Undying Devotion

Chapter The More you Know.

Given the sexual tension between the two, Shannara thought things would be awkward between them after the lapse of judgment back there. However as they walked back to her car down the street, discussing what they had found, she realized that she actually felt normal, dare she say comfortable with him. She’d never at a relationship like that with the opposite sex. Sexual interaction, tension and feelings always made things complicated.

“The Ledger stated that Daisy was bought for $75,000. Is that a lot?” He asked.

“When it comes to a person’s life, I would say it’s pretty low.” Her mood was a little glum. Darren had kept pretty good records, though they had been hard to find, with her skill and Arion’s brute force they had gotten what they needed in little time.

“I still don’t understand why you couldn’t take any of it, the guy would have been incriminated by it all,” Arion complained.

She had spent the better part of the last half hour trying to explain their legal system. It had its flaws and at times like these, she hated it too. “We obtained it illegally, it can’t be used in court unless I were to get a warrant.”

“Which we wouldn’t be able to get, as nothing pointed to him except for what I had discovered on my own.” He groaned.

“Which we can’t use, since you’re... ya know.” She glanced at him with a sympathetic look.

“Never thought being a demon King would be a disadvantage. Your way of policing is very primitive.” He stated more upset than anything.

“Indeed, and let’s not mention the amount of corrupt idiots that reside in the court to pass judgment on these fools.” She could go on for days about the amount of criminals she had caught, to then simply get off on a technicality. It was truly infuriating. “Your world is sounding better and better by the day.” She added without realizing it.

He huffed. “I assure you, it is. Though I implore you, please don’t get my hopes up unless you wish for a repeat of what happened back there.”

She could feel her face heating up. “Noted.” She said as she avoided eye contact but she couldn’t help but bite the corner of her lip. Her curiosity getting the better of her.

“What’s the next move?” He asked changing the subject, offering a much-needed distraction.

“We know Daisy’s real name is Trisha Harris. We start by looking her up and visiting her family or friends, every place she’d been. We retrace her steps to the point she disappeared.” She instructed.

“If it adds up the trail will end at the inn.“He pondered.

“I hope it doesn’t end there, I want to find her. Preferably alive.” Reaching her car she handed her phone to Arion.

He looked at her confused.

“Call Jessie, fill him in. I’ll drive us home.” She told him.

He nodded turning the device over in his hands, she chuckled more to herself as he appeared dumbfounded as to how to use the brick. She talked him through it as she pulled the vehicle out from the parking spot.

He lifted it to his ear as it began to ring, as instructed. It was answered within two rings.

“Shann! Are you okay?” Jessie appeared to have been waiting for her call.

“Hi Jessie, Shannara is fine she’s driving right now.” He responded. If she did;t know any better she would think that he had rolled his eyes as Jessie’s panicked tone, which she could hear through the phone.

“Oh... Arion. That’s, that’s good.” Jessie appeared hesitant to talk now that he knew it wasn’t Shannara.

“Listen, she wanted me to update you on what we found,” Arion explained. His tone clearly telling her that he didn’t want to speak to Jessie either. Did they not like each other?

“Right, let me hear it.” Jessie’s voice turned serious.

Shannara zoned out for a bit knowing that she could trust Arion to relay the information. Her mind was on the man that had purchased Daisy. Why pay for her, all his other victims were simply taken either from their homes or workplaces. The killer’s words rang through her mind. He’d said that the copycat’s victim wasn’t a part of the set. What was the set? That word ‘set’, kept playing over and over again in her mind. She was missing something. And the last ritual didn’t appear to add up to why the killer was taking pieces of the victim. She let out a heavy sigh.

“Shannara?” Arion had hung up the phone and was looking at her as though he were concerned.

“Just thinking. There’s a lot about this killer that I still don’t get. It’s baffling.” She admitted as she turned a corner, getting closer to her home.

“The ritualistic methods are quite peculiar, defined and direct. And the body pieces he has saved appear to be for something else. I would hazard a guess that he is after something demonic in nature.” He pondered aloud.

“There isn’t any ritual that calls for certain body parts is there?” She asked. It was nice to have someone to talk to about this madness.

“Not that I’m aware of, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The journal the CIA has could hold answers.” He pointed out.

“Not sure we can get our hands on that without involving the team more. Also side note, weird how I haven’t seen them since last night, the CIA that is. They were dead set on taking me in, then the van was attacked and I was kidnapped.” She pulled into her driveway. “And yet not a single person has been spotted. Care to tell me why that is?” Turning off the engine she turned her head toward him.

“Are you accusing me-”

She raised her eyebrow at him. Clearly not falling for his bull shit.

“Nothing gets by you.” He muttered.

“What have you done?“She spoke to him almost like you would if you were scolding a child.

“Nothing too extreme, just some small cloaking when they are around.” He winced.

“So they are around.” She wasn’t going mad and worrying for nothing.

He sighed. “Indeed.”

“And my house, when you fixed my door?” She questioned.

He laughed nervously. “I locked it so only certain people can enter and it’s practically indestructible now, even the windows.”

She sighed. “Remove it.”

“What!?” He exclaimed shocked.

“What happens if Jessie or Masie come by? They can’t enter, can they? That’s going to be hard to explain.” She wasn’t mad, she had actually suspected that he was doing something. Like how he could seem to get people to open up to him like it was nothing. “Look, I know you think you have my safety in mind, but it’s only making things more suspicious.”

He huffed in disapproval and yet he couldn’t argue. “I don’t like leaving you with no protection.” He admitted.

“I’m a big girl Arion. I can take care of myself, I have done so for years. That doesn’t change now.” It was beyond her why she wasn’t mad at him. Though his pouting sad face made it seem like she was telling him off. “It’s late already, I assume you’ll be heading to your realm tonight?” She added changing the subject.

“Once you’re settled in, for a short time yes.” He smirked. “You don’t want me to go?”

“I guess I can’t really miss you when I’m sleeping, so it’s fine.” She replied rather bluntly.

“Ah, so then you would miss me in your waking hours?” He cooed happily.

“Down boy, stop wagging that tail so happily.” She joked.

He pouted. His expression was way to cute than humanly possible.

Shaking her head they headed inside. “Remove the magic... whatever it is, before you go.”

“Must I take the protection off?” He wined in protest.

“If you’re that worried, all the more reason to get back to me quickly.” She waved him goodnight and headed for her bedroom while he let out a frustrated groan.

It oddly felt good to be ordering around a King. Though she highly doubted he would allow anyone else in his realm to do the same. She felt slightly empowered, would she be able to remain herself around him even in his realm? He was making it a point to let her have things play out her way, but this was her world, would it be the same for his?

She headed for the shower, ready to wash off the makeup and the dirt of the night. She was looking forward to her comfy pajamas. The warm water a welcome change and much-needed refresher. Done with the water she dressed, she could hear him wandering around the house, likely following her instructions. She picked up her pills to help with the pain in her shoulder and grabbed her water bottle, Shaking it she noticed it was empty. She could just grab a mouthful from the bathroom, but she oddly wanted to see him again before she turned in.

Leaving her room she headed for the kitchen and the already filtered water jug in the fridge. Closing the door she nearly jumped out of her skin to see him standing there behind the door.

“Do you make any noise!?” She asked with her hand on her heart.

“Only when I want to.” He smirked. “I’ve done as you asked.” He added.

Shaking her head she rolled her eyes at him. “I appreciate it.”

He reached forward taking hold of a strand of her freshly washed hair. Lifting it to his nose he breathed her in. Every movement he made surprised her, not by his actions, but by her reactions. The idea of him, knowing what he was and not knowing what tomorrow would bring different to the way her body reacted.

“You smell amazing.” The husk in his voice and the darkness in his eyes made her heart skip a beat.

“...Thank you.” Her mind was screaming at her to walk away to turn around and leave, but her feet wouldn’t move. He let the strands of hair slip from his fingers and retreated for her.

“Off to bed with you before I’m tempted.”

Her hand clenched around her now full water bottle as she willed herself to move. She was rethinking her statement from earlier. She stopped looking over her shoulder. “I’ll see you in the morning?” She asked.

“You can’t get rid of me that easy.”

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