Unexpected Mates ~ Book One

Chapter 17

Incognito mode was Sylvie’s best friend as she researched BDSM and Brats, desperate to know a little bit about Elias’s sexual pleasures.

She didn’t think he’d care about work productivity, considering they were ‘mates’, and her role at his business was basically bullshit. At that point, she was sure she could get away with murder.

He already had.

She scoffed quietly when Natalie walked straight into her office like she owned the place. Slamming the minimise button, she looked up at Natalie with raised brows. “Hi?”

“Where have you been?” Natalie asked with a frown. “Are you sick?”

Sylvie chuckled softly. “Uh, no. Are you?”

Natalie crossed her arms and tapped her toes lightly on the carpet. “No. I’m just wondering what’s happening with you. Elias has been acting weird, and you’ve been M.I.A.”

“Did you miss me?”

The shadows beneath her eyes and chapped lips drew Sylvie’s attention as she scoffed.

“I’m just not wanting to do your work anymore. How the hell did you get a virus on your computer anyway?”

Sylvie shrugged and laughed. I don’t know; some trojan software in one of my spam emails. Sorry you had to do that.”

Natalie gnawed her lip and sighed. “Okay, well, I’m glad you’re back. Now, do your job,” she jabbed before turning and leaving Sylvie staring after her.

Waiting an extra few seconds, she reopened her browsing screen and read the first article on BDSM brats.

’A brat is a submissive who loves to playfully push buttons and ‘break’ rules. They behave this way to deliberately provoke attention from their Dominant’.

Her heart thumped as she realised she was very much a Brat. “Shit...”

Her eyes skimmed the page, and heat rushed to her face and core when she read about the ‘Brat tamer.’

’The “tamer” is the role the Dom takes on with their brat. A tamer’s job is to bring the brat to submission.′

Her belly fluttered as she pictured Elias trying to tame her. “Fuck!” She could feel her panties getting wet as she exited the site. She returned to responding to emails but couldn’t get her mind away from her potential sexual future.

Standing, Sylvie walked carefully to the lady’s bathroom, down a short corridor past the elevators. She was relieved and surprised to see Natalie not at her desk and assumed Elias had sent her on another random errand.

Locking herself in the last stall from the door, she pulled down her black pants and finished her business before wiping herself and her panties. Pulling her underwear and pants back up, she contemplated just touching herself to get off. It had been so long, and even the thought of orgasm made her muscles clench.

The door outside the stall creaked open and closed, followed by the familiar sound of the lock turning. Sylvie froze, hand pressed against the stall door as footsteps tapped along the laminate floors. Her anxiety rose as the sound stopped outside her stall, and a light knock rapped on the door.

“Hurry up and come out.”

Sylvie’s mouth dropped open at the familiar feminine voice before she wrenched the door open. “Kerensa! What are you doing here?” She refrained from hugging her, pushing past to wash her hands and then hug her.

Kerensa’s face twisted grimly, but it softened when she regarded Sylvie. “Why are you so happy to see me? It’s only been a few days for you.”

“I dunno.” Sylvie shrugged with a smile. “You are a welcome distraction.” From touching herself in the toilets of her workplace...Jesus, who had she become?

“I have- news.”

Sylvie swallowed and nodded before walking to the locked door. “Come,” she beaconed, but Kerensa shook her head.

“I need to take you back now.”


Kerensa levelled her gaze at Sylvie and clenched her jaw. “Kian is about to make a huge mistake, and I need him to see that before it’s too late for him and too late for our Court.”

Sylvie turned the lock and went to twist the door when Kerensa hissed. “Let’s go now!”

Sylvie sputtered, thinking of Elias. “I- I can’t go without him.” She twisted the knob with slippery hands as Kerensa reached towards her. “Kerensa, wait!” Her cries stopped suddenly as the bathroom door flew open, dragging Sylvie off her feet and into Elias’ arms.

“What do you think you’re doing, Kerensa?”

Kerensa rolled her eyes and growled. “You know you can’t come to the Evergreen Court. It’s verboten.”

“I’m sure Kian won’t mind my presence. He will make an allowance as crown prince. Just this once.”

Sylvie shook as she gripped Elias tightly. The thought of being away from him made her whole body tremble. Even Kerensa noticed her shaking limbs as she scoffed. “You move fast.”

“You know that isn’t true, Kerensa. She is both of our mates. It’s the bond,” Elias said.

Kerensa snorted, crossing her arms. “I know no such thing, but fine,” she grated through clenched teeth. “I need her to come, and if that means I bring you, then so be it.”

Sylvie felt her body relax, her white-knuckled grip on Elias’s shirt loosening.

“Glad we came to such a smooth agreement,” he purred. “Hurry up and do this; I’m in no mood to prolong portal sickness.”

Kerensa snatched up his forearm in a second, and the world tilted unbearably. “Not again!” Sylvie squeezed her eyes shut, burying her face into Elias’ warm shoulder, the grip around her body tightening as she jolted against solid earth.

This time her stomach contents stayed inside her body, but her eyes rolled back in her head. Elias dropped to a knee, lowering her carefully as she convulsed, foam speckling across her lips. She regained awareness and saw Elias’ pale face above her, his shaking hands gently brushing hair from her face.

Sylvie swallowed and tried to speak when Kerensa shushed her.

“Bring her this way,” she said, walking down a long corridor. Even after her short visit the last time, she knew the place was somewhere she’d never been before.

Elias scooped her up and followed along, kissing her hairline softly. “We won’t be able to travel back again for a few weeks; otherwise, your sickness could be dangerous.”

She nodded weakly, closing her eyes as he carried her down the long, cold path.

“It’s their engagement party.”

“What the fuck is he doing?”

“He won’t speak to me anymore or mother. She seems happier than ever, but I don’t even recognise him anymore. He doesn’t know you two are here either, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

Sylvie’s eyes fluttered open, and she looked over at Elias and Kerensa’s tense figures.

“What’s happening?”

Elias walked over as Kerensa clenched her fists. “You’ve got three days to recover,” she hissed. Then, “I’ll arrange food.”

“Wait,” Elias growled. He leaned down and gathered some of Sylvie’s hair in his hand, running the long strands between his fist. Finally, he pulled a single strand free and handed it to her. “Give it to your clothing enchantress personally. Tell her silver, champagne and sheer. And tell her it’s for me.”

Kerensa clicked her tongue and pocketed the long brown hair. “She doesn’t take requests anymore; she’s retired from the damn court. Lazuli already tried.”

“Trust me,” Elias ground out. “We go way back.”

As Kerensa left, grumbling and slamming the door, Sylvie attempted a frown.

“You go way back, huh?” she croaked.

Elias sat at her side and stroked her face. “I’m a thousand years old, pet. You don’t see me getting mad about your past.”

Sylvie scoffed. A thousand years old? Surely he’s exaggerating. “Well, I haven’t told you my sexual history yet.”

“Doesn’t matter,” he shot back. “Noone will ever have fucked you the way I can. Mate or not.”

Panting, Sylvie rolled onto her side and buried her pink cheeks into the cool side of the pillow.

She felt way too weak to be letting her heart race that fast.

“Now rest,” Elias said, pulling the blankets around her shoulders with a chuckle. “The party will be upon us before we know it.”

She stared at the vining plants around the bed frames and swallowed. “Do you think he’ll be happy to see me?” she whispered.

Elias rounded the bed and sat facing her. “We don’t want him to be.”

Before Sylvie could ask ‘why,’ Elias stroked her cheek. “I’ve known Kian a very long time, and I know when he falls into a depression, the only thing that breaks through his fog and reignites his inner fire, despite his hatred of it, is anger.”

The memory of Kian’s furious face when she brought up Lazuli stuck in her head, and she swallowed. “I don’t like it when he’s angry.”

Elias smiled. “Nor do I.”

She thought about another angry man in her life and shuddered, feeling the pressure of his hand on her thigh. “I did some research this morning.”

“Oh?” His question sounded like he very much knew about her extracurricular research.

“It made me realise that I am a brat,” her voice trailed off as Elias’ eyes darkened. “And I want you to tame me.”

“I should punish you for bringing this up when you know damned well you’re too fragile for me to act on it.”

She bit her lip as he stood, pulling her hand and placing it on his crotch, the hard member desperate to burst free. “Look what you’re doing to me,” he growled.

Sighing, Sylvie moved her hand up and down his length, squeezing softly. Her own sex dampened, and her other hand pulled off her bed covers to show him as she slid it between her thighs. She paused, hovering her fingers about her sensitive spot, looking to him for confirmation.

To her surprise and relief, he nodded. Her fingers descended and swirled languid circles, immediately igniting a fire in her belly. Elias’s lusting gaze only spurred her desire onward until she reached a glorious peak.

“Come, now,” he growled, and she let herself clench over and over. She lay panting as the orgasm ebbed, and she frowned. Elias’s smile grew in response, and she only frowned harder.

“Didn’t feel as good as you thought it would, did it?” he taunted.

Sylvie pulled her hand free from his cock and wrenched the sheets back over her. “What is happening to me?”

Elias sat, adjusting his member inside his trousers. “It’s the mating heat. Your body wants to consummate the bond and will stop your self-pleasure until we do.”

Rolling her eyes, Sylvie scowled at the roof. “And you still won’t fuck me until Kian is back with us.”


“We’re about to go to his engagement party, so I doubt that’ll ever fucking happen.” With one last groan, she turned away from Elias and closed her eyes.

“Brat,” Elias whispered with a chuckle as sleep stole her away.

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