Unexpected Mates ~ Book One

Chapter 15

As Elias’ tongue pressed along her palm and licked with a long stroke, Sylvie’s panties immediately wettened. Despite her previous fear, his warm, wet touch sent a rush of heat through her, and she pulled against him again. She didn’t need him smelling how turned on she was by his tongue.

Meeting his narrowed eyes with her hooded ones, she swallowed. “So?”

Elias pulled back, letting her stand on her own feet as he turned and balled his fists.

Sylvie repressed the urge to clench her thighs as she stared at his rippling back muscles. “What am I, Elias?”

He sighed and turned back to her, his icy blue eyes scrutinising her. “It doesn’t make sense,” he finally murmured.

She swallowed and crossed her arms, hoping she looked angry and not as pathetic as she felt.

He looked down at his bloodstained clothes and grunted, ripping the shirt off in one tug. Then, throwing it to the floor, he spun, walking down the hall without a word.

Sylvie stood blankly for a second before trailing after him and almost tripping again on a slightly curled rug. “Fuck sake,” she shouted, her heart rate slowly descending as she walked to the last door on the right, still ajar. From the door, she spotted Elias’ godlike- bare-assed form disappearing into an adjacent room.

She froze, realising he must be showering the blood off, but her growing frustration made it impossible for her to wait. As the hiss of water started, she padded across the room and into the bathroom.

Elias’s back was facing her, and she watched, mesmerised, as the steamy water cascaded down around him, slinking through the divots of his every muscle. Fuck.

He turned to look at her, keeping his hips facing away, and she swallowed, mildly disappointed. The firm roundness of his perfectly sculpted ass helped ebbed some of her curiosity, though.

His eyes raked across her, and his brow furrowed again before he turned, running his hands through his black curls.

Biting her lip, she moved closer until some hot spray misted her face. “What happened to the shifter?”

Elias kept washing and kept his gaze averted.

“Did you kill them?”

His soft chuckle made her cheeks redden. The amount of blood on his body made it quite clear the other creature had to be dead; she didn’t even know why she asked him.

“Forget it,” she grumbled, turning away. No. She needed to know. She was sick and tired of all the fucking beating around the bush. Sighing, she collected herself and spun back, ready for answers, stripping herself to her underwear and climbing in the shower behind him.

Tentatively, she placed her fingertips on his hips, and in an instant, he spun and pinned her wrists against the wall above her head, his face glowering.

“Don’t,” he warned.

Sylvie panted, looking up at him, lashes fluttering as the water sprayed her face. “Talk to me.” Her words cut off as his thigh pressed between her legs and ground against her clit.

“I have nothing to say.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

His eyes narrowed as he wrapped his hand around her throat. “Who are your parents?”

Sylvie shook her head, baffled. What did they have to do with anything? “I don’t know. I told you they died when I was a baby. I only know their names.”

“What were they?”

“Lianna and Zach Hart.”

Elias shook his head, pressing his body closer to hers. “Those are not their names.”

Sylvie held her breath as he turned her face side to side as if he could see the lies in her flesh.

“Your blood is divine. I assume that to be your Fae side, and I haven’t much experience with different Fae blood, so I can’t determine what type you are, but you have old Vampire blood too.” He growled, clenching his fingers around her neck again, making her moan softly.

“You’re half born-Vampire.”

The phrase sent waves of confusion into her fuzzy mind, and he lessened the pressure on her as he finished. “I know each born Vampire that escaped my home realm when the newest King ascended the throne, and none of them had either of those names.”

“Okay,” she breathed, shrugging slightly. The names of her parents meant very little to her. “What does it matter? We already know I was that right, so why are you so mad at me?”

He frowned and pressed his cock against her hip, its hardness making her whimper. “I’m mad because you disobeyed me.”

She rocked imperceptibly on his leg and bit back a moan from the friction.

“I’m mad because you are too fragile right now to get the punishment you deserve.”

He dropped his hands to her hipdips and squeezed, forcing her to grind against his thigh. Her slick folds quickly made her slide against him with ease.

“I’m mad because I want to bend you over and fuck you until you clench around me, but I can’t until we bring Kian back to us.”

“Why?” she whined, wrapping her hands around his neck. He hoisted her up and braced his leg on a small shelf in the shower before lowering her back on his muscled thigh.

“Because you are ours,” he growled, catching her face in his hand and pressing his thumb past her lower lip. Sylvie wrapped her mouth around the digit and sucked, using her tongue to spin around it.

He groaned, running his hand down her side, cupping her breast in his free hand. Her eyes fluttered shut as he pinched and rubbed the nipple between his fingers.

“Swear to me; you don’t know anything about your parent’s past.”

He pulled his thumb free from her mouth, and she sighed, “I swear it.”

“Good girl,” he purred, wrapping his hands beneath her thighs and forcing them around his thick abdomen. She looked at him through hooded eyes as he carried her from the shower to a King sized bed in the adjoining room.

“We’re gonna get your bed wet,” she complained as he lay her atop the luxurious soft comforter.

“We won’t be sleeping in it,” he replied, prowling down her body, dragging off her panties and dropping them on the floor with a wet splat. Then, pressing his thumb to her sex, Elias rubbed small circles.

Her body shook as he licked his lips and lowered them to her hood, suctioning and licking all at once. “I thought you said we had to wait for Kian,” she moaned Kian’s name, which only made her hotter.

“That’s just for sex,” he said against her wet folds, the vibrations drawing out whines of pleasure from her mouth.

“Oh,” she moaned in response and desire. His steady swirls on her clit had building pressure forming in her abdomen, thighs and stomach. Her body tensed in anticipation for release when his mouth detached from her and her rose, staring down at her shivering form.

She almost yelled at him when he turned to pull on some clothes. Raising a trembling hand to her mouth, she wiped the light, moistening sweat from her face. She was so fucking close, and he just stopped? The ache between her legs grew as he waltzed from the room, not even making eye contact.

“What the fuck?” she whispered, propping herself on her elbows. Well, if he wasn’t going to help her finish, then she would just finish herself. Bringing her fingers between her legs, she yelped when a hand latched onto her wrist. Elias moved so fast that the wind from his wake didn’t hit her for a full second.

“That is your punishment,” he growled. “You are too fragile for the spanking I’m itching to give you, so this was the next best thing.” Then, pulling her fingers away from her dripping core, he sneered down at her. “Don’t fucking touch yourself unless you want this to be your punishment from now on.”

Her heart thumped in her chest, and she felt light clenches in her sex from the gruffness of his words. His assured confidence made her belly tingle.

“Fuck you,” she whispered, clenching her fists around the blankets. Her fingers itched to touch herself, even more so under Elias’s disapproving gaze, but the thought of being denied of an orgasm from him, even one more time, made her want to scream.

“Not yet,” he returned with a smirk. This time he turned from Sylvie and walked to the door stopping at the frame to peer back at her naked body on his sheets. “Don’t forget. I’ll know if you touch yourself.”

Sylvie sat up and frowned, cupping her breasts to hide them from view. He chuckled then. “Get dressed. We need to leave.”

They only just fucking got there. Sylvie jumped up, dried herself off and redressed before looking for the Asshat himself.

Down the stairs, she spied him, filling a bucket at the sink before walking to the porch and dumping it in a loud gush. Sylvie rolled her eyes at something else, still gushing. Fucking bastard. She padded down the staircase and stood by the couch as he made another trip from sink to porch. From her new position, she could see the diluted pool of blood spreading across the earth in front of the house.

She swallowed and followed him with her eyes. “Where’s the body?”

“In the woods.” His curt reply made her roll her eyes.

“Won’t you get in trouble?”

“It’s a dead bear, Hart. By the time the animals pick it clean, nobody will notice it was decapitated.”

Sylvie’s mouth dropped open. “You took its head off?”

He dumped the last bucket and dropped it by the door. “Anyone that’s a threat to my mate will die.” He looked her up and down and sighed. “I’m sorry we can’t stay longer. But if that shifter found us, then others will be on their way.”

She sighed and padded to the door, slipping on her shoes. Before she could walk to the car, Elias spun her to face him, his piercing gaze capturing her in its embrace.

“You are my mate, and we are equals, but when your life is in danger, and I ask something of you, I expect obedience,” he spoke softly, letting his eyes drop to her lips. “Do you understand?”

She nodded, her mind drifting to the steady, dulled ache between her legs.

“Good. Now get in the car.”

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