Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Party Pt.1

Selena’s POV

I got ready for school and I was already dreading it. I was not mentally nor physically prepared for the day. Knowing the fact that I had to see Colton and also my friends, who I know will ask me loads of questions.

My life is just great. Love it.

I got out of the house before any of the boys can ask me any questions. Ugh I felt like an idiot but I couldn’t tell them. I hate being so distant from them. But I don’t to burden anyone because of my stupid mistakes. I made the mistake, now I will have to deal with the consequences.

I walked to my locker and saw Cole come towards me. Great. I pretended to look for something in my locker.

“Selena, I know you don’t want to talk about this, but I thought you at least trusted me but it turns out you don’t.... Anyways I told everyone not to ask you anything until your ready” I could see the hurt in his eyes and it really made me upset. Cole wanted to help me but I shut him out.

“Cole, I didn’t want to burden you with my issues. I trust you but I...” I calmed myself down before I cried. Which I have been doing a lot lately.

He touched my shoulder to comfort me but I flinched away. It was almost like a instinct.

“Its okay, I’m not gonna hurt you. Your issues will never be a burden to me I just don’t like seeing you upset and hurt. I want you to know that I’m always going to be there to help. Don’t ever think otherwise. We only have a few hours then you can go home. Now lets go to class”

“Thanks Cole” He smiled at me and started to walk away.

We only had to go to our first 2 lessons because it was half day. That meant we only had to go to Performing Arts, which was a double period.

I sat on the floor with Cole and Jacob. I didn’t speak to anyone and they all just got on with their own things. Thank god.

Leanne clapped her hands trying to gain our attention. “Class as you know its the last day so I won’t make you do any work but I do want to speak to all of you individually about some things”

Leanne called everyone up one by one. I laid on the floor with my head in Jacobs lap, with my headphones in. Time to tune the world out.

I heard a bang and turned to see Adam.

Always making a grand entrance.

Leanne gave him a ‘why are you so late and why are you banging the doors’ look and he returned it with a dirty look. Rude much.

“Adam, could you come here, I need to speak to you” Leanne turned towards him.

“No, I don’t want to” He spoke to her in a harsh tone, how can he be so mean to her, she is so nice.

He went and sat down on the other side of Cole. I could feel his eyes on me but I did not look in his direction. He saw everything yesterday and I just don’t want to face him. Cole turned to him and they both started to talk.

She ignored him and called me. I got up and went and sat down.

“So, Selena I just want to say that your doing amazing so far in this class and you can really make us win this. You always play it safe when it comes to performing. I want you to break out of your shell and try something new. Use your voice and your dance talent to try something new because you are extremely talented.”

“Thank you Leanne it means a lot hearing that from you and I’ll promise not to let you down”

“One more thing. Honey I hope your okay. I saw what happened the other lesson. Don’t let stupid boys break your heart. Boys will come and go, just focus on yourself. Don’t beat yourself too much over a stupid boy like Colton. If you ever need someone to speak to I’m always here” She squeezed my hand.

“Thank you”

I walked back to my where I was sitting. Everyone was talking about the party.

“Selena, we are all going to Chloe’s to get ready for the party.”

“Ughhhh I still don’t want to go”

“It will be fun trust me” Jade pleaded me.

For the rest of the lesson we talked about random things.

“Boys you have to meet us before we leave on Sunday, we’ll be gone for a month and you guys will be doing god knows what” Chloe literally ordered the boys to come, with that tone there was only a option of yes as an answer.

“I’m gonna be going to Spain with my brothers and along with Ash and his brothers” Literally every year Jacob his older brothers and all of Ash’s brothers go on a vacation.

“What about you guys” Jade asked the rest of the guys.

“Well, we’re going to our home town to see family and friends, spend Christmas with them” Sean was the first to speak.

“Where is your home town” Ash asked them all. Now that I think about it, they have never told us where they were from.

Giselle quickly interrupted “Guys I don’t know about you, but I’m excited for our girl trip”

Leanne had let us all out and I got dragged to Chloe house with the rest of the girls.


All us girls went to Chloe’s house. Her mum had ordered pizza for us, so we ate and then we headed upstairs to her bedroom.

Chloe clapped her hands and turned towards us. “So, we’ll all get ready and then we’ll get you ready Selena because we all are gonna make sure Colton knows what he is missing”

“You guys I’m seriously fine with what I’m wearing and I couldn’t care less what he has to think of me”

“Listen to me, I’m gonna make you look hot so all the guys will be your feet. You just are gonna enjoy yourself and let loose. Tonight is gonna be amazing”

“Fine, but while you get ready let me sleep. I seriously need it. Its gonna be a long night” Little did I know how right I would be.

“Yaaaay” Chloe clapped her hands. Her, Jade and Giselle all started to get ready and I went and laid in Chloe’s bed.

Jade started to play really loud music and they all started to dance and get ready, talk about getting into the mood of things.

“Wake the fuck up bitch” Giselle was shouting in my ear but I ignored her and turned over.

“Go away you troll” I was way to sleepy to get up.

“That’s it” Wait what....

“AAAAAAHHHHHHH” I got dragged off the bed and fell on the ground. I gritted my teeth because my bruises hurt.

“Now lets get you ready”

I looked at them and they looked stunning. Chloe had her hair in loose curls, with a white short dress and a bold red lip. Jade had her in a side braid, with a lace up top and shorts. Giselle had her signature black leather look. She had a bold red lip and fierce smoky eye with a braid on a quarter of her head and the rest were pin straight.

“So we chose this dress for you” My face dropped. It was a sleeveless black dress that stopped just above my knee’s. No way was I going to wear that.

“I can’t wear this” I pleaded them.

“No you have to” Jade was literally shoving it in my face.

“Please, I beg you I’m just not comfortable” I really didn’t want to.

“Okay fine. We won’t force you, since we’re so nice.” Chloe went into her closet and started to look for something else.

“Found it!!!” Chloe walked out with a mesh bodycon dress. Um...I wasn’t so sure about this but it was dark enough to not show any bruises.

She gave me the dress and some tan tights I asked for. I got changed into it and it felt like it was my skin, it was so tight.

“Holy shit, you look hot in that, your body is so wow.”

“Thanks Giselle”

I was pulled into a chair and the girls started. Chloe was doing my makeup, Giselle did my hair and Jade was doing my nails. I sat in the chair for what felt like hours. They was a lot of pulling and tugging.

“Okay don’t open your eyes until we ask you” Chloe sounded way to excited. Should I be worried ? They got me up and made me walk somewhere.


To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I looked completely different. My hair was in curls, I had a fierce winged liner with a hint of a smoky eye, I had red lips like the rest of them and my whole skin was glowing with all the damn highlight. The dress made my body shape look flattering, but it also made the fact I have no boobs obvious.

I turned to them. “You guys...thank you” we all did a group hug.

“Now lets get our hot asses down to that party”

We all headed down to Chloe’s sister’s car. On the way in the car all we did was sing to the music.

We turned into Jacobs street and you could you see the whole street packed. We got out of the car and I walked behind everyone. I felt really weird in this dress.

I was walking slowly behind the girls who were way to excited.

“Don’t feel nervous you’ll be just fine” I turned to see Giselle near me. She linked her arm with mine and I felt really comforted.

Jacob opened the door and I could hear the music beating in my heart. It was so loud.

“Finally you guys came” He let Jade, Chloe and Giselle in.

When he saw me his eyes widened and his mouth opened.

“Close your mouth your gonna catch flies” I smirked at him.

“Lena, the fuck, is that actually you. You look nice”

I walked in with Jacob and I could feel everyone stare at me.


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