Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Wizard World

Selena’s P.O.V

As we drove further out everything about this place seemed so much brighter and full of life.

The sky was a vibrant colour of blue and the whole atmosphere felt lighter and lively.

We drove out onto a road and honestly I have never seen anything more beautiful.

There was a huge bridge and it looked as if it were made of gold. The car drove over it and the water beneath it was a clear blue colour. Just looking at it made me feel much more refreshed.

“This bridge leads straight to the palace where we are meeting everyone”

Out in the distance I could see a breathtaking building stand out in all its glory. The palace was so beautiful as we got closer to it.

It was massive and it looked like it never ends. The palace must have been here for centuries by looking at its design. My whole mouth was opened just staring at its beauty.

“So I take that you like it” I turned to my side to see Adam with an amused look on his face. My face blushed because I realised I looked kinda creepy.

Breaking eye contact with Adam I realised that the car had stopped outside the palace.

Cole stepped out of the car as three people opened the door for us. I thought I could make it out of the car without hurting myself but I was wrong.

These burns, cuts and bruises made it so much harder for me to move. I clenched my teeth in pain. The man in the suit who had opened the door had noticed the pain I was in.

“Do you need any help?” I nodded my head at him as he put his arm around my shoulder and helped me out the car.

As I stepped out the car I felt someone pull me away from the man in the suit. I turned to see Adam glaring at the man in the suit.

I nudged him and gave him a glare he was scaring the poor guy.

“What the hell Adam you scared the poor guy for no reason”

“Oh I have my reason”

“Well then enlighten me”

Before he could speak a deep voice interupted us.

“Welcome home” I turned around to see a man dressed in very expensive clothes he looked every bit of a royal.

He had similar features to Adam and thats I how knew he was his dad.

“Hey dad” Adam awkwardly hugged his dad.

“Oh my baby is home” I looked behind Adams dad to see a beautiful lady, the way she held herself and the way she was dressed showed how elegant she was. She had the exact same color eyes as Adam and the same dimples.

Adam hugged his mother and she came just below his chin. I smiled at the scene before me.

Cole came and stood next to me before going and hugging Adams dad.

“Oh Cole it’s good to see you too” Adams mum hugged Cole and I stood their awkwardly.

Once everyone finished their hugging they turned their attention to me.

“And who is this beautiful girl” I blushed at Adams mum’s comment. I wasn’t very pretty right now with my beaten up face and body.

“Er...um mum this is Selena”

“Hi” I waved my hand awkwardly at them.

“Selena, I’ve heard so much about you its so nice to finally meet you” She came forward to hug me and surprisingly she was gentle.

“It’s nice to meet you too...”

“Call me Katherine and thats my husband Edward” I nodded my head and smiled.

Adams parents walked into the palace hand in hand and we followed. As we walked in I tried to keep my mouth closed because my jaw dropped when I saw the palace.

It was so magnificent everything about it was just amazing. This place must have a whole lot of history just by looking at the designs.

We walked into a huge room where everyone else was sitting. All my brothers were there and my friends.

Seeing only half of my friends kind of hurt my heart. But I blinked away the tears because I had come here for a purpose.

I sat down beside Giselle and everyone started talking amongst themselves.

“So how do you like the place so far”

“So far it’s just beautiful. I mean coming in through the portal thing and then seeing this place was so refreshing. Something about this place is brighter and the atmosphere is lighter. But that’s just the first impression of it so far.”

“This place is refreshing you are right about that. The mortal world is dull compared to this place. Well I hope this place keeps you happy and it might be just what you need” she winked at me.

“What do you mean, ’just what I need” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“You’ll see my pretty” she made a creepy face which looked like a Disney villain and made me laugh out loud catching the attention of everyone.

When I saw everyone looking at me I coughed awkwardly and looked down.

“Well I’m heading upstairs because I’m tired” Cole got up and stretched revealing his very toned stomach. Katherine hit his stomach as a joke and he pulled her into a hug.

You’d think that since they were royals they would be very stuck up and nothing like this. But Adams parents are just like any other normal couple which is so sweet.

Everyone stood up and talked amongst themselves. I managed to get up and my brothers all came towards me.

“How you holding up Lena” Josh carefully put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder.

“So far its fine I guess....how does it feel being back home?” This was once their home and being back must be the best feeling ever for my brothers.

“Honestly Lena it’s amazing, feels just like home” Blake had a huge grin on his face.

“Yeah its fucking awesome I can use magic whenever I want to now and not have John scream in my face” Ben and Jake gave each other a high five.

“No more buzz kill John now, maybe now he can get laid by a girl who is truly magical” The boys started to laugh amongst themselves and John smacked the back of Ben’s head who hit him back.

These boys will never change, as long as I am with them I’m at home.

Edward cleared his throat and the boys stopped. But one of them had to get the last smack so Ben hit John who was about to punch him in the face. So I had to step in.

“Cut it out you guys” I gave them the look and they rolled their eyes at me.

“So I heard you are thinking of staying in your manor, why not stay right here” I turned to look at John confused.

“It’s nice of you to let us stay here in your palace but we’d like to stay in our own childhood home. It’s been a long time since we came here and it’s the first time our sister is here so we’d like to spend time there”

Edward agreed to this and told us that we could stay here for a few days and then head to the manor.

“But the safety of Selena...and you guys could be at risk. Its better if you stay here”

“She’ll be fine with us Adam don’t worry” Adam had a frown on his face clearly he was annoyed by this idea. Weirdo.

“But it will be better here we won’t be worried about your safety”

“Adam I’m sure our safety will be fine. I’m starting to think that you want us to stay here because it’s better for you” Most of the people in the room started to laugh like it was some inside joke.

Jake gave Adam an evil grin and Adam looked like he was going to punch him.

“You boys cut it out. I’m pretty sure you all are tired so head off to bed”

Everyone headed up the stair and I followed. Reece, Sean and Justin went into their rooms and we all followed Adam who was showing us our rooms.

He gave the boys their rooms and finally I was left. I stood awkwardly beside Giselle.

“There are no more spare rooms left. I mean there are loads but they are all closed off. So if you want you can share with....” Before he could even finish Giselle interrupted.

“She can share with me” Giselle had a smirk on her face and Adam looked pissed.

“Giselle you didn’t let me finish” Adam gritted his teeth together.

“Boo hoo sucks to be you. She’s sleeping with me...unless there’s a problem. I mean Adam do you have a problem” She had a evil glint in her eyes as she spoke to Adam.

“No. I don’t” Adam looked pretty pissed and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“What seems to amuse you” He looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

“Nothing really, just your ugly face” Giselle laughed beside me as she grabbed my hand and ran towards her room.

We left Adam standing the long hallway alone.

We entered Giselle’s room and it was humongous. The whole room was decorated black and white exactly how I imagined it. Her bed was massive she could fit 5 people in it.

“So I take you like my room” She jumped on the bed and laid down.

“Yeah it’s pretty cool”

“Feels good to be back on my bed” I sat on the edge of the bed.

“Do you live here permanently or...” I didn’t want to be nosey in her private business.

“As the protector of the kingdom my job requires me to stay here but I do go home. Most days I’m here others I’m at home” She smiled when she mentioned her home.

“It must be nice to have that balance” I smiled at her.

“Yeah, at home my mum is constantly screaming at me for the way I dress or behave but my dad he doesn’t really care. My house is a house of chaos. Older sisters being well them and then my brothers arguing”

I laughed because her home life sounded similar to the way mine and my brothers is beside the fact that we don’t have mum and dad.

I changed into my Pj’s and laid in the bed. Giselle laid beside me and just when I said goodnight she started to talk.

“So are you ready to have your first party in the wizard world”

I turned my head towards her and spoke.

“Ummm what party”

“Well it’s like a welcome back party for us guys well mostly Adam”

“So what’s it got to do with me”

“It has a lot to do with you. Everyone wants to finally see you. You are like a legend in a way. People tell their children about you in hopes of saving us”

“Wow that sounds like they high expectations from me”

“They kinda do. But you have to come because everyone wants to see you”

“I don’t know Giselle I’m not really fit for partying. You guys should go I’ll probablly be home with my brothers”

She started to laugh and I nudged her.

“What’s so funny”

“You seriously think your brothers are gonna be home. They are gonna party hard especially now that they are back”

She was right my brothers were quite the party freaks.

“So be ready for your big entrance at the party. I’m so frickin excited you’re finally home”

I let out a small laugh and then we both went quiet. Soon after I could hear Giselle snoring.

Everyone thinks I’m home but for me this isn’t my home. After all this ends I’m going back home to my friends.

I just hope I can live up to everyone’s expectations.

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