Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Competition

Selena’s P.O.V

Currently we were all waiting outside our school on a cold Monday morning. The coach was supposed to be here half an hour ago but it still hasn’t turned up.

I was sitting on my suitcase talking to my friends. Everyone was excited and annoyed at the same time.

I had a very weird feeling in my stomach. It was like an anxious feeling about the competition. This is going to be even better since we have all our friends coming along.

A week just for ourselves with no magic or responsibility. Just our talent.

The coach had finally arrived and everyone started to cheer and clap their hands.

When the coach stopped everyone ran and I mean shoved past each other so they could get the best seats.

I took my time since I knew that the boys had ran all the way upstairs on the coach.

I dragged my suitcase and put it inside the luggage holder and made my way upstairs.

When I got upstairs I saw that their were 2 empty seats on next to Reece and one next to Adam.

To avoid any more drama I sat next to Reece who hugged me pretty tight when I sat next to him.

“AAAAAH. ..can’t...breathe”

“Oh sorry...your so small I didn’t even realise” I smacked his shoulder while he has a smirk on his face.

“ouch what was that for”

“For calling me tiny you div”

“Div ?” He raised an eyebrow at me.

“Its an insult get with it Reece. Now move over a bit I wanna sleep” I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

Here I was thinking I was going to have a peaceful sleep but no. 5 mins into the ride and this happend.

“YOU GET THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS” Reece and everyone else was screaming the song at the top of their lungs.

The idiot near me was dancing around so much that I had to sit up and smack him.

“Shut it”

“Party pooper” I gave him a dirty look and looked around to see everyone. Boy was the coach in a state.

Girls were dancing on the seats and boys were well boys. Since we were upstairs we didn’t get in trouble.

“Everybody gets high sometimes you know what else can we do when we’re feeling low.”

This time Chloe started it off she moved out and started to dance. I scowled at her and she grabbed my hand and tried to make me dance.

After a while my bad mood went and I joined in on the crazy. We were all going crazy on the coach.

The 3 hour drive went by very quick and before we knew it we were standing outside where the competition was being held.

The building was in the middle of nowhere. It had a farm at the back with woods and a nice lake. The dorms were in the main building and on the side buildings was where the competitions were held.

We all dragged out suitcases inside and saw that everyone else had settled in.

“Ah finally you all arrive” All the other schools that were their gave us all the once over and went back to what they were doing.

The lady which was in charge Tracy showed us the dorms. Us 11 were trotting behind slowly and that meant we had no space in the separate dorms which meant we all had to stay in one dorm.

Great and to make it even better this spare dorm is broken it’s right on the end and has a view of the woods.

We all walked into our dorm. The girls were on the right side of the room and the boys were on the left.

We put our stuff away and headed back downstairs.

Tracy began to explain what days what competitions were happening.

Tonight we were having a bonfire.

Tuesday: The first round off the sports competiton. In the evening it was our performing competition round 1.

Wednesday: Sports was being held in the morning and in the evening we had our rehearsals

Thursday: water sports and we had our group performance round 2.

Friday: Semi finals of sports and our performance with someone from a diffrent school.

Saturday: Solo performances and finals for sports.

Sunday: finals for performing arts and party in the evening.

“Holy fuck that’s busy” Sean whispered beside us.

“Language” Tracy gave Sean a stern look and he had a look of mischief in his eyes which only meant this.

“Its English” He smirked at her and everyone in the room started to laugh.

“Quiet down everyone. Some rules which need to be established for the week.

Number 1 you all must be up at 7 in the morning.

2. No one is allowed to leave this building after 11pm. Unless it is a group activity.” We all nodded our heads and were allowed to spend the rest of the day how we wanted to.


We were all heading out to the field for the bonfire. It was beside the lake and everyone was pretty excited.

We all got dressed up for it and were heading out. I decided to wear a pair of flat shoes since we were on a field.

Everyone was having a great time and someone had spiked the drinks which led to very very drunk boys.

I was smart enough to drink water. The atmosphere was great we were all dancing and having a great time.

Jade seemed to have found herself a cute guy and was having a good time.

I stayed with Giselle we were just dancing and having a great time until.

“Gimme...a-a..huuug” A very drunk and heavy Adam came and attacked me from the side.

He put all his weight on me and it caused me to stumble back. I would have been on the floor if it wasn’t for Giselle pulling Adam off.

“Adam you’re drunk get off her” She pushed him off and he started to walk towards me again. I moved back because his bloodshot eyes were kinda scaring me.

“NOOO I want her” he came walking towards me and I let out a nervous laugh. He gave Giselle a stern look and she walked off. Weird much.

“I won’t hurt you...” he looked at me with a soft look in his eyes.

Before I knew in Adam had wrapped his arms around me and was hugging me pretty tight. He let out a sigh and his body relaxed.

“Aren’t you going to hug me back Amaado” he was really slurring his words. I was in a bit of a shock but when I got over it I hugged him.

Why does this feel so right when it’s so wrong. I knew that tommrrow none of this would mean nothing to him.

We were hugging for a whole until Adam started to put all his body weight on me.

“Woah...Adam I think we should go inside” I tried to move but he didn’t let go off me.

“Umm...you can let go now” He pulled away and when I saw his face I’m pretty sure I melted. He gave me a smile which was so beautiful I kept staring at him. I snapped out of my haze when he stumbled forward.

I put his arm around my shoulders and started to take him inside.

It was quite the mission but we got there in the end. When we got up to our dorms I wanted to throw him on the bed but he had other plans.

He fell on the bed with me underneath him.

Adam started to laugh as he rested on his arms.

“What’s so funny”

“Seems like we always end up in this position” even though he was drunk he still managed to be cocky.

Befofe I could say anything I was left kinda speechless because Adam kissed my forehead. A weird feeling spread throughout my body. He kissed my closed eyes and cheeks each kiss leaving a tingly feeling on my skin.

Adam leaned in to kiss me and I nearly gave in but I remembered how vulnerable he was.

“Adam..stop your drunk” I pushed his chest but he didn’t move he just stared at me.

He laid beside me and I got up to leave but Adam pulled me back.

“Stay here with me” The way he spoke made me not want to leave. I settled beside him and after a while he fell asleep with half his body on top off me.

I eventually let sleep take me over and I fell asleep.


“Shhh...you’re gonna wake them up. Take it quickly” I heard the annoying voices of Ash and Jade.

“Don’t shove me woman” I had no energy to open my eyes. I snuggled into my bed even more.

I felt something pull me even closer and they held me very tightly against them.

“I’m so keeping this video” I heard Jade laugh and thats when reality came flooding came. I remembered last night and I remembered I’m still sleep next to Adam.

“Shut. The. Fuck. Up” I heard Adams voice beside me and I’m pretty sure I died. His morning voice was so ughhh I have no words but it was amazing.

He held me tight and my face ended up being pushed into his neck. His body was crushing me but it wasn’t something which bothered me.

I couldn’t hold it in any longer and I sneezed loudly into Adam’s neck. He pulled back and fell of the bed and I quickly sat up.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Ash was dying beside me from laughter and Jade was doing the same.

“What the fuck” Adam sat up and looked at me.

“Sorry” I got off the bed and ran into the bathroom after getting my things.


The whole day we spent rehearsing for our first performance. We were pretty knackered by the end of it.

It was time to go put our outfits on and since we choose to sing Selena Gomez Body Heat.

“This colour makes me sick” Giselle complained about the outfit.

“Giselle you gotta wear something other than black” Chloe was the one who chose this colour.

“But I don’t want to”

“Then go out there naked” I laughed because watching them to argue was hilarious.

“Fine. Don’t mind if I do”

“Ewww Giselle” I threw a shirt at her which she caught easily.

“You know you wouldn’t mind” she winked at me and I made a face at her.

“Please Giselle she’d rather see Adams naked body and she’d rather do stuff with his naked bod-” before she could finish her sentence I put my hand over her mouth.

“Don’t even finish off that disgusting sentence” Jade nodded her head.

“You know you’d loooove to be under his naked body” I turned to see Giselle with a smirk on her face.

“Whose naked body” we all stopped and turned to the door. All the boys came in. Adam spoke to us with curious look in his eyes.

“You-” I put my hand over Jade’s mouth before she could tell Adam.

“Oh my days would you look at that time to get changed” I grabbed my outfit and ran.

The boys were all pumped about their game. They had won and now were celebrating.

I changed my clothes and put on a robe before leaving. We all headed down to leave the boys were coming after a bit.

When we got to the hall it was starting to fill up with people and the nerves were starting to set in.

“I’m so scared” I turned to Chloe with a uneasy feeling in my stomach.

“Don’t worry we’ll be fine and we are gonna win this. Just think of it as just us four messing around having fun” I nodded my head and we headed backstage.

Everyone went up one by one and we were the last ones to go up. Tracy called our names and we went into our positions.

The intro of the song started to play and I took a deep breath and started to sing Body Heat.

The whole performance went by so quick we did a lot of dancing and we’re just having fun on stage. The boys from our school all whistled when we were performing.

When we finished everyone cheered loud for us and we went and stood on the side of the stage where Tracy announced who was going to the next round.

When our schools name came first we all cheered and screamed. I hugged Giselle and all of us did as group hug.

“Everyone who has gotten into the next round congratulations but remember this is only the beginning. As you know the next round you have to pair up with someone from another school so good luck everyone”

We got off the stage and headed to the boys. I went running and hugged everyone. As I went to hug Adam I felt pretty exposed and when I felt his hand brush my skin it sent a weird feeling through my body.

I pulled away and smiled at him.

“You guys did great”


After that we all headed back since we had the stupid curfew time.


Tonight was the final night for our competition and we were all psyched. The competition was tough but we made it through.

We were going to be performing a medley of Little Mix...DNA and Lightning.

We were going to set a very dark and sinister tone.

We performed the song and even I got chills from how creepy we made it. We took advantage of the fact that it was dark outside and made the room pretty dark.

Once we performed the song everyone cheered loudly for us and we all had huge smiles on our faces we really went out for this performance.

The three finalist schools came up on the stage and we waited for the results.

When our name was announced for first place we all screamed.

“OH MY DAYS WE WON” I jumped on Chloe and hugged her. Everyone from our school came running on the stage. We were given our trophy. We finally won.

Everyone had huge smiles on their faces everyone’s hard work paid off.

My friends came towards me and I hugged everyone and then I went to hug someone. I was so happy so I jumped on them. In the moment of happiness I kissed the person not realising it was ADAM !!!!

When I pulled away I looked at Adam the top of ears had turned pink. He looked shocked but then it turned into a smirk.

“I knew you couldn’t resist yourself” He laughed at me and it was so breathtaking.

“Don’t flatter yourself. I thought you were Ash” as I mentioned Ash his grip tightned on me. He slightly grabbed me a bit tight around my butt.

I squealed in shock and he realised what he did and quickly moved his hand. He pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear.

“Just saying...you look pretty hot when you’re acting all sinister” He had a cheeky smile on his face which I knew I won’t forget for a long time.

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