Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Hugs & Torture Driving

Selena’s P.O.V

Today was a fresh new start to life. Again.

I had woken up early and had a shower and finished my packing.

I wore a plain black jumpsuit and put my hair up in a bun. I didn’t put any makeup on since I had nothing to hide anymore.

I went downstairs to see that everyone was already in my kitchen.

“Finally she comes down” Ash shouted running while picking me up.

He ran with me and sat me in a chair. I didn’t miss the looks they gave me when they saw my bruises and wounds.

“When did you guys come I didn’t hear you”

“Well, we came while your ass was showering, next time if your gonna sing a song, please sing something that’s not sexual” I blushed and just gave Ash a dirty look.

“Unless you want me to join you next time” Ash smirked at me and everyone laughed at him. I threw a piece of toast at him which he caught.

“Ash you are the definition of disgusting and as much as I would love to have this conversation we have to leave if us guys want to make in time before it gets dark.” I got up and took my plate to the sink and did the dishes.

“Before leaving lets take a picture, who knows if we change over the holidays, I mean its a month” Chloe smirked at Jade and Giselle while saying this.

I walked towards the group only to have Giselle smack my ass.

“That ass though, looks good in the jumpsuit”

“Giselle, you idiot” I blushed and didn’t make eye contact with anyone. Chloe made the guys stand in the back and us girls were at the front.

“Lena I’ve put your suitcase in the car” Blake shouted while coming inside.

I saw the look on Giselle, Chloe and Jade’s face when my brothers came in with just their shorts on.

“Ughhh stop looking at my brothers like that its creepy” I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

“Shut up and let me take it all in, I won’t be seeing them for a month”

“Giselle you are disgusting” Ignoring their drooling session I walked to my brothers.

I hugged all of them and we had a group hug.

“I know last night was a lot to take in, but just know it was for your safety.” John spoke to me first.

“I know John, you guys always protect me and it was for my own good”

The boys gave me a tight hug and we stayed like this until....

“Stop breathing dude, your bones are poking me” Ben scowled at Josh.

“So much for a sweet moment with my brothers” We all laughed at the two that were bickering.

“Well we could’ve had one if Josh wasn’t breathing”

“Dude what the fuck” Josh looked at Ben as if he was an idiot with three heads.

“Honestly I can’t deal with you idiots”

“You love us really Lena” Ben had a huge grin on his face.

“Sadly” We all laughed and headed towards the door to say our goodbyes.

I hugged my brothers one last time and then went to hug the rest. I hugged Sean, Reece and Justin who hugged and lifted me off the ground like a doll.

I went to hug Jacob. “Take care Lena and don’t get too crazy”

“Don’t worry Jacob I won’t be drinking anymore so I’m all good”

Ash had a weird smile on his face when I went to hug him.

“Gosh Ash, you have to stop making that creepy face” I laughed while hugging him.

“Lena, just remember be a hoe, its the holiday season and no brothers are around” Oh my days this boy will never change.

“Ash you idiot, what the hell...hahaha.. your a complete weirdo”

“What, I’m just telling you to have a good time, get laid and if the guy is hot let me know if he has a sister” My face was bright red. Someone coughed and we both stopped talking to see who it was.

It was none other than Adam and Cole.

“Wow now you decide to acknowledge my existence” I said that without making any eye contact with Adam. Since I came down they both were in some long conversation, not even once looking at me.

“Oh we knew you were down...some more than others” Cole smirked at me. I was confused at what he said so I just went to hug him.

I hugged Cole and he awkwardly hugged me back.

“Thank you Cole for everything”

“No worries”

I don’t know how long we were hugging, but apparently it was too long because Chloe dragged us apart.

“That’s enough for now kids, get off each other” I blushed while Cole had a deadly look on his face. Yup this guy is pretty much never going to change.

I started walking towards the car when Giselle stopped me.

“Aren’t you forgetting something....or more precisely...someone” What the hell is she on about?

She pushed me into something and I lost my balance but two strong arms caught me. I knew exactly whose touch made me feel like this.


I stood up straight and he was still holding me. I kept staring into his eyes, they held an emotion which I couldn’t quite recognise.

“Quit staring at each other like that and hug him properly” Giselle pushed us even closer. Everyone behind us walked away leaving us two alone.

I put my arms around him and I felt his arms make their way around my waist. Just this gesture made me feel breathless. For some reason, the way he had his arms around me, made me feel like I was protected, like nothing can ever happen to me.

I cleared my throat and decided to speak.

“Um...Adam, I just wanted to say thank you, honestly you have no idea how grateful I am for you, you helped me a lot lately and I’m just very thankful for it” Thank god he couldn’t see my face, because I was blushing like a tomato right now.

“You don’t have to thank me, I just want you safe that’s all.” This conversation was so short and awkward.

I pulled away from him and my feet finally touched the ground because the whole time I was on my toes since he was so damn tall.

Adam laughed when he noticed.

“Damn, Selena I knew you were short but not this short” Well there is the Adam I know and hate.

I knew that moment wouldn’t last for long. Wait was it even a moment. What is wrong with me, he just a friend.

“What... I am not short, my height is just cute. Not everyone can be a giant like you”

“Amado, don’t you mean not everyone can be as gorgeous as me, not my fault you’re short” He had a huge smirk on his face.

“You are so full of yourself Adam.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“You could be full of me” He smirked at me, my face was literally burning up.

“What the hell Adam....go get a life and remember you have a girlfriend.” I smacked him. I had lost the ability to form a proper sentence because of his stupid comment. When I mentioned he had a girlfriend his eyes held a weird look but then it quickly was replaced by mischief.

“And get your hands off my waist” I realised that this whole time he still was holding my waist. I grabbed his hands to move them.

I turned around only to have a huge hand pull me back.

“You look cute when you’re mad” I gave him a dirty look.

“I’m so glad I don’t have to see your ugly face for a month Adam, now let me go,”

By now everyone was watching us two.

“Amdo, your gonna miss seeing this gorgeous face for a month. ”

“Bye Adam” I pulled away ending the conversation I turned around one last time to see him wink before we pulled away.


The whole car ride there was torture. At first it was fine screaming at the top of our lungs to our favourite songs. But then Giselle’s driving skills nearly killed us, we dodged three near accidents. First she nearly hit another car which by the way had the right of way. Then when she changed lane she didn’t check and we nearly crashed into the massive truck behind us.

The last one was just horrendous. Sorry by Justin Bieber came on and she decided to dance and lost control of the damn car she nearly hit a motorbike. Just great.

“Oh come on it wasn’t that bad” Giselle complained as we neared the house.

“Maybe once was fine making a mistake but no you had to go 2 more times just to make sure” I was literally shouting.

“But your not dead though, so why are you complaining ” Is she kidding me.

“Honestly Giselle how did you even get your license”

“Well isn’t some cranky today, maybe that hug from Adam wasn’t even, he should have gave you ‘some’ to calm you down” I turned to see Giselle with a huge smirk on her face. The other two in the back howled with laughter.

“What....t-that is disgusting grow up Giselle real mature and you two as well. He has a girlfriend.” My face burned so I just turned my head to the side.

“Yeah a girlfriend he needs to dump, she is such a hoe, I mean she even makes prostitutes look like saints” Chloe spoke in a bitter tone at the back and we all burst out laughing.

I saw the house come into the view. The last time I came here was when I was a baby. So I don’t remember much, but we do have the videos we made. This place was where I came with my mum and dad. No one has ever come here since. I felt a small tear fall down my face. I wiped it away not wanting anyone to see it.

In the full view came a small house there were other houses but they were further away.

“Is this the house” I heard Chloe whisper to Jade.

Maybe it didn’t look awesome, but it was a memory of my parents.

“There is more than what meets the eye” Giselle said getting out of the car with a weird smile on her face.

We all got out of the car and stood beside her.

“There is a spell on this house. Past a certain point people can’t get near the house. But once I do this spell, only those invited can come in. It was made to protect the house”

The next thing which happened I didn’t see happening. Giselle muttered something and in a blink of an eye...this little house turned into a beautiful beach house.

To say that we were gobsmacked would be an understatement. I still couldn’t believe my eyes.

“Y-you...h-how...the...h-house” I couldn’t even form a sentence.

“This is what the house truly looks like. Now close your mouth otherwise you’ll catch flies” Giselle laughed and started to walk towards the house.

I put the key in and opened the door. The house was just absolutely stunning. I felt a tear slide down my face, it reminded me off my parents so much. I turned to go get our luggage when Giselle stopped me.

“Where do you think your going”

“Getting the luggage duh” Gosh she can be so stupid at times.

“You mean that luggage” she pointed towards the house and the all our luggage was in their. Okay I take that back she isn’t stupid.

“I have so much to teach you”

“What do you mean” What the hell is she going to teach me.

“I’m your new wizard teacher, this month I’ll be teaching you all the basics, so you can use your powers, now lets go and get something to eat because I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

This was going to be hell of a vacation. I’m so excited.

We all went into the kitchen and by this point I was so used being shocked I couldn’t even react to the beauty of the house.

“I’m starving you guys what should we eat” Chloe spoke out.

We all turned to Giselle, the girl who could make beautiful things appear out of thing air. She rolled her eyes.

“You do know that I shouldn’t really be using magic like this for stupid reasons, but I’m on vacation so what the heck”

She waved her fingers in the air and made food appear on the table. My mouth water looking at all the food.

“Its beautiful” I faked a tear and we all burst into laughter.

“I’m honestly so excited for this holiday, and the best part is I’m spending it will my sisters” We all turned to look at Giselle. She was never one to get emotional and the fact that she called us her sisters made my heart melt.

We all walked towards her and hugged. I wish I could forever capture this moment.

“We all love you Giselle, don’t forget that” Jade told her with her voice slightly shaky. I could tell she was going to cry.

“Okay enough of this lets go pick a room to sleep in” Well there goes emotional Giselle.

We walked up the stairs and walked into the rooms and each one of them were all amazing.

We walked into one room which was right at the end. Honestly when I opened the door it was as if the room was pulled out of Princess diaries. The room had a awesome dressing room and a beautiful view of the beach. The best part was their was a wall full of pictures of my parents and brothers and in the corner written at the bottom was ‘For our beautiful princess’

I would lie if I said I was fine after seeing that. Honestly I haven’t even been in here for even 5 hours and I was already crying. This place made me feel as if my parents were right here.

“Looks like you found your room” Jade whispered beside me. I turned to see all three of them in awe staring at the wall of pictures.

I smiled at them and we all said goodnight to each other.

I got changed and I walked into the bathroom, I was looking through the cabinets they were mostly empty expect one. It had two perfumes in them. Weird. I sprayed the first one and it was a men’s one. That smell made me feel at home. This smell was my dad’s. The clothes we have left of him all smell like this. It was no mystery that the other one was my mums. It weird how these are left here. Its as if they knew I’d be back here one day. But they probably didn’t know it would be without them.

I got into bed and thanks to Giselle’s magic I have the comfiest covers ever!

I laid in bed and for some reason only one thing more like it one person was in my mind. Adam. Why do I keep thinking of him. He has a girlfriend I need to snap out of it. But when I’m with him I get some feeling which I can’t even describe.

After that, I went to sleep with a smile on my face after a very long time.

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