Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter The Maze of Nightmares

Selena’s P.O.V

I looked around to see I was in the middle of nowhere literally. The building he had kept me in was surrounded by trees. How was I meant to get out of here and get to the place where the maze forest was. I groaned as I started to walk straight, I mean you gotta start from somewhere.

I had been walking for quite a while and the sky was starting to become a darker colour. My body was aching due to the nasty wounds caused by the torture I went through. I could feel one of the healing wounds bleeding, it had been opened again when I crawled out of the death trap of a window. To top it all off I had been feeling quite sick so technically what I told Colton wasn’t a lie.

I felt something rising in my throat and I bent down only to puke. My stomach ached as I leaned against a tree, I hated it when I got ill, it sucked, I groaned at the pain that I was currently feeling.

“Are you seriously giving up” My head shot up to the familiar sound. I looked up to see the little girl giving me a breathtaking smile.

“Who are you and why do you keep showing up and then disappearing” The little girl sat down beside me, neated her dress and then turned to me. I couldn’t help but feel mesmerised by her electric green eyes.

“Well I am a part of you, I’m here to kind of help you. I mean you could get all the help you need since you keep doing silly things” The girl giggled and I frowned at her which made her stick her tongue out at me.

“So you’re my conscious”

“Not really but let’s go with that” She gave me cute smiled which warmed my heart, but her eyes were what really made my heart melt.

“You’ve got very pretty eyes” The little girl looked up at me and smiled shyly.

“Thank you, I got them from my dad, anyways let’s get up and go to the maze forest” She spoke very quickly and changed the subject which made me raise my eyebrow at her.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to do but I can’t seem to find a way out”

“That is because you aren’t trying hard enough, trust yourself and keep moving because the longer you take to get to the maze forest the worse it is when you get there”

“Well then I better keep moving, because these trees are endless and I need to find my way out”

“Look carefully and maybe they won’t seem so endless” I looked at the all the tree’s, this time much more carefully, most of them looked exactly the same and the surroundings of them were the same. I was about to give up when I noticed that in the far corner there was a bunch of trees that looked different compared to the rest, they looked fresh and alive. I quickly got up to my feet to run, I turned around to tell the little girl but when I looked I couldn’t see her.

She had ditched me once again.

I wasted no time in running towards the tree’s and once I did I followed the path off the trees and soon they led me to an opening. I thanked the little girl silently as I came out of the forest.

In the far distance I could see the waterfall that I had seen in my dream when I met Amethyst. That was the exact waterfall I had to cross in order to enter the maze forest.

As I walked closer to the waterfall everything around me brought me peace, the dark night was beautiful and the cold air blew my hair, making me feel slightly better. I wished I could stay here forever but I sadly couldn’t. I approached the waterfall and I started to get butterflies in my stomach, I was nervous as to what the forest holds for me.

I got near the waterfall and stopped. How the hell was I meant to get to the forest, I walked towards the waterfall and looked around. There was no sight of a forest near it. Damn it. I walked closer to the water and saw through the water running down that there was something behind the actual waterfall.

You have got to be kidding me.

Here goes nothing.

I jumped into the water and immediately squealed. I quickly regretted my decision when the realisation of not being able to swim set in. I tried not to panic as that would make the situation worse. I went underwater and quickly acted on my instincts.

“Levitatium” My words came out like a mess but before I knew it my body was being lifted from the water. I took a huge gulp of breath air as my body rised out of the water.

I looked down to see in shock I was literally walking ON THE WATER.

I looked up at the gushing water falling down in a beautiful and mesmerising way. The water looked as if a thousands diamonds were falling down. I held my breath as I made my way through the water. My body dropped on the cold ground. I got up and looked to see that there was little passageway behind the waterfall.

I got up to my feet and entered the passageway. It was dark but at the end of it there was a faint light. I walked hoping not to fall and successfully made it to the otherside.

Once I came out I was faced with rock wall. What.

I looked around confused. Where the hell was this forest. Something glowing, I looked carefully to see a wand placed on a small rock. I walked towards the wand, it was slim and its colour was a beautiful gold covered with intricate black designs.

“You’re gonna need that in there” I looked to my side to see none other than the little girl.

“You really need to stop popping out of nowhere”

“You can’t tell me what to do”

“Don’t sass me little girl” She rolled her eyes at me.

“When you go in there, use your magic, no matter who or what comes in your way don’t fall for it because they are not real. It may not seem like an ideal maze but it is, do things right and you will find your way out. If not then you’ll be in there for a very long time” I nodded my head at her.

“Good luck”


I lifted the wand and I felt a surge of power, which reminded me of the time when I had first held a wand. As soon as I lifted the wand the wall in front of me split in the middle revealing a dark looking entrance.

A tall maze stood in front of me, I looked up to see the maze wall’s go up very high. The dark cloudy sky loomed over the maze.

I took a deep breath as I entered. There was only one turn once I had walked and as I stepped past the threshold the wall behind me closed. Well that isn’t scary at all.

I walked a couple of feet straight before turning to my right. As I turned I saw that 4 exists, I took the one straight ahead of me. As I walked in I hit a dead end, I kicked the wall and as I did the walls slowly started to close in.

Damn it.

I quickly ran out and ran for another exist. Only to be faced with another dead end. Just like before the walls closed in. So everytime I enter the wrong exist the walls close in...great.

I took the turn on my left and as I did I was faced with a forest. The walls of the maze went from being like your typical maze to tree’s. The path was just like a forest, dark and gloomy. As I took a right turn I was faced with a familiar face.

“Mason?” Adams friend who had ‘died’ was leaning against a wall looking as if he were in pain.

“You came...please help me” I looked at him and something about him seemed off, he didn’t seem like the Mason I had met, he had a more demonic look. I turned back only to have him pull me back.

“LET GO” The walls around us started to close in.

“Please help me...get me out of here.”

“You’re not real so let go of me”

“I am real, all the people who died an innocent death are trapped here” I stopped struggling and looked at him.

“No matter who or what comes in your way don’t fall for it because they are not real” The little girls voice echoed in my head. I pushed Mason and tried to make a run for it only to have him grip me from the back.

I elbowed him in the nose and his grip loosened on me. I tried to run because the walls had become narrow. Mason pulled my hair and made me stumble back. I turned around to push him but he was stronger than before.

I quickly lifted my wand and used it to throw him back far enough for me make a run for it. I quickly ran straight out, the walls just about brushed my shoulder. I turned around and looked to see it fully shut and I heard a agonising scream.

Hearing Mason’s scream made me doubt my decision of leaving him behind, but I couldn’t stay back the longer that I stayed here the worse it will get.

I took the right turn and managed to escape the forest part of the maze.


As I was walking on the path of the new surrounding of the maze which looked like an old pathway in the middle of nowhere. I kept walking seeing no turns in the distance. As I walked further ahead I saw multiple exists, as I was about to take one I heard a loud growl behind and me. When I turned around I came face to face with a wolf.


I put my hands up in surrender and backed slowly hoping that I was taking the right turn, but I hadn’t. I came to a dead end. I walked out of it to see the wolf standing right in the middle.

He growled at me and lunged for me. I quickly moved my body and ran forward hoping that I had taken the right turn but I failed to do so. The wolf blocked the exit and the walls started to close.

I started to panic but then remembered one of the first spells I learnt. I teleported myself behind the wolf. I opened my eyes and saw that I managed to do the spell right. But the wolf was quick enough to turn around. I quickly made a run for it, I ran towards the turn ahead of me but I felt teeth dig into my legs. I fell to the ground and looked up to see the wolf hovering above me. He tried to bite me but I rolled to my side.

He managed to slash my arm , I didn’t know what else to do so I stabbed him in the neck with my wand. The wolf howled as he felt the wand pierce his skin. I quickly moved back and I saw a red light glowing on his chest.

I had to kill him otherwise he would kill me. He leaped forward and as he did my hand made contact with his chest. I pulled my hand away and saw the wolf’s midnight blue eyes form into horror. I felt sick as the warmth of his beating heart.

As I squeezed it the wolf howled and his body morphed into a human. Just as I was about to crush his heart the human version of the wolf lifted his head and the midnight blue eyes pierced into me. Xaviers face was full of horror as he stared at me in shock.


“Don’t do it...please” His eyes were pleading me and I could feel my heart being crushed on the inside.

“Don’t fall for the trap...all this is real, this is Draco’s revenge on you” Tears stung my eyes as I tried to hold my ground.

“None of this is real”

“Then why is this hurting you, it is real” I shook my head at Xavier.

I squeezed the heart between my hands and Xavier’s painful scream filled the air. The heart turned into ash in my hand and so did Xavier. I felt bile rising in my throat as I turned my head and threw up violently.

My whole body was shaking, the feeling of killing someone brought an instant feeling in my gut that made me want to throw up again. But I couldn’t stop I had to keep going.


I took the right exist and was faced with a normal maze setting. I thanked my lucky stars that it looked somewhat less scary than the previous one.

As I walked around there was nothing but a peaceful atmosphere. The only thing I could hear was the soft wind blowing. I looked up to see the dark sky covered in beautiful stars.

I tried to find the correct exist and each time I hit a dead end nothing happened. Perhaps I had reached the final phase of this horrid maze.

I turned to my left and walked out. I was hoping that I had finished the maze but I was wrong. I walked again into the same setting. Damn it.

I walked around only to find the exact same thing happen to me. I took the right exist once again and was faced with the same setting. I kicked the ground in frustration as I turned left again to only be back to where I was.

What the hell was going on, it was like an endless cycle that kept happening I had attempted to leave the maze 4 times. I tried to leave again but was faced with the same thing.

The horrible feeling of never being able to leave dawned upon me and my stomach filled with dread.

An eerie silence brought chills upon my spine, as I leaned on the wall, I could no longer hear the wind rustling, only the beat of my heart could be heard.

“You’re pathetic, you’ll never get out” My head snapped up as I heard a sickly voice, I looked around but their was no source to the sound.

“You’re never leaving” A demonic laugh filled the air giving me chills. I got up and ran around hoping I could get out.

“Not much of a saviour are you”

“Just give up and stay here”

“Stay with us”

“You’re stupid and pathetic, you won’t find a way out”

Different voices filled the air taunting me, there was no source to these voices. I tried to escape only to fail and have the voices laugh at me. Trying to ignore them was hard, the words they said were harsh and brutal.

“You got mated with a Prince, it must be some joke look at you and look at him. You are nothing but a mere mortal weakling compared to him”

“You should leave him, he hates you anyways. He know’s you’re a whore.”

“You’ve been used and thrown to the side. No one wants a girl with baggage”

“You are under an illusion if you think you can ‘save the world’”

“Since you have entered everyone’s lives, you have done nothing but created problems”

The words were hurting me, they were like the insecurities within me talking.

“Why don’t you kill yourself and make things better”

“SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP” I gripped my hair in frustration and lifted my wand.

“I am the saviour, I will save everyone and fulfill my destiny and nothing can stop me.”I took my wand and entered the exist on the right this time and pointed it to the wall. I channelled all my anger towards it and the wall in front of me broke down, revealing a different exist.

I felt happiness soar within me and I ran quickly into the new setting.


My happiness was short lived as soon as I stepped forward, I felt my body falling down into cold icy water.

I felt the panic set in and I opened my eyes to see that I had fallen in very deep. I tried to remember what I was taught when I took swimming lessons. I found myself swimming up and I was feeling proud, something I couldn’t do in years I was doing now.

I felt something tug at my leg as I went up, I looked down to see Colton pulling my leg down. I tried to fight him off but he was giving me a sickening smile while dragging me down. I lifted my hand and channeled my magic towards him. Instantly his body blew up.

I continued to go up and I felt a something tug at me. I looked down and if the lack of oxygen wasn’t killing me this was going to.

My parents were pulling me down. My mother had a warm smile on her face as her and my dad pulled me closer to them. I let my body go towards them. I smiled at them and I could feel my heart soaring.

Suddenly my mother came close to me and she wrapped her hands around my neck. My eyes widen at what she was doing.

They aren’t real. She gave me chilling smile as she strangled me, I started to thrash and my father put his hand on my face and held my body so I wouldn’t move. I struggled and started to feel lightheaded.

I lifted my hand which was shaking, due to what I was going to do. I channelled my magic towards my dad and his body blew up just like Colton’s. I turned to my mother and mouthed sorry as I watched her body blow.

I wasted no time as I swam to the top, my lungs were burning when I reached the top. I took a deep breath as I reached the surface. Their was only one way out of here and it was straight ahead. I swam towards it the water got more and more shallow as I reached the exist. I was soon walking out of the water.


I stepped out into the dark and looked that I was heading into something which looked like a dungeon. I was puzzled as I walked into the dimly lit dungeon. Suddenly I heard a screeching sound and looked ahead and saw a black shadowy figure flying towards me.

I froze for a split second and as soon as the figure made contact with my skin it burned. I scream out in pain and ran forward not wanting to get hurt.

I heard the screeching sound and saw that I was now being faced with two of those creatures. I quickly raised my wand and tried to kill them but I failed. I could feel the fear setting in as the came charging towards me, I lifted my wand and fire flew out hitting them both killing them instantly.

I ran taking a turn to only see more of those creatures, I did the same and the fire left my wand instantly killing them. However this time, they rose back up.

What the hell.

The screeched which made me covered my ears. I tried again and this time I used a much more fierce ball of fire which completely engulfed them. The more turns I took the more creatures I was faced with some were harder to kill than the others. Which is why I had to fully trust the power I held. The magic which once felt foreign and weird was now coming naturally to me. I fully embraced the power I had and everything else came naturally along with it.

I ran forward and saw that there was light coming from the end of the dungeon, I ran towards it and walked out.

The blinding light dimmed and I looked around to see I had made my way out of the maze.


Authors Note:

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. The situations she was faced with were metaphors for things she needed to overcome and embrace.

Like Xavier was a metaphor for her to hold her ground and not let him stop her from moving forward.

The voices were her insecurities and her parents were her past.

And so at the end of the chapter she fully embraces who she is and she knows she can defeat Draco.

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