Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter The New Kids

Mondays. That day is cursed I swear Mondays suck. I’m not physically or mentally prepared for school today. I got dressed in my clothes. Sadly I can’t wear the uniform its for kids who are in year 7-11 and then us guys who are in year 12-13 (I’m in 12 btw) can wear our own. It’s a academy so it’s pretty weird way...Anywhooo

I got dressed in black skinny jeans, a white top which says “I don’t believe in humans”, my converses, a Swarovski silver bracelet which Jacob got me for my 17th and a black bag which my John brought me even though i don’t like wearing designer stuff like Michael KORS he still bought it for me, plus I don’t have to hold the bag so its win-win situation.

I went into school after John dropped me. I hate the school crowds. I’m like short, 5′2. So i get shoved around.

I found my way to my locker and was late because I was being pushed every where. Guess I have to walk to form time alone.

I went to my form room and found my people aka my friends

“Look who finally joined us” Ashton literally announced it to everyone

“Hey guys” I sat down between Ashton and Jacob, my usual seat. Chloe and Jade were just chatting about god knows what.

“So guys I heard there are 5 new guys joining our year and I saw them in the principal’s office and damn they were HAWT” expect Chloe to know this, our lil gossip queen.

Everyone in our form group was just annoying. You have Emily the queen bitch who thinks she owns the damn academy. Then her little side chicks, Rebecca and Lauren. They have no brain capacity I swear they agree with everything and anything that comes out of Emily’s damn mouth.

Then you have the athletes, they are just plain players don’t even wanna start on them.

Then the silent, clever kids

The fan girls

Then its us. We all are different but I guess I kinda fall in the category of the invisibles, only my friends acknowledge my existence and the teachers. My friends on the other hand were known and loved by everyone in the academy.

“Helloo anyone there” Jacob was knocking on the side of my head,I looked at him and blushed in embarrassment

“Shut up” I slapped his shoulder, I thought it would hurt him but it was like a rock. So there was no chance.

“You’re so cute when you blush” he had no idea what affect this comment had on me.

“When you are free from flirting Jacob and Selena pay attention to what I have to say” everyone found this comment funny I didn’t even look up after I heard the word flirt...like I would wanna have more red cheeks. Jacob just laughed it off and put his arm around the back of my chair

“First things first” Mr Williams’ cleared his throat

“We have 6 new students in our class, they will be joining us, and they are transfer students and will be here hopefully for this year and the next....so lads do you want to introduce yourself

“Erm...Mr Sir, I’m a girl not a lad”

I liked her already... her comment made me laugh

“Anyways I’m Giselle, not much to say about myself, just stay out of my way and I’ll stay out of yours

“Fuck she’s hot” Ashton whispered in my ear

Giselle was beautiful she had jet black hair, smooth fair skin; her body was just to die for. She was perfect.

“Tell me about it”

“Jacob shut up and stop being rude”

Not even 5 mins since she is here and these two are already fantasising about her

“I’m Justin” this guy was wow, he had bright blue eyes, brown hair that looked so damn soft and his body was tanned and was just wow.

“Sup I’m Sean” He had blue eyes just like Justin’s and light brown hair and his body was damn.

“Ladies, I’m Reece” this guy already looked like a tease with his smirk. He had light brown eyes and dark brown hair

“I’m Cole, and that’s all you need to know” Cole was also good looking like the rest he was muscular and built ,he gave a very intimidating vibe, but then again so did all of them.

“Adam” holy crap, this guys voice sent shivers to my spine, he seemed to be full of just power or something. He was tall, built you could see the abs popping through his shirt and his tanned skin looked so heavenly. His hair were almost black. His green eyes were just a shade i have never seen. He seemed so scary; he definitely was not one to mess around with and same with the others.

“Okay take your seats at the back” crap. They just happened to sit in the row right behind us. Just great. Everyone was just speechless, the girls were already drooling over the guy and the guys were drooling over Giselle.

“So the students who take performing arts i hope you are aware of the competition which you need to pass in order for our school to make it to the first round, permission slips must be in by next week if you want to go. Rehearse hard and make the school proud”

Everyone got back to what they were doing so I just put my head down to catch up on sleep.

“Finally this is Selena, our lil baby” Chloe was chattering away and i felt someone elbow me.

“She just loves her sleep...hahaha...get up Selena”

“Euggh leave me Chloeeee...stop touching me Ashton its annoying” this idiot kept doing something to my arm. I looked up to see everyone’s eyes on me. My face turned bright red, i touched my hair to tame it. Chloe was already attached to Reece’s arm. Not surprised.

“Awww look at the drool on her cheek” SERIOUSLY JADE

“Hey leave me” could this get more embarrassing

“OH MY GOD...wtf is that written on your arm” I looked down to see what Jade was talking about. there I saw it. A drawing of a guys ball and next to it was written I love PEN15.

“ASHTON, you idiot” I tried rubbing it off but it wouldn’t budge

Everyone found this quite amusing “haha real mature guys just laugh at poor little me”

Ashton just sat their with a smirk across his face. I gave him a “you watch what I do” look.

“I like your bracelet its pretty” I felt Giselle touching my arm, I smiled at her, I felt so shy next to her, I mean she is so pretty and then theres me.

“Thank you, Jacob gifted it to me” I touched the bracelet with a smile on my face

I looked up to see Cole and Adam staring at me. Scary much.

The bell rang and we all left for our performing arts class. The good thing about this was that our whole form was in this class, which meant us 5 were in this same class.

Great this meant the new students will be with us. This will be interesting.....

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