom eyes swirled violet as he nodded, tilting his neck as she had done before.

She swallowed and returned her head to the muscle, opening her mouth against his burning flesh. Pressure rose in her belly, the constant steady grinding of her clit against him spurring an orgasm, and she tentatively bit down into his skin.

Her canines sliced into him quickly, and she shuddered as his sweet blood filled her mouth. The thick, syrupy texture tasted like maple or honey, and she swallowed without gagging.

As she pulled back, a burning sensation rippled through her body, and she shuddered, gripping Kian’s hands as she sat up. “What’s happening?” she groaned, still on the verge of bliss as Kian rocked his hips faster beneath her.

“It’s the mark,” Kian breathed, bringing his finger to his heart as a scarlet and emerald-toned pattern etched into his skin like a tattoo.

He bucked harder beneath her as her mark swirled on her chest, wholly violet and much smaller. The pulsing of her muscles and friction on her clit stole back her attention as Kian groaned and shuddered beneath her, his orgasm spurring hers.

She whimpered and pinched her nipples, letting her head fall back as her body tensed and released, the inside of her pussy clenching Kian repeatedly.


Slowing her movements to a stop, she lifted onto her knees and smiled at the sound of his cock slapping against his stomach.

“That was-”


Kian sat and pulled his shirt on disappointingly fast before dressing the rest of himself. Grabbing a square of fabric from his pocket, he tenderly wiped Sylvie clean, her body still throbbing with aftershocks from her climax.

When he was done, a cool grip circled her bare stomach and hoisted her up. She yelped as Elias whispered into her ear.

“My turn.”

Sylvie giggled nervously as Elias carried her to her favourite tree and pushed her naked chest against it before slapping her ass.

Once, twice, thrice. Her moans grew after each one, and she shuddered as his cool hands rubbed the stinging flesh.

“What was that for?” she whispered.

She yelped as he slapped her other cheek three more times, each harder than the last. Growing hotter, Sylvie gripped the trunk to keep steady.

“Just warming you up, kitten,” he purred, kissing her shoulder blades. “Tell Kian you want him to watch.”

Elias nipped her ear lobe and wrapped his arm around her, tracing his fingers along her damp opening.

“Kian?” Sylvie whimpered.

An affirmative noise sounded to her left, and she waved in his direction. “Come closer.”

She whined as Elias’ digits plunged between her folds and curled against her g-spot.

“I want you to watch,” she panted as Kian appeared in her vision, a lazy smirk on his face.

“Of course, princess. It would be my pleasure.” He leaned against the nearest tree with crossed arms and eyelids at half-mast.

Elias growled in her ear, thrusting another finger inside until she shivered. “Remember your safeword?”

She nodded.

“Speak the words, Hart.”


“Yes, what?”

She writhed as his fingers plunged deeper. “I don’t know!”

“My name will do. For now.”

Her lips quirked up in a smile when another slap bit into her ass. Tears springing to her eyes, she gripped the tree tighter and breathed a soft, “Yes, Elias.”

“Good. I won’t be gentle.” Elias’ teeth grazed over her shoulder, and she felt another wave of calm come from Kian as she felt his sharp canines on her flesh.

“Good,” she whimpered.

When her flesh split from his teeth, she arched back, reaching for his dark curls, but he gripped both wrists and pinned them to the tree. He withdrew his teeth, not bothering to wipe the blood dripping down his chin before hissing. “Keep them on the fucking tree.”

His dominance sent thrills through Sylvie, and she couldn’t help herself. “Or what?”

He slapped her ass in response and unbuckled his pants, pulling his cock free. She knew he did because he hit her raw ass cheek with it.

“Are you gonna take it like a good girl?”

She gushed, and her mouth dropped open. “Oh fuck.”


“Yes, Elias!” she shouted, arching her back more for his long-awaited entrance. Then, turning to look at him, she bit her lip as he stroked his length.

She heard Kian’s soft moan from her other side and turned to see him doing the same. Feeling beautiful under their lusting gazes, she flushed, pushing her hips towards Elias. “Please.”

“Please, what?” His dark, throaty tone made her even wetter; she was sure he could see her glistening in the tiny sliver of moonlight. Again, she shivered from her exposure to the elements and potential wandering eyes.

“Don’t be afraid, princess,” Kian murmured, still fucking his hand. “I warded this place myself. No one will be interrupting us tonight.”

She sighed with relief and a slight twinge of disappointment. Exhibitionism always was one of her favourite porn searches.

Just as she was about to complain about the lack of contact from Elias, a firm pressure kissed her opening.

“Finally,” she whispered, squeaking when it disappeared again. Her body tensed as rage drenched her skin, and she dropped her hands from the tree, spinning to face him with a scowl. He immediately wiped it off with a hand to her throat, backing her up against the oak.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“You’re taking too long!” she pouted, eyes rolling back as he lightly squeezed the sides of her neck, stepping forward and pressing his thigh between her legs.

“Wait and see what happens if you keep acting like a fucking brat.”

Releasing her throat, he hooked his hand beneath her thigh, lifting her leg in the air, and nudged his member against her cunt.

“Please, Elias.” Her skin glistened from sweat as she waited for him to hurry the fuck up. “Please,” she begged. “I’m sorry.”

The ache between her legs made tears well in her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered when his lips caught hers, hushing her begging and apologies.

His tongue swirled around her mouth, and he tensed before he plunged himself into her. The sound of their bodies uniting echoed through the clearing. The moans and growls forced her pussy to clench uncontrollably while the wind responded with a hushed whine through the trees and grasses.

“Elias,” she moaned, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face into the crook of his neck.

The last slice of the moon disappeared as the eclipse peaked, and a raging pleasure rippled through her. Her gums buzzed in anticipation of the final mark. Then, prodding her tongue with her teeth, the sharpened points sliced her like a paper cut.

“Finish it, kitten,” Elias growled, cupping Sylvie’s nape with his hand. Her mouth opened against his throat, and she bit down, moaning at the copper and ice flooding her mouth.

Convulsing, a dual climax rippled between them, and they groaned as their pleasure peaked in unison.

Swallowing a few mouthfuls before pulling away, Sylvie licked the wound, staring in fascination as the holes closed instantly. A tentative touch to her neck showed the same thing. Her wounds had healed.

Elias pulled free of her, tucking himself away before unbuttoning his shirt as she leaned into the tree.

He moved with such calm calculation Sylvie almost drooled watching him. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of the rippling bark down her bare skin, and she felt the familiar merging of her body with nature.



Elias and Kian’s voices shocked her from her reverie, and she staggered forward away from the trunk.

Just before landing on her hands and knees, two sets of hands gripped her biceps and stood her carefully.

“What were you doing?” Kian asked, eyeing the tree with narrowed eyes.

She shrugged, her eyes drooping as the high from their marking drained from her body.

“Leave it,” Elias murmured, threading his dress shirt onto her body and scooping her to his chest. “She needs rest. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

“She wouldn’t be almost comatose if you didn’t go so hard on her,” Kian’s low grumble made a smile caress Sylvie’s lips.

She reached for him with closed eyes and squeezed when his hand clasped hers. “I’m okay, Kian.”

A kiss pressed into her hairline, and she tilted her head back to look at Elias as he carried her bridal style back to the castle. The mark spiralling over his heart was identical to Kian’s, and she smiled, knowing it would finally prove her connection to them to Katarina, Lazuli and her father.

Once they arrived at Kian’s room, Elias helped her to the bathroom, where she both relieved herself and showered before dressing in a luxurious cotton nightdress.

He carried her everywhere and tended to her as if she were a fragile gem. Very different to the forceful dominance he exuded only a half-hour earlier.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” she whispered, stifling a yawn with the back of her hand.

Kian chuckled from the bed as Elias lowered her next to him.

“Yes, E. Do explain the methods to your madness.”

Elias’ freshly showered body slid in on her other side and tucked the blankets around himself. “Just because you refuse to learn about the nuances of human sexual experiences does not make my methods mad. If anything,” he continued, flicking Kian’s arm, “you are what humans call vanilla. And this is what they call Aftercare.”

Sylvie smiled, nestling under his arm while scooting her backside into Kian. “I like it,” she said. “Both of your styles. It differentiates our connections with each other.” She paused for a moment, finding the right words. “Or our relationships, I guess. Is that what we are?” Nerves suddenly gripped her belly, and her breath came out shaky. “In a relationship?”

The soft vibration of laughter at her front and back set her body aflame, and she buried her face so they couldn’t see.

“Don’t hide, princess,” Kian chided, stroking a finger along her side, drawing a giggle and full body twitch. When she didn’t uncover her face, he retraced her ribs.

“Look at us, or I’ll tickle you.” His finger wiggled into her side, and she quickly jerked her head up and scrunched her nose at them.

“What?” she pouted.

“In human terms,” Elias started, kissing her furrowed brow, “we would now be equivalent to your husbands now that you’ve marked us.”

Sylvie’s mouth dropped open. “And you’re okay with that?” Her voice escaped in a tight squeak. They jumped from acquaintances to married in less than a month. It made her dizzy.

“Are you?” Kian shot back. “I didn’t think about it when you decided to let us mark you, but are you happy with being with just us for the rest of your life.”

Peering over her shoulder at him, she noticed the soft raise to his brow and the hollow in his cheek where he was gnawing on it. Was he nervous?

Sylvie paused, looking between the sexiest men she’d ever seen and laughed softly, turning to lie on her back. “Yes. Of course.” She raised her hands to cover her reddening cheeks when Kian’s finger burrowed into her side.

“Don’t,” Elias growled into her ear. “We like seeing you this way.”

“Sorry, it’s just funny.” Then, looking between their worried expressions, she laughed again, wiping a tear from her eye.

“What is?”

“The thought of being with anyone else is- is just so- repulsive,” Sylvie said, realising the words as she spoke. The idea of being with anyone else didn’t even cross her mind, all she wanted was the two men at her sides, and if they would have her, she was happier than she’d ever thought possible. “You two are perfect. Why wouldn’t I want you forever?”

“Good. We’re all yours,” Elias’ soft words made her blush, and she snuggled down between her fiery, faery and cool-blooded vampire.

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