Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Abuse

Selena’s P.O.V

So Colton came back from the hospital 2 weeks ago and he came straight to my house to apologise the way he behaved. He came with a bunch of roses and chocolates to say sorry. Then he took me on a date to watch a movie, we can’t do much since he is broken...haha....sorry got side tracked here.

He has been making me do most his stuff for him, like at first I didn’t mind but now....oh my gosh...he is getting kind of annoying. He goes with his stupid friends to school so I have to go with Chloe which I don’t mind. He makes me sit with him at his friends table at lunch and its soo annoying. I have to hold his stuff for him and I don’t even get a thank you. He is really annoying me.


We were all inside at lunch today because it was pouring with rain outside since the morning. Right now I was having lunch at my own table with my friends.

“Wow its nice to see you again, we barely have seen you for the past 3 weeks” Chloe had sarcasm laced in her tone

“I know I’m sorry, its just I need to help Colton since he is injured and he can’t do much for himself. But he has an appointment next week to see if he has healed”

“Awwww look at you playing the sweet girlfriend caring and sweet, if that was me I would leave his sorry lazy ass and make him do stuff for himself, that way he would heal faster...haha...” Not gonna lie, but that is something Jade would do.

“So did you play nurse for your boo and wear your naughty nurse outfit”

“Seriously Ash, your so gross”

“Owww dude that hurt” Adam punched him in his arm, making me laugh.

“Man, why do you always have fucking dirty thoughts on your mind”

“Anyways you idiots, I’m having a party at my house next week on Friday”

“So that’s the last day of school” Crap. That fast wow, its nearly Christmas.

“Damn I don’t know about you but this year has gone waaay too fast” Reece was so shocked its was hilarious.

We were all talking about how fast this year went and how well it changed, when Colton came to the table.

“Lena, I was looking for you the whole of lunch” ughhhhh why are you lying. We all saw him sitting on his table laughing.

“Well I was here”

“I need to talk to you, come”

“Can we talk later”

“No, lets go now”

Everyone was looking at each other, like the fuck, why did he interrupt our lunch. None of them like him. So they were giving him the evils.

“Fine let’s go, see you guys later in the parking lot”

“No, you don’t have to go home with them, I’m taking you home since we haven’t gone together in ages.”

“Well then I’ll see you guys some time later bye”


I followed him and he ended up going in the cleaners closet.

“Why are we here”

“Coz its more private Lena” Okay. Weird much.

We went in and he shut the door behind.

“I couldn’t find you today at all, I missed you” He started to kiss me aggressively, something about his kiss didn’t feel right, so I pushed him away.

“What’s wrong, you don’t wanna kiss”

“Its not that, I just don’t feel like it, could you get to the point of what you wanted to talk about or I’m going” Seriously I just wasn’t in the mood, plus I was gonna get late for class.

“Why the fuck are you getting rude” He got angry.

“I’m not, I’m just saying can you tell me why you wanted to talk and if you don’t then I’m going because I’m gonna be late for class. I don’t understand why you are getting angry” He was really annoying me now.

“Listen to me and listen clear you bitch. I’m sick and tired of you being a little whiny bitch. You fucking put me in this position so you will tend to me until I get better”

“Excuse me but you can’t force me and I have a life outside our relationship, I have friends who I haven’t spoken to because of you.”

“You have gotten quite the mouth on you. You fucking whore” Oh no he didn’t

“You fucking asshole how dare you”.

His next move I didn’t see. He punched me hard across my face, his ring dug into my skin. He slammed my head back. He grabbed a fistful of my hair

“Ouch let go your hurting me...aaahh Colton stop”

He was just pulling my hair harder...tears were coming out of my eyes and they hurt when they went on my jaw which meant I probably had a raw wound.

“Oh I’m hurting you, what about when your hurting me, ever thought that huh. I see everything you know...your new friend ‘Adam’ yeah I see how you two flirt and get too friendly. You’re such a whore. You have a boyfriend yet your up his ass.”

“What are you talking about”

“Oh you don’t know” he slapped me across my face making it throb.

“You like it when he touches you but when I get close you have an issue. You bitch you’re probably forgetting that I still have that sex tape. Unless you want me to show your brothers and the whole world. I suggest you fucking stay away from Adam and his friends. You will do as I say from now on. Is that clear”

His voice is laced with a deadly threat. I couldn’t speak because of the pain. So I mumbled a ‘mmm’

He slapped me hard again and pulled my hair even harder. “Say it louder”

“Yes it’s clear”

“Good, now I’ll see you later babe. I’ll take you home” It’s as if nothing happend he hugged me and then kissed me and walked out.

I dropped to the ground and let out a strangled cry. What has my life become. My ‘boyfriend’ is threatening me and making me do stuff because of a stupid sex tape. A stupid mistake. I felt my face and I could feel blood near my nose. There was gonna be a ugly bruise on my face, not to mention the lump forming at the back of my head.

I sat there and cried. That’s all I could do. Even though I have everyone...I actually don’t. I can’t tell them anything.

I don’t know how long I was there but I checked my phone and according to this school has been over for half an hour. When did the bell go? Great that mean I have to wait an 30 mins for Colton.

When I went outside it was pouring with rain and the sky was a dull grey. Exactly how I felt.

I waited for Colton and he still hadn’t come. By now it was pitch black. The whole parking lot was empty. Great he left me. What a surprise.

I started to walk towards my house. The tears just kept rolling down my face. I was starting to sneeze and my head was pounding. My clothes were soaking wet. To think that I actually thought for once my life was good again. I thought that Colton had really changed and this relationship could work.

I got to my front door and was opening it when I heard someone call me.

“Selena did you just get home” It was Cole. I ignored him and ran into my house.

“Sel school was over 2 hours ago and why are you drenched” I ignored Ben and ran upstairs. I went in my room and locked the door.

I went to the my bathroom and saw my face in the mirror. My nose had dried blood on it and my jaw had a ugly bruise. I stepped into the shower and let the hot water burn my skin. I can’t believe I got physically abused today.

I stayed in my room the whole night. Whoever came I told them I was ill and wanted to stay in bed. I couldn’t show them my face.


I was lying in bed and I heard someone bang on my window. I was kinda scared so I went slowly and opened my curtain to see who it was. Colton.

“What do you think you’re doing” I was whispering since my brother was in the next room.

“I’m sorry baby” great he was drunk.

“Go home you are drunk”

“No, please Lena”

I let him in and made him sit on the window seat

“I’m sorry...I got jealous and I took my anger out on you. I hurt your beautiful face. I hate myself I’m sorry”

“Colton when you are sober then we’ll talk about this”

“Please I’m sorry you know that I care for you. I love you I didn’t mean to hurt you”

He has never said I love you before.

“Colton stop this, its not fair you can’t make it as if your the victim of the situation. You always are so sweet when you are drunk but when you are sober you hurt me. Just go to sleep”

With that said I went into my bed. After a while I felt him come in. I wanted to argue but he might have hurt me.

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